
Learn Contentment

The reason why people tired of knowing is often hovering between adhering to and give up, indecisive. There will always be some of the things we should remember, there are some must give up something. Give up and insisted that everyone face the problems of life an attitude. Courage to give up is an atmospheric, the courage to uphold it not a courage, merits and demerits, who said Dao Ming it?

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The reason why people get annoyed is good memory. The mind should not mind will remain in the memory. And we should always remember to forget things, forget to remember things. Why do some people say stupid cute, funny, because he forgot his people ridicule and indifference, forget the earthly love and hate, forget the worldly fame and fortune, forget everything in this world, so he live in their own world in arbitrarily happy with, silly smile.

So people would rather let their unhappiness, but also willing to do a fool. If you can remember it should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Or forget the past, to every day as a new beginning, that the more good. But easier said than done but it is so difficult.

The reason why people are suffering, is the pursuit of too much. Living life, not everything goes, do not often feel that they are unfortunate, in fact, the world's suffering people than we need more. You know that will never be able to achieve some ideal, some questions will never be the answer, some stories never end, some people always just familiar strangers, may still be struggling in pursuit, waiting, dreaming.

In fact, pain is not someone to bring you, and your own self-cultivation is not enough, there is no certain tolerance. You deliberately simple things look very serious, like the simple things too complicated, it looks like you will be painful. Learn to lay down, lay down some so-called ideological baggage, comfortable with everything, so everything comes naturally, so you will make yourself comfortable.

The reason why people are not happy, that is, care about too much. Not that we have too little, but we care about too much. Do not see others being happy, and that they kind of lost and oppression. In fact, you only see other people's appearances, perhaps he had not as good as you're happy. Human desire is endless, and everyone in the pursuit of high quality of life, everyone wants what she wants, and everyone in for their own goals, busy all day, struggle, get up, happy one o'clock, not long lament.

There is no perfect world, things are not perfect in fact, is a kind of beauty, only in the constant fight to withstand the constant failures and setbacks, to find happiness.

The reason why people do not know enough, that has a lot of vanity. As the saying goes better than riches, but there are a few people can achieve this level. People are not because they have too little, but wanted too much. Wider world of wonders, has too many temptations, we can not be tempted, it is impossible bag factory not expect, it is impossible not fantasy.


Natural Antibiotics

Antibiotics are the people most familiar with, but also the most vulnerable to abuse drugs. Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Professor Zhang Hude health room pointed out, in fact, many natural foods contain some anti-bacterial ingredients, usually wish to eat some.

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Fennel. Fennel among the BHA has antibacterial effect on E. coli, Shigella, etc. have a good inhibition can prevent a variety of infectious diarrhea, inflammation and promote healing of ulcers. For the filling can be done with fennel steamed buns, dumplings to eat. Need to be reminded, fennel sodium content is relatively high, less salt when cooking.

Purslane. Studies have shown that purslane Escherichia coli, Shigella, Salmonella typhi, etc. have a strong inhibitory effect, especially on the role of Shigella strong, so purslane suitable enteritis and dysentery suffering from acute and chronic cystitis, urethral inflammation of the people to eat. Purslane fresh, dry food can be. First removed before cooking its root, can be used to make soup or salad.

Ginger. Ginger antibacterial substance is mainly curcumin and volatile oil, can significantly inhibit the fungi, while there is a strong inhibitory effect on Salmonella. In the hot summer, bacteria easily contaminate food, and growth and reproduction of fast, easy to cause acute gastroenteritis, moderate eating ginger can play a preventive effect. In addition, with ginger mouthwash can prevent bad breath and periodontitis. But note that, peeled ginger should not eat, otherwise it will affect the overall effectiveness of ginger.

Garlic. Bactericidal antimicrobial effect of garlic is the strongest of all food. Garlic contains allicin against Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, skin fungus has a certain extent, anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory. It also can prevent colds, reduce fever, cough and stuffy nose and other cold symptoms. Cooked garlic will decline after sterilization, it is best eaten raw. To achieve the best health results, we recommend the garlic mashed bag factory into the mud, for 10 to 15 minutes before eating.


Just A Trick Exercise The Body

Stone Age man held up large stones hitting beast; Bronze Age man raised his sword grappling enemies, and now this man has been unable to increase muscle shaping, how to become a fierce? Attracting private coach to teach you a transformation muscles.

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1.the hands holding the appropriate weight barbell, grip distance is about two shoulders, pushed the barbell over his head until your arms straight up. In the process of pushing the left foot to move out, while the right foot to step back.

2.keeping the upper body straight down the body until the front knee bent 90 degrees, back knee close to the ground. Front legs should be perpendicular to the ground.

3. pause, and the body will soon return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times, switch legs and repeat.

Stimulate muscle growth
Leg muscles is the body's largest muscle groups, regular leg training will stimulate the body's muscle growth, while the overall quality and strength of the muscles is a big improvement.

Fat loss effect is obvious
This multi-compound muscle action involved, will burn more fat. Meanwhile, finished training the body consumes more energy to repair muscle fibers, the body will a long time in the state of metabolism, played a very good body sculpting results.

Improve exercise capacity
This action also challenges to the body's balance and stability, these abilities in many sports are essential. Legs, shoulders, waist height of the muscle groups involved also makes them more powerful in order to cope with high antagonistic movement.

Physical medicine
With age, do not forget to keep fit. New research shows that muscle strength can prolong life. Scientists have discovered that people can influence physical suffering cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases risk of death. The reason is: some fitness exercise, such as resistance training, you can keep fit, but also helps to lower blood pressure, control cholesterol, but also can improve insulin sensitivity. Take some time to study learning and practicing our bag factory monthly Cool 15 minutes fitness bar.


How To Eat Cherries?

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Computer users who eat cherries relieve discomfort
Experts said computer workers as the eyes watching the screen for too long will lead to retinal photosensitive material consumption too much, if you can not replenish vitamin A and related nutrients, easily lead to eye pain, decreased vision, photophobia and other symptoms, and even induce night blindness . Therefore, the computer needs of workers to vitamin A is much higher than the average person. It is measured per 100 grams of fresh cherries in the vitamin A content than apples, grapes and other fruits high 4 to 5 times of great benefit for this population.

In addition, prolonged use of a computer can lead to finger joints, wrist, arm muscles, shoulders, neck, back and other parts of pain, soreness, and cherries are rich in anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and vitamin E, these nutrients are effective anti-oxidants, the elimination of muscle soreness is very effective, within a few days will be able to eat cherries swelling, relieve pain.

On the other hand, the iron content cherry fruit in the first, more than oranges, pears and apples more than 20 times, while the iron is hemoglobin raw, very suitable for women affected by the consumption of computer radiation.

Experts suggest that the cherries with vinegar soak one week, 1 drink each morning and evening, each 20 ml, due to prolonged use of computers to improve the variety of symptoms caused by very effective. But note that the cherries can not eat, because in addition to more than iron, it also contains a certain amount of cyanogenic glycosides, eating too much can cause iron poisoning or cyanide poisoning.

Lovely cherry boon female beauty
1.Natural medicine
Cherry branches are all full gynecological medicine. Fetch cherries leaf five hundred g, add water Jiantang sitz bath, once a day, can cure vaginal trichomoniasis. The cherry branches for the end of burning ash, rice wine delivery service, can cure women's knee cold, dysmenorrhea, lower abdomen. With cherry root 30-60 grams, water decoction taken with regulating qi and blood circulation of power, good health, and women are not blood, liver Huo, palms hot flashes, amenorrhea embolism.

Folk Experience has shown that the benefits of eating cherries more than one. Cherries can be treated burns and scalds, play a convergence analgesic, to prevent the the wound blistering suppuration role. The same time cherries but also the treatment light, heavy degrees frostbite.

2.Beauty skin care's good medicine
Cherry since ancient times was called "beauty fruit", ancient Chinese medicine, said it "softens skin," "is a good color, beauty," eat can make the skin more smooth and moist. This is mainly because cherries middle iron content is extremely rich, hectogram pulp in the iron content of is the the same weight of strawberry of the six times the, jujube's 10 times the, hawthorn's 13 times, Apple's 20 times the, ranking first in a variety of fruits in the first. Commonly used cherry juice rubbed the face and wrinkles Department, can make the facial skin ruddy whitening, Phytosome Xiaoban.

3,.Iron supplementation hematopoietic ace
Cherry iron contained in the fruit industry Lane should be high. Is located in a variety of fruits in the first. Iron is the synthesis the human body hemoglobin, myoglobin of raw materials, in the human body immune, protein synthesis and energy metabolism, etc. process, the play an important role, while also associated with cerebrum and nerve function, senility procedures, etc. has a close relationship. Eat it regularly cherries may supplement vivo against iron element amount of demand, promote hemoglobin regeneration, either prevention and treatment of iron deficiency Xing anemia, but also enhance physical fitness, Jiannao Yizhi.

4. Extremely strong anti-oxidation Jones
First, cherry red component is formed by a complex, which is called a "anthocyanin" phytochemicals has a strong "antioxidant" effect. Antioxidant is an important physiological functions. The body's aging, bodily functions's recession, the chronic diseases as well as certain tumor occurrence Du with in vivo free radicals-led the oxidation reaction of the relevant.

Anthocyanins's anti-oxidation role of is considered to is the strongest. Darker the cherry, the greater the anthocyanin content. So purple cherries anti-oxidation role of the largest, crimson cherries followed by, light red cherries Once again, the yellow cherries the smallest.

Precautions eating cherries
1, Cherry nucleolus cyanogenic after hydrolysis produce hydrocyanic acid, should be careful medicinal poisoning.

2, ulcers symptoms, lit by, Shensi; diabetes diet.

3, cherry high potassium content should not be underestimated, potassium 258 mg per 100 g, for patients with kidney disease is not a small figure. Kidney disease if the kidneys regulate water and electrolyte loss of function of the patient occurs oliguria and edema. Oliguria, due to decreased excretion of potassium may have potassium retention, if the patient is eating too much cherries, the patient will appear hyperkalemia.

When serum potassium> 6.5 mmol / l, can lead to the patient's heart stopped beating within seconds to minutes. Therefore, hyperkalemia can be said that chronic kidney disease the "invisible killer."

4, Cherry is a high nutritional value of fruit. However, according to a Chinese saying, cherry belongs to hot food, eating too easy to get angry. Average bag factory time to eat 10 or so more appropriate.


30 Minutes After Meals To Lose Weight Is The Most Critical Period

Weight loss is not necessarily able to lose body fat, and lose body fat is the key to begin 30 minutes after a meal; why not? What should we do this 30 minutes in order to effectively reduce body fat?

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Some people lost a lot of weight, it is because moisture loss, muscle and fat together attenuation. Although thin, and did not lose weight, because as long as life back, weighing a recovery, fat easier than muscle increase.

Recent measurements of obesity in medicine is no longer only weight, but with the fat percentage of total body weight, the general standard is to use male body fat percentage of 25%, females 30%.

So many people even overweight, but only 20% body fat percentage, and can not be called obesity; hand, if less weight in the standard, but the body fat percentage of 30% or more, can also be called obesity.

Carbohydrates should be moderation
Body fat is eat oil, carbohydrate accumulation and the formation.
Oil into fat is easy to understand, but it carbohydrate? Carbohydrate decomposition through the small intestine and eventually into glucose into the blood, the blood glucose becomes the body's energy source.
However, the concentration of glucose in blood, is an elevated blood glucose levels, insulin secretion began, insulin is the key to open the door of fat cells.
Insulin from the blood glucose can be transported to fat cells to make them larger. Even in the diet do not eat fat, carbohydrate diet also makes fat cells become larger, so that the body fat. Conversely, if no insulin, fat cells will not open the door, not glucose into fat cells, fat cells do not become large, people are not obese.

30 minutes after meals to lose weight is the most critical period
We all know the importance of weight loss, but the thought of weight loss immediately thought of dieting and exercise - and calories daily preoccupied, aerobic exercise three times a week. But the entertainment does not drink wine, nor is it their appetite tends to decrease; sport three times per week, as long as the heart is to give up, immediately regain.

Three reasons failed to lose weight is: do not seem to be much change habits, psychological pressure and physical deterioration.

How can I keep the upper body fat?
The most effective way is aerobic exercise. If it can not, at least do not let the postprandial blood glucose concentration. Do not want to grow more fat than it is now, the first thing to do bag factory is move a bit after dinner.


Read 6 Minutes A Day Can Reduce The 2/3 Of The Pressure

As the saying goes, "Good Books" reading can not only increase knowledge, improve personal accomplishment, but also beneficial to health. According to the British "Daily Mail" reported that reading is also a fitness and give your mind and body to bring an unexpected surprise.

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Read the increased brain capacity
Neuroscientist Baroness Susan Greenfield said that reading can help children's attention span and improve their ability to think. "Story contains start the process and outcome of the story in order to be able to induce brain thinking, analysis of the causes, impacts and implications. Child reading can increase brain capacity to read, the more excellent." University of Michigan study found college students compassion reduced by 48%, especially in the last 10 years. Read paper books, you can counteract this situation, improve interpersonal relationships.

Lonely people do not often read
New York State University at Buffalo psychologist Shira Gabriel found that reading can satisfy people's sense of belonging, let you into the social circle, and less lonely. When we read the book describes the scenery, sounds, smells, the brain is active in related fields, think of life experience, while watching TV or playing games is not the case. Sussex University study found that only read six minutes a day can reduce the 2/3 of the pressure, the effect is better than listening to music or take a walk, this is because when reading mental focus, and thus relieve muscle tension, reduce heart rate.

The old man is not easy to love reading
University of California, Berkeley, on an average age of 76-year-old brain scans found that childhood began reading inhibit amyloid plaque formation, prevention of dementia.

Symptomatic reading multiplier
Different types of books, the body will produce different effects. Such as reading a beautiful poem, is conducive to the healing of gastric ulcer; reading jokes, comedy a kind of book, there are beneficial in the treatment of neurasthenia; reading the plot twists and turns, fascinating classics, can relieve upset; reading stories vivid, humorous fiction , can cure mental depression.

Read aloud to improve gastrointestinal
Reading aloud can improve oxygen delivery capacity, and the blood and the brain's ability to reach a variety of amino acids, active prefrontal cortex, the number of neurons and to strengthen the links between nerves and relax the brain, lower blood pressure, the mood changed for the better along with it the. Reading can also take a deep breath driven back muscles, improve back pain, so that gastrointestinal blood circulation more smoothly. Reading should use abdominal breathing, prompting lung breathing more air, especially when reading long sentences, completely bag factory emptying the lungs that helps inhale more fresh air.