
Harmful often drink carbonated beverages

Carbonated drinks is our daily life often say that the soft drinks, like coke, Sprite fruit flavored soda, then drink carbonated drinks? The following is the harm of carbonated drinks.
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1.Soda drink more tooth decay easily stones The doctor pointed out, a small amount of drinking carbonated drinks no problem, however, a large number of drinking easily lead to corrosion of the teeth. Carbonated drinks in phosphoric acid, carbonic acid will react with the enamel, causing tooth enamel decalcification, being dissolved minerals, tooth surface thin, fragile, broken down, then the defect of teeth, gingival exposure. Once the cold, heat, acid, sweet, stimulation, the teeth will cause severe sore. Medicine called "tooth erosion". Therefore, to minimize the consumption of carbonated drinks, or switch to Straw drinking, the key is to hold good degrees, moderate drinking, too far, health is the fundamental. 2.Eat meat while drinking carbonated drinks lead to edge of osteoporosis Research shows that, while the meat while drinking carbonated drinks may lead to the loss of calcium in the body. Because meat is very low in calcium, but also contains a lot of "into the acidic elements", the main elements of phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine, they will let the blood tends to acidic, so the body has to use calcium food or bag manufacturer bone to neutralize the acid forming elements, resulting in the loss of calcium, reduce calcium absorption. Eat meat, excessive drinking carbonated drinks, carbonated drinks high phosphorus in calcium phosphorus ratio may change, human body, increase calcium loss. So, there is the living habits of the wicked should be an early change. 3.Excessive drinking carbonated drinks can damage the kidneys Love to drink, especially carbonated beverages, and it is regarded as the best friend too many to count to quench their thirst, if coupled with the don't love sports, long time development as a small community, so dangerous, follow the. A study found, carbonated drinks, no sugar or not, if you drink a day two bottle or two above, the risk of chronic bag factory kidney disease will increase two times.


Summer health drinking water

Scorching summer, often a walk or a motion will be sweating, so it is necessary to summer replenishment. Then summer what little common sense? One, drinking water don't wait until thirsty, thirsty to that body of water out of balance, the cells begin to dehydration, then think of drinking water that has been late. Two, thirst when never had to drink, so drink plenty of water will make the stomach is difficult to adapt to the adverse consequences, the previous proposition, "not very thirsty and drink, drink too much", this is to prevent the thirsty drink does not choose the scientific method. Three, before meals and meal should not drink water, because the water before meals and meals, will dilute the digestive juice, is not conducive to digestion and absorption of food, long-term and so on, resulting in malnutrition is bad for one's health. Four, the morning drink a cup of white boiling water, can be consumed supplement night water, reduce blood viscosity, promote blood circulation, to maintain the bag factory normal level of body fluids.


Lemon unknown five functions

Mention of lemon, many people immediately think, rich in vitamin C, lemon has very good whitening effect. However, beauty and health effect of lemon contains much more than that. Now, there are a number of benefits for many women care about weight loss.
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1.Appetite suppressants Grapefruit has the appetite suppressing effect is well known, in fact, lemon is the same, because the rich satisfy the appetite of pectin, can see the same effect. When hungry, try to eat some lemon. In addition, the usual salad, drinks, try a slice of lemon. Pectin is a lemon and lemon peel, which also contains a part of pectin. 2.Fat suppression increased Lemon peel contains polyphenols, accumulation on body weight gain and fat, in addition has inhibiting effect on the occurrence of insulin resistance. But must bag manufacturer pay attention, if only the. But must pay attention, if only the lemon peel do not eat, eat salad sauce, etc., please be sure to lemon peel is also included. 3.Improve immunity Mention of lemon, the first thought or vitamin C. According to a German study suggests, this can increase the antibody activity and resistance to infection. 4.Promote digestion and absorption Lemon is rich in flavanols, helps digestion of food through the pipeline. 5.The prevention of various diseases Lemon is rich in antioxidant components. Therefore, to prevent lipid abnormalities, atherosclerosis n., cancer, so as to bag factory convey a positive energy.


Have a look you should sleep for a few hours every day

One day must be 8 hours of sleep? USA Anticancer Association survey, the average sleep every night 7~8 hours, the longest life expectancy; average 4 hours of sleep per night following people, 80% is a short life. But the director of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital of sleep respiratory disease treatment center Guo Xiheng also pointed out, different age paragraph the best sleep time is different, should according to their age science of sleep.
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People aged 60 years and older: sleep 5.5~7 hours a day The elderly should be at 12 every evening before sleep, sleep in the night time is 7 hours, or even 5.5 hours is enough. The Alzheimer's Association released data show, night sleep restriction in less than 7 hours old, the brain senescence can be delayed for 2 years. While the long-term sleep more than 7 hours or lack of sleep can lead to attention becomes poor, and even the emergence of senile dementia, increase the risk of early death. Night sleep quality is not good man, develop the best nap habits, time is not more than 1 hours. Otherwise, the brain will deepen the central nervous system to inhibit, relatively reduced blood flow to the brain, slow metabolism in vivo, easily lead to wake up in the whole uncomfortable, even more sleepy. Adults: 30 to 60 years old sleeping 7 hours Adult men need 6.49 hours of sleep time, women need 7.5 hours, and should ensure that 5 points at 10 in the evening to the morning "good sleep time". Because people in this easy to reach the state of deep sleep, help to alleviate fatigue. Except as far as possible to ease the pressure, but also in the sleep environment on the work, such as reducing noise, ventilation, proper shading, and select 10~15 cm high, moderate hardness of the pillow. Still not enough sleep person, also by way of sleep 1 hour lunch break. 13 ~ 29 years old young people: sleep 8 hours In this age of teenagers usually need to sleep for 8 hours every day, and must follow the principle of ensuring early, around 3 p.m. into deep sleep. The usual shall ensure that the evening go to bed at 24, as early as 6 a.m., the weekend also try not to sleep late. Because the sleep time is too long, will disrupt the body clock, resulting in low spirits, affect memory, and will miss the breakfast, caused by eating disorders. Therefore, young people are the most important for your own life, not eat anything for 1 hours before going to bag manufacturer sleep, nap for half an hour, more beneficial to the body. Children 4 to 12 years: 10 to 12 hours of sleep a day It is necessary for 12 hours in 4 ~ 10 years old children sleep every day, every night to going to bed at around 8, as far as possible to take a nap at noon. Sleep 10 hours older children, or even 8 hours is enough. If the children lack of sleep, will not only lack of energy, low immunity, also affect the growth and development. But she warned, sleep time is not long, if more than 12 hours, may lead to obesity. 1 ~ 3 years old children: 12 hours a night, two or three hours a day The children every day to ensure 12 hours of sleep a night, the day is it needed to fix two or three hours. The sleep time, can according to their own sleep rhythm and decide, such as some baby used later in the morning and late afternoon the sleep. Suggests that parents in the baby before going to bed 1 hours to give them a warm bath, relax the body; a little story or put some bag factory relaxing, soothing music, but also help to sleep.


Sleep must be far away from 5 things

People should "go to the battle-front without any burden" on sleep, not with the following things.
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Watch: some people like to sleep with the watch, this will not only shorten the service life of the watch, but also not conducive to health. Watch especially luminous surface laser radiation, although the amount is minimal, but experts think, long time of accumulation can lead to undesirable consequences. False teeth: some people used to wearing dentures to sleep, often sleep inadvertently dentures Tunru esophagus, the hook may be punctured esophagus along the aorta, cause bleeding or even life-threatening. Therefore, people who wear dentures before going to sleep is best to remove dentures clean, not only conducive to oral hygiene, and safety. Bra: America Hawaii civilization disease research institute through the survey of more than 5000 women found, every bra more than 12 hours, the possibility of breast cancer than a short of time wearing or not wearing 20 times higher than the. A woman wearing a bra is to display the beauty or to protect the breast, sleep at night is not the necessary. Mobile phone: some people in order to call convenience, sleep at night when the mobile phone is put on the pillow. USA experts pointed out, a variety of bag manufacturer electronic equipment, such as color TV, refrigerators, mobile phone in the use and operation of the process, there are a number of different wavelength and frequency electromagnetic wave released, forming an electronic fog, affecting the nervous system and physiological functions, although the release of minimal, but can not prevent. Makeup: some women, they are often too lazy to remover before going to bed. Notes, with makeup Yan Rong sleep, will plug the pores of your skin, causing disorder sweat secretion, prevent cell respiration, go down for a long time will cause acne, damage face. So bedtime remover wash is necessary, timely removal of makeup on facial stimulation, so that the skin to fully breathe, not only to keep the bag factory skin moist, also contribute to the early into the dreamland.

Also can become thin in the home

Summer has come, hoarding a year of fat to burn rapidly in just a few months to disappear is clearly the purpose of difficulty is very great, and the burning a lot money, and reduced fat, thin guise of fitness, yoga courses if give up halfway will arrive in the summer at the same time and the devil figure to just miss the person or opportunity. Under the dual pressure in work and life is indeed very difficult to have the law, persevere fitness plan through to the end. How not to go to the gym in the circumstances to achieve the purpose of weight loss?
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Drink at least one cup of Green Tea 1 every day In Green Tea "catechin" has antioxidant, improve The new supersedes the old., free radical scavenging effect, can be activated by the many roles of protein kinase and triglyceride lipase, reduce the accumulation of fat cells, so to obesity. Green Tea can not only accelerate fat consumption occurrence probability of strengthening health slimming effect, also can reduce the risk of cancer, Alzheimer's and diabetes, cardiovascular disease. Some people may feel disdain for the theory, also eat the same amount of food, and occasionally a few meals to eat slowly certainly has no obvious difference. However, experts believe that, when the meal time elongated, develop slowly eating habits, before swallowing the food to bite into a paste, liquid, the body will be more nutrients, more easily absorbed foods provided for digestive system, in other words, people eat slowly under the condition, the food satiety will be stronger. Data shows, the brain needs time to induction 20 minutes to "full" feeling, this explains why overeating people usually eat faster. Data shows, the brain needs time to induction 20 minutes to "full" feeling, this explains bag manufacturer why overeating people usually eat faster. Select the optimistic and happy music Study confirmed that, when people in the choice of music is more inclined to choose their own mood at that time with the music, instead of choosing to make myself happy music. In other words, people choose in the mood to the concert to make themselves more. And the stress is the cause of obesity is one of the reasons, experts think to listen to some upbeat music, melody cheerful song from the side can achieve "slimming" effect. Deep sleep, good health Zaoshuizaoqi Since childhood, the elders on education we should sleep early, exercise. Methods the seemingly "old-fashioned" concept in practice than to go to the gym to occasionally hit the silver for psychological comfort more effective, experts suggest that can measure the sleep quality software to "monitor" and recorded their sleep, if people have trouble falling asleep can use "melatonin" or bedtime drinking chamomile and lavender bag factory help sleep under the doctor's advice.


Different drug medication have different posture

Most tablets and capsules, should adopt the stand or sit. But for most dosage forms, especially large tablets, capsules must be treated by standing or sitting posture. If lying medicine, easy in esophageal melt or stick in the esophageal wall, not only the effect cannot get sufficient play, will stimulate the esophagus, causing canker. The most easily cause drug esophageal injury is tetracycline, vitamin C, ferrous sulfate, these are corrosion effects of drugs, taking the best sitting or standing.
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Some medications are prone to orthostatic hypotension, such as prazosin terazosin, such as antihypertensive drugs. Taking these drugs for half an hour or so, there will be dizziness and feeling, and easy to cause postural hypotension. If the patient uses the stance to take, easy. Take this kind of medicine is best to take half lying position, taking care to avoid the water delivery service, cough. Take this kind of medicine is best to take half lying position, taking care to avoid the water delivery service, cough. In addition, the use of ear drops should be used when the lateral decubitus position. For example, in Ofloxacin Ear Drops use eardrops should disease ear upward, dropping the auricle backward pulling, straighten the ear canal, then drops into the ear drops 3~5 drops, and then gently press the tragus several times, so that the liquid medicine after perforation of tympanic membrane into the middle ear, and keep the lateral digit minutes. Other gestures ear, may cause the liquid into the middle ear is less, not to play its due effect. The nasal drops should be used in the supine position. It is best to use a Trendelenburg position, supine head to bed down, nose upward, the nasal cavity below the oropharynx, avoid solution inflow pharynx. Drop pills after gently pinch the nose several times, keep dropping posture for 3~5 minutes, so that liquid full contact and nasal bag manufacturer mucosa. Other posture may lead to the liquid into the throat, causing discomfort. For the drugs to stimulate the esophagus can erect posture. Because some of the drugs in esophageal retention, can cause esophageal ulceration, stimulate or burn the esophageal mucosa, and even cause esophageal stenosis, such as the treatment of osteoporosis diphosphine niacin, after taking half an hour to keep the upper body upright, and the need to drink enough water to make drugs into stomach. If lying medication, esophageal long axis in the horizontal position, is not conducive to the drug by, only a part of the drug into the stomach, the drug retention in the esophagus, esophageal ulcers caused by. Especially, after taking ulcer drugs should repose one hour, and according to the different parts of ulcer, take supine different. This can slow down the drug emptying time, prolong the therapeutic effect, and can reduce the corrosion of the gastric mucosa, and the appropriate drugs play a better therapeutic effect. Therefore, while taking the drugs should pay attention to the importance of posture. Different drugs corresponding suitable posture is not consistent, we are taking drugs, can be in different positions according to the bag factory different uses, the more significant effect.


Most people sleep habits

Good sleep is good to the body, especially for old people. Beijing University of Chinese Medicine health professor Zhang Hude told reporters, insisted before going to bed to develop seven small habits, not only can solve all kinds of problems with sleep, no longer can't sleep well and trouble, can also help you to delay aging.
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The hot water soaking. The foot is the most distant part of the heart, is not easy to get oxygen and blood, bedtime with warm water to soak the foot, to promote blood circulation, accelerate The new supersedes the old. multiple benefits. Drink a cup of milk and honey. The ancient folk saying: "Zhao Zhao salt, soup, and honey." That is to say early drink salt water, evening drink honey water. According to foreign medical experts, milk contains sleep inducing tryptophan, 1 hours before going to bed drink a cup of milk and honey can help sleep. According to foreign medical experts, milk contains sleep inducing tryptophan, 1 hours before going to bed drink a cup of milk and honey can help sleep. Honey is helpful to keep blood sugar balance, so as to avoid waking up early. Lukewarm water. Wash your face morning important than before. Wash your face morning important than before. Since everything in life has a radiation, radiation particle will stay in our skin, wash your face before bed can put these radiation particles and some dust clean, in order to protect the skin clean, comfortable, easy to sleep. Dark hair. Head acupuncture point, through combing, can play the massage, stimulation. Before going to bed with both hands finger comb to the scalp fever, can dredge the head blood flow, improve the brain thinking and memory ability, promote bag manufacturer hair nutrition, hair loss, eliminate the brain fatigue, early into the dreamland. 15 minutes of walking meditation. Before going to bed to keep calm walk 15 minutes, can make blood flow down, and recycled to the surface, not only accelerate sleep, sleep after the skin can get maintenance. Window ventilation. Keep the bedroom air is fresh, the wind or in cold weather, can open for a while, before going to bed and then close, keep the room temperature of 18 ° C-20 ° C, help to sleep soundly. Note that don't use fall into sleep. Before the good mood. Bedtime mood is good, be able to more quickly and sleep, improve sleep quality, the method of keeping a good mood differ from man to man, can hear the love song, memories of past happy bag factory memories, the most important thing is not to have any trouble.


You can't imagine the causes of insomnia

If you don't drink before going to bed Coffee or tea, the recent mood is good, the body is not what uncomfortable, can still be can't sleep sleep. 6 beat all causes of insomnia doctor proposed, perhaps you can find a solution. The pillow is too hot. Lying on the cool pillow can help to reduce the core body temperature (i.e. the body temperature, skin temperature is slightly higher than), more prone to sleep. University of Pittsburgh has done a study, for insomnia patients with the last special cooling headgear, their average in 13 minutes will be able to go to sleep, and normal sleep an average of 16 minutes of sleep time, and 89% of subjects can sleep all night sleep. Researchers speculated that, give your brain a modest cooling can slow down the The new supersedes the old. and make the heart more quiet. Before sleeping, put the pillow cooled properly, you will sleep better. The full moon. Lack of exercise. Exercise can improve sleep quality, but this is not to get instant results. Insomnia patients can through lifestyle modifications, exercise to improve sleep, which usually takes 2~4 months to have a significant effect. That is to say, you can't just after the morning exercise, hope to a good night's sleep. That is to say, you can't just after the morning exercise, hope to a good night's sleep. According to the American CDC recommends the motion time, best can reach more than 20 minutes a day, or a week total exercise time up to 2.5 hours. Taking a new drug. Many drugs have cause side effects of insomnia, antihypertensive drugs, including antidepressants and steroid drugs. Many drugs have bag manufacturer cause side effects of insomnia, antihypertensive drugs, including antidepressants and steroid drugs. In addition, the time of taking medicine has effect on sleep, such as hypertension or arrhythmia patients need to take receptor blockers (such as for Noel, metal, etc.), usually the doctor will recommend taking time in the morning and not before bed. Therefore, at the beginning of a new medication, must ask the doctor to ask the best medication time. Pet bed. Even if the pet is not allergic person, bed sheets, pillowcases when stained with pet dander or hair, may feel uncomfortable, this is because they can cause nasal mucosal hyperemia, and thus more likely to snore, make it difficult to sleep or not sleep. Partners in. A recent study found that, when the arthritis patients suffer from more intense pain, their partner's sleep quality will decline, and the more intimate relationships the more so. To solve this kind of insomnia, first of all to improve the patient's discomfort, such as pain people can take a pillow between two knee to relieve the pain. In addition, anxiety can let the pain amplification, therefore, before going to bed can bag factory comfortably take a bath to relax.


Health effects of diet rhythm

Modern people are busy with work, eat a meal is not uncommon, however, less a meal is often easy to feel the brain energy deficiency; if voracious, eat, and tend to consume too much energy, induced obesity. Want to maintain health, essential for three meals a day, but why should eat three meals a day? Its scientific truth in where?
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Modern people because of lifestyle diversity, there are a lot of people because of heavy or trouble reason often eat two meals, extreme even one day only eat a meal. Stick to three meals a day every day a good habit can guarantee the nutritional balance, maintaining a healthy body. For example, if a person don't eat breakfast, then the body in order to obtain enough energy, will be more high calorie food demand, appetite also increased to a certain extent, if such a model has become the norm, are likely to be the origin of obesity and lifestyle diseases. Each person's body has a biological clock, at any time to regulate body temperature, blood pressure, blood glucose value, regular three meals a day for the maintenance of biological clock plays an important role in regulating. Diet is also a prominent contribution for the human body to maintain hormone balance, recent studies have pointed out, hormone secretion in different time and different, and that the activities of these bag manufacturer enzymes function, is the law of three meals a day. Energy switch opening day breakfast, lunch supplement consumption in energy, dinner is regulating the body nutrition balance -- each meal has its important function and meaning. Especially breakfast, if you do not eat breakfast, very easy because the blood glucose lowering effects of insulin is difficult, is not conducive to human health. Shirasawa points out, the real three meals a day and not just eat their fill belly, if every day drinking and eating high calorie foods will only harm health, eating quality is very important Really want to eat the quality, need to spend a lot of thought and effort. In addition to match each meal nutrition balance according to dietary pagoda China Nutrition Society issued outside, a meal to eat eight full, don't eat too late, good habits is very important. Even if it can not be absolutely perfect reference rule of scientific diet, but as far as possible in accordance with the correct dietary requirement to bag factory do beneficial is harmless to the.


Six kinds of food effectively clean the intestinal tract

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1.Cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables contain a phytochemical -- isothiocyanate, not only helps to clear garbage gut, but also anti-cancer. In order to maximize the retention of nutrients, and nutrition, School of public health, Zhongshan University associate professor Feng Xiang proposed, this kind of vegetable is best not to long time cooking, broccoli can be fried or boiled, cold. 2.Onions. Probiotic and pathogenic bacteria in the gut bacteria coexisted, when defeated probiotics, intestinal microflora balance is broken, can cause constipation, diarrhea and other problems. In order to give the intestinal probiotics supplement nutrient, stimulate its growth, should eat more rich in oligosaccharide food, is the quality of onion. In addition, eat onions can prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, enhance the elasticity of blood vessels. The study found, the best raw onion health effects, can be cold or added to salad, eat beef and mutton taste heavy greasy food, with raw onion to oily solution. 3.Garlic. Garlic contains allicin, is a powerful antibacterial substances, can activate cells, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote The new supersedes the old., relieve fatigue. In order to guarantee the health benefits of garlic, should follow the "eat not eat cooked, ate broken not to eat the whole" principle, with raw garlic mix cold dish, modulation mashed garlic are very healthy eating. 4.Beans. Beans contain a lot of water insoluble dietary fiber, can reduce the residence time of food in the intestine, prevent constipation, reduce the risk of colon cancer. Soybeans, black beans and other legumes are rich in lecithin, it is fat decomposition "master", can promote the metabolism of fat. Beijing Chaoyang Hospital dietitian Song Xin suggested, cereal and soybean mixed eat, the utilization rate of protein can be bag manufacturer increased to 73%, and meat rather than eat a single protein, higher utilization rate. 54.Black fungus, kelp algae food. They contain large amounts of plant collagen, can effectively promote the waste from the body, reduce constipation, intestinal tract cleaning, is the body The new supersedes the old. good helper. Kelp soup or salad, whether fried, taste good, the cooking time to put a few drops of vinegar, not only can the seasoning, but also conducive to the absorption of calcium. 6.Whole grain foods. Feng Xiang said, oats, brown rice and whole grain foods rich in soluble dietary fiber, can reduce cholesterol, clean stomach, regulating blood sugar, can help the intestinal metabolism of some carcinogenic substances. In addition, this kind of food processing, nutrition is also more abundant, but the taste is very important, so matching. Song of the new proposals, steamed Steamed Rice can bag factory brown rice, boiled rice porridge, playing Soybean Milk plus a oat, both for the upgrade, taste better.


Fruit help you summer sun

Summer arrived, the fear of tanning friends started from head to foot the armed. In fact, in addition to sunshade, sunglasses, sunscreen, "Sun weapon", eat more natural food also has a sunscreen effect, such as the following four kinds of fruit.
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Tomatoes The tomato is the best sunscreen of food, rich in antioxidants "lycopene", its antioxidant capacity is 3.2 times the beta carotene, 100 times the vitamin E, can effectively protect the DNA cells against free radical damage, promote the growth and regeneration of the cells, the maintenance of skin health. Research at the University of Manchester and the University of Newcastle found, adhere to eat cooked tomatoes, can make human body skin sunscreen ability 33%. Apple Apple peel contains rich "apple polyphenol". Which contains catechins, anthocyanins and other active substances, is a powerful antioxidant, harm to the generation of reactive oxygen species against UV irradiation. In addition, to prevent the formation of bag manufacturer melanin, the skin whitening also have certain effect. Watermelon Watermelon contains citrulline, alanine, glutamic acid, arginine, malic acid, phosphoric acid and other physiological activities with the skin of amino acid, can improve skin nutrition, promote metabolism, so as to effectively prevent the skin after sun black. Summer eating watermelon, with Watermelon Juice face or watermelon skin cut thin face 15 minutes, can nourish the skin. Strawberry Strawberry is a berry, rich in polyphenols to promote the formation of melanin tyrosinase inhibitory effect, it can prevent bag factory skin darkening, to a certain extent.


The parents how to comprehend the child?

The child's heart should be respected, is to allow parents to protect. If a qualified parents, will know how to enter the child's heart. Those dead parents, it does not know what is the child.
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An understanding of children's parents, they must know how to give the child adequate understanding. You know, the world of children is our adult unable to grasp. So, if you have children have strange behavior or phenomenon, if not let other people hurt, this may be, is the children's development ability, curious ability to do strange, therefore, at this time, and give you advice, is to understand the children, to understand the attitude to face their own children, make some reaction to make it better, it can also stimulate your child a better imagination at the same time, can also improve their mental development. Of course, if the child is wrong or hurt others, you need to understand, given the correct guidance or guide. Especially the change child manifested psychological, parents should do understand preparation. If you use the adult criteria to judge the words, will make children more uncomfortable. Parents should also have good sensitive feelings to their children. Here, if the parents is always stay in understanding the extent of words, but also children will not have what good performance. This time, might as well give children more active contact, is also the parents with more active way to touch the child's heart. So, this time, you need to develop your sensitive feelings. Here, the children will have a good solution. And you take the initiative to bag manufacturer contact the child's heart, also can let a child's heart warm, feel his strong love you give. This is the key. You know, your love and your active passive love, children also have their own judgement, they are more like, nature is the expression of love you. Love for her child is the child most grateful, but, if you love to the children is excessive, the excess, can let you love has become a burden. So, here, to remind her mother, you can love children, but not children, love too much, otherwise it will let the children go astray, you don't fully understand the child's heart. The children are small, parents in the choice of their hopes for their children, nor too high. For example, you don't expect your child to a week to master a kind of instrument, such expectations, will only make you bag factory feel tired, you wouldn't be fair to understand children's heart.


What would be more nutritious breakfast?

A qualified nutrition breakfast, should comply with the "food" four elements (grain, energy, protein, fruit and vegetable essence, Soybean Milk or milk of water and calcium) requirements, pay attention to the "protein nutrition" food of appropriate collocation, such as eggs, beans or a small amount of meat, poultry or fish were reasonable collocation. At the same time, because the delicate food more in line with the morning the physiological state of the human body needs.
Therefore, the high quality protein for breakfast, adequate intake reached 21 grams of protein for breakfast, may consider from eggs, beans, nutrition and health food or rich in soy protein isolate were added in. Breakfast provides the energy should be accounted for the total energy of the day 25%~30%. Adult breakfast food, cereal 100 grams, can choose Steamed buns, bean, cereal, bread, noodles, porridge; the amount of protein food such as meat, eggs, milk, soy products and so on; another 100 grams of vegetables and 100 grams of fruit. Different ages, energy and the amount of food the labor intensity of the individual needs of different, should be adjusted according to the specific situation. Breakfast is the day not easily converted into fat in a meal, so must intake of staple food. Breakfast by the supply of heat accounted for 30%, this basically is to bag manufacturer rely on food to supply. The lack of carbohydrate food, may cause malnutrition. To eat some starchy food, cereals and absorption can quickly break down into glucose, hypoglycemia corrected after sleep. But the cereal fast digestion, 2-3 hours after will have a sense of hunger, therefore, even a moderate amount taken into some protein and fat rich foods, such as egg, dried meat floss, bean products and other food. Finally, the morning is best to eat fruit, because fruit as the source of vitamin A, C rich, and contain vitamin B group, fiber, and mineral, not only has the appetite stimulating effect, also can promote intestinal peristalsis and maintain body acid-base balance, eating the fruit can not only beauty, but also let us bag factory looking one's face glowing with health, beautiful and touching.


Detrimental to the health of the morning the 4 bad habits

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1.On the bed reluctant The love bed is a lot of people are some small problems, especially white-collar workers, usually busy with work, the morning get up in time is very difficult. Then the love bed is only a small living habits? Indeed, adequate sleep can relieve fatigue, restore energy. But some people mistakenly think, sleep is good for health, especially conducive to the growth and development of young people, so some people have a chance to stay not morning in bed, the sleep time significantly more than the need to. This is a bad habit, if things go on like this, can be harmful to your health. 2.Get up to urinate immediately after waking up To wake up in the morning, after a night, the bladder is filled with urine, urgent urination, urine meaning is more urgent, more should be calm, do not immediately get up to urinate. But the body immediately pee behavior has what harm to human body? In fact, wake up immediately the bladder emptying urine, this time easily cause dizziness, and even the emergence of micturition syncope phenomenon. 3.Wake up immediately after strenuous exercise Early in the morning exercise is good? Some people like the morning after the habit of appropriate physical exercise, so that no fault, but if not careful, the health benefits in fact little. If there is a morning exercise habits, must be in the morning after a rest, and then to run after the balance of yin and Yang qi. Otherwise prone to heart, cerebrovascular accident. 4.Avoid do not eat breakfast According to nutrition experts, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The rest of the body after sleep, is fully prepared to greet the bag manufacturer day's work, study, then need to absorb rich nutrition, to cope with the consumption of all day. Do not eat breakfast the harm to the brain: Although the brain tissue weight accounted for only one weight of 2 - 3%, but the blood flow to the brain is about 800 milliliters per minute, oxygen consumption is about 45 milliliters per minute, the amount of sugar is about 5 grams per hour. The young brain is in development period, the demand for blood, oxygen, glucose is higher than adult. Such as hypoglycemia, brain awareness activities will be obstacles, so long, is bound to affect the brain's weight and shape development. Do not eat breakfast the harm to the digestive system: under normal circumstances, night after eating food from around six small stomach emptying into the intestine. Second if the day does not eat breakfast, a variety of stomach acid and digestive enzymes will be to "digest" gastric mucous layer. If things go on like this, the function will be normal cells to secrete mucus is destroyed, it is easy to cause gastric ulcer and twelve finger ulcers and other diseases of digestive system. Do not eat breakfast the harm to human body, it is a bad habit is bag factory extremely unfavorable to health, after all, "a day in the morning".


The best proportion of healthy diet

It is understood, normal adults need through dietary intake of at least 5000-7000 kJ of heat, daily carbohydrate for the human body to provide energy to total energy all day 55%~60%, fat accounted for the total energy 25%~30%, protein 10%~15%. So, three meals a day to learn some table mix ratio, so that we can easily grasp the balanced diet.
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Three meals a day to eat on time and energy ratio 3:4:3 Experts said, in general, breakfast at 6:30~8:30, breakfast provides the energy should be accounted for the total energy of the day 25%~30%; lunch at 11:30~13:30, the available energy should be accounted for 30%~40%; dinner should be 18:00~20:00, provide the energy for 30%~40%. That is to say during breakfast provides the energy ratio should be in 3:4:3 is more appropriate, daily breakfast nutrition, appropriate high calorie lunch, dinner should be appropriate. Hunsu with recommended ratio 1:4 Research has shown that, excessive consumption of meat will lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Experts suggest that if the daily intake of 125 to 200 grams of fish, poultry, meat, eggs and other animal foods, should match the 400 ~ 500 grams of vegetables. Because vegetable dish which provide dietary fiber, minerals, vitamin C and carotene and other nutrients needed by the human body, and simple animal food cannot provide. Vegetable & Fruit every day to eat the recommended ratio of 2:1 Most people put the fruit as a snack, some people think bag manufacturer that eating vegetables will not need to eat fruit, in fact this is not correct. The expert says, the fruit is rich in vitamins and special nutrients, eating properly can make up for the lack of normal people in the diet nutrition. Experts suggest that the normal fruits and vegetables proportion is 2:1, select the 3-4 class of seasonal fruit and food intake in daily, 200 grams -400 grams is appropriate. Balanced nutrition in addition to eat different food intake reasonable mix ratio, content of nutrients are equally important. Balanced nutrition is the enemy of all physical illness, so every day nutrition elements of bag factory protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins, trace elements, cellulose and water is the most important.


Please don't give yourself buckle "depression" hat

In psychological counseling, I often meet some visitors, opening is "I have depression", "I have an anxiety disorder", early to pat themselves on the mental illness of the label. But often they just have some psychological and behavioral symptoms, the situation is not that bad.
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There are strict criteria for the diagnosis of mental illness, psychological doctor to judge. Pay attention to their mental state is good, but exaggerate problems will backfire. Once you give yourself a mental illness label, some people will appear pessimistic disappointment, withdrawal, otherwise everything in good order and well arranged life becomes chaotic. More serious is, some people may be "self realization" effect, that is what kind of person he is, as it did. For example, in the heart that you are depressed patients in daily life, will subconsciously in depression model to act. Therefore, when aware of their mood and the behavior is abnormal, don't give yourself arbitrary deduction "hat", but to achieve the "two to two not". Don't worry, don't blame yourself. Don't worry about people strange vision, fear of difficult to cure, worry about out of control emotions and behavior; don't make bag manufacturer assumptions that his character is not good or bad behavior caused, so that be contrite and reform oneself. Worry and trouble more than symptoms. Mental illness is like a cold have a fever, can not be avoided. As long as the positive control and treatment, most problems can be solved and improved. To be optimistic, ask for help. Many people have psychological problems will overestimate seriousness, even in despair. But no matter how, to maintain an optimistic attitude is conducive to maximize the mobilization of their own potential, to cope with negative emotions. The improvement of symptoms in addition to it when the self adjustment, social support system is essential for good. When feel they need help, be bold to relatives and friends opening. Can also actively seeking psychological counseling bag factory and therapy, the early lifting of trouble.


How to diet to improve sleep quality?

Insomnia is not an independent disease, many diseases may be associated with insomnia. In many insomnia caused by chronic diseases, the most common is neurosis, how to improve the insomnia through diet?
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On the treatment of insomnia should be clear about the diagnosis, detailed differentiation, to eliminate incentives, received the desired effect. Before before diagnosis, reasonable arrangement life should also be conducive to sleep, eat some food, will play a supporting role. 1.Easy to sleep to wake up the patients, should eat easily digestible food. In the outpatient service about 1/3 above the patient is stomach trouble. The stomach is disturbed sleep. Before these patients at 12 every morning to drink some water Black Tea, afternoon and evening, the absolute prohibition of drinking tea, Coffee and all easily excited nerve food, daily appetite to reduce the 1/4. Before going to bed drink 150 ml of milk, cheese or sour milk, also can drink water and eat 50 grams of bread. These foods contain sugar and rich in protein, amino acids and other substances essential proteins into brain nerve cells in the human body, plays a role in regulating sleep. Dairy products also contain a certain amount of calcium, calcium also has a great effect on the treatment of insomnia. 2.Fall asleep difficult patients, every afternoon to night can not eat more easily excited nerve of food and drink, every night to eat some containing linoleic acid food, such as meat, fish, soy products and so on. Dinner eat late, full of some. After dinner, walk one bag manufacturer hundred steps, right back to sleep, will soon fall asleep. This is because, eat more contain linoleic acid kind food, will increase the burden on the stomach to digest in the stomach, blood will than the brain, the brain is in a state of relative anemia, natural sleep soon, and slept soundly. 3.Sleep after wake up or stay awake patients, all day long to ban the eating of excitable neural and stimulating food should be, such as tea, pepper, ginger, garlic, Coffee etc.. The heat distribution of each meal: early 10%, 40% noon, 30% p.m., 20 minutes before going to bed to eat 20%. Before the meal, to eat dairy products and fatty food, a little beer or liquor drinking appropriate; 5 minutes before bag factory bedtime, drink 50 milliliters of rock sugar water.


How to adjust the sultry fidgety mood?

As we know, the mood of people and the environment are closely linked, when the continuous hot weather and the external environment changes, the small environment of the human body are affected will change. In general, low temperature environment to people's mental stability, once the change range of temperature rise increased, people's spiritual, emotional will produce fluctuations, not only bring not adapt to the body, will have a negative impact on people's psychological and emotional, resulting in emotional irritability, love temper, memory decline.
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In fact, in the final analysis, these emotional problems, or the human adaptability to environmental difference. So, in an environment of high temperature hot, should as far as possible the increased leisure time, and pay attention to diet, increase nutrition, pay attention to the summer a way of keeping good health. In addition, it also need to rely on self regulation. Adjustment of living time for example, replenish moisture and vitamins, eat appetizers, avoid eating cold food are beneficial to regulate their emotions. Failing to be in a calm mood, mind blowing and cooling. Often listen to light music, or sit in meditation, eyes closed, the blue sky, the sea, imagine the forest snow, people feel cool situation, to forget the heat wave, reduce the psychological heat. Encounter not satisfactory and unsatisfactory, avoid by all means is stamp with rage, it is best to calm down, for the time being to avoid, as the saying goes "step as boundless as the sea and sky". To keep optimistic, tolerant attitude. Ellis's famous USA psychologists put forward reasonable emotional therapy, and expressed by ABC: A induced events; B refers to the idea of the event, individual interpretation and evaluation, including the rational and irrational beliefs; C stands for emotional and bag manufacturer behavioral outcomes, rational belief often leads to optimistic happy emotions, rather than rational beliefs can easily lead to the pessimistic mood of the troubles. So on a number of things in daily life, as far as possible to understand in a positive, optimistic attitude, and others as much as possible in order to kind, tolerant service. Pay attention to work and rest, good time management and self. Take part in swimming, skating and other body movement, not only can enhance the heat resistance, but also conducive to the organization of inner pressure. According to the characteristics of the summer day night short, should adjust their pace of life, Zaoshuizaoqi develop and take a nap habits, regular life habits is the key to ensure ease of mind. So, know how to care for mental health, the premise is to make life and work bag factory smoothly, so pay attention to the mental health, brook no delay.


The most popular fruit weight loss

Tomato, apple, pear, banana, grapefruit, lemon, watermelon, these fruits have the effect of weight loss, mm can be their favorite choice suitable for their weight loss of fruit. But what fruit to eat to lose weight quickly. Have a look below all fruit diet have what different.
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1.Bananas Banana more heat, but also suitable for weight loss. Bananas are rich in dietary fiber, can stimulate the gastrointestinal motility, feces. The banana can eat together with honey instead of dinner, so that the intake of calories is much lower than the dinner. A banana for the elimination of lower body edema effect is also very good, can prevent the lower body fat accumulation. 2.Grapefruit Grapefruit can also lose weight, grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, sugar content is very low. A grapefruit can replace dinner, thus decreasing calorie intake. But grapefruit acidity degree is very high, is not suitable for stomach problems of women to eat, not recommended for long term used for weight loss. 3.Tomato Tomato very low calorie, every 200 grams of tomatoes contain 30 calories. At the same time, tomato satiety is very strong, the water is very large, almost all the bag manufacturer water. For every 100 grams of tomatoes contain 95 grams of water, but also easy to discharge, do not accumulate in vivo. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene. Lycopene can eliminate free radicals, inhibition of tumor cell proliferation. 4.Apples Apple also is a kind of fruit weight loss. Apple is relatively low in calories, the most suitable for weight loss. Apples contain pectin has auxiliary effect on constipation. Apple to lose weight the method is most suitable to eat for three days. Eat an apple three days, raw juice, soup, a variety of methods, women can be their love to choose. Although the fruit can lose weight, but not so single method to bag factory lose weight, or to exercise together, so that they can be healthy do not rebound.


Ten Methods To Activate The Brain

The brain potential, creativity of everyone there, the key lies in whether the "dig out". Recently, American "Wall Street journal" told us 10 small way, worth learning.
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With blue decoration environment. Study of color psychology, found two blue objects, people's ideas will be more active. To create a "blue harbor". Appropriate to drink some wine. Researchers at the University of Illinois in Chicago found American, small drink wine in social activities, thinking ability is stronger, more easily "inspired". Daydream. A study by a Canadian University points out, love to daydream, the creativity test score higher. Please take some time, let your mind a powerful and unconstrained style. Imagine yourself as a child. When a person think back to childhood, the brain is more prone to some "strange and eccentric" idea. Keep a young heart, your mind is not old. Burst into laughter. It was found that, when people read a funny comedy films, can solve the problem of 20% more than usual. Smile, can save us fatigue, nervous tension. Imagine yourself in the distance. America Indiana University study found that, imagine yourself in a faraway place, people seem easier to play out. Less obscure language. If the total to some professional words on his lips, thinking people will unconsciously become narrow. Suggested that we bag manufacturer still say "vernacular", created a miracle in the ordinary. Change the work environment. "Environmental impact mentality", old in a fixed place and stay there, thinking is easy to limit. Change a place, even for chair, will be different. Went outside to have a look. Give people open to the idea of opening to the outside world, the brain feeling exhausted, we might stand up and go out for a walk, let the universe of 1,000,000,000 universes bring you inspiration and creativity. Go to the bustling place. Research America Santa Fe Institute found that, in the bustling city, people's creativity can bag factory enhance 15%. May wish to use the "fast" to stimulate the brain.


Milk More Wonderful Usage

Milk is rich in nutrition, but it is not limited to the use of food, even if the deterioration, also has many magical effect. The following summarizes many new uses for milk, let it become your life a good helper.
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Thaw the fish. Frozen fish if the general method of thawing, eating up the taste is dry and rough, have a peculiar smell. If the frozen fish in the milk to thaw, the natural moisturizing agent can restore fish moisture and flavor, taste better. Attaining a. The milk has good moisture retention, which can be mixed with honey, gently massage the face, then stay for 15 minutes, and then rinse off with clear water. If skin itching, mosquito bites and sunburn, can also use the milk on the wound, have a certain role in the mitigation. Derusting. The milk will sour (or add some vinegar in milk) used to soak the silverware, can remove the silver surface rust and stain. After soaking rinse clean, wipe off. It can also be used for polishing furniture, in the deeply moisten the wood at the same time, the acid can remove dust and dirt, the effect is very good. Repair cracks. If the cracks appeared in China, can put it in the pot, pour in the milk soak, and boil, then turn down the heat, with small fire simmer for 45 minutes. The protein in the milk will combine with porcelain clay, repairing the cracks. Remove oil stains. Repair after the car, his hands are stained with oil, dust, become very dirty. At this time, the cereal and milk mixed into paste, rub your hands, not only can remove dirt, can moisten your hands, let the hand more soft, tender. Removing ink stains. If the clothes stained with ink, you can soak in milk overnight, fully rinse, and then into the washing machine wash in cold water. Nursing care of leather. Rag scrub leather with milk soaked, can let it take on an altogether new aspect. If you want to deep processing of leather products, you can smear milk let it dry completely, then grinding, milk can make leather crack bag manufacturer and wear closed up, looks bright as new. Remover. If you go out without makeup remover or makeup remover is used, can add milk gently on the face, massage a few minutes, it can not only remove the residual cosmetics, but also play the role of nourishing the skin. Taking drugs. Use the milk delivery service of roxithromycin, cyclosporine and other drugs, can promote the absorption of the drug. Milk delivery service probiotic pills, can wrap the drug particles, the prevention of acid damage to it, but also prevent drug damage of gastric mucosa. Some relatively large pill to swallow, served with milk easier. It can lubricate the throat, let the pill is swallowed smoothly. But need to be reminded that, in order to prevent drug adverse reaction with the milk, milk taking bag factory drugs before the need to ask the doctor.


Cellulose can hold a good figure

Summer what to eat to lose weight? Nutritionists recommend, the summer to lose weight eat cellulose, whether it is insoluble and soluble fiber, both of which can be a good help to lose weight.
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Insoluble fiber: 1.Insoluble fiber can increase the volume of food, satiety, and does not generate a lot of heat. 2.Insoluble fiber rich foods include high fiber Cereals, grains, fruits and vegetables. 3.Eczema, soluble fiber helps stabilize blood sugar, which can better control hunger and eating desire. 4.The cellulose can also delay the food in the stomach in length of stay, duration of satiety is longer. Soluble fiber: Soluble fiber rich foods include strawberry, apple, pear, oats, chickpeas and leguminous plants. The high moisture content of the fruits and vegetables help to fill his belly, so, a small amount of staple food intake in a day, and complemented with watermelon, lettuce, cucumber, mushroom, grape and muskmelon. Have a diuretic effect, can discharge the water, reduce weight, if often edible wax gourd can change in food starch and sugar, to prevent its conversion to fat, in addition, the melon is rich in vitamins, and low calories. Loofah soap contained in rickets and mucus in the stool is conducive to smooth, and very low calories, moreover, sponge gourd is rich in vitamin B1, B2, A, C and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Mustard oil and amylase, helps digestion and fatty foods The new supersedes the old., to prevent the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, white radish is also the role of ventilation and promote defecation. Soybean Low saturated fat, no cholesterol, replacing animal protein with soy protein, can reduce blood total cholesterol, the "bad" cholesterol, triglyceride, content and does not affect the "good" cholesterol. Apple Rich in potassium, can rid the body of excess sodium, such as eating more than 3 apples a day, to maintain a satisfactory blood pressure. The apple contains particular malic acid, can accelerate metabolism, reduce lower body fat, and calcium it compared bag manufacturer with other fruits, can reduce the salt content is lower body edema. Balsam pear Vitamin C content of bitter melon ranks first in melons and vegetables, and the sugar and fat content is very low, more suitable for fat person edible.. Notification: according to scientists, balsam pear has anti fertility effect, balsam pear protein inhibits endometrial differentiation, interference of embryo implantation in early pregnancy and pregnancy. Bitter gourd is pregnancy (pregnancy early and mid) influential people, eating too much can cause miscarriage. So are pregnant or planning pregnant friends to be careful. Lemon Lemon sourness is with citric acid, citric acid is to promote the energy metabolism process will participate in physical, but also to eliminate fatigue function. Notification: lemon and milk should not be drinking from the same, citric acids, not directly eat alone, can be added to salad or vegetables. Lemon and milk should not be drinking from the same. The stomach should not drink lemon tea. Eat a lemon bag factory should not be too much, otherwise the citric acid can damage the teeth.


Slimming misunderstandings delayed weight loss progress

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Blind spot 1: exercise the muscles don't burn fat There are always many muscle movement of the newspapers and magazines, no matter in what position have everything that one expects to find. Every day you do it, but you haven't changed a bit thin legs, buttocks or as large as! Problem is, you don't have a combined with aerobic exercise. To burn fat, you must do aerobic exercise, muscle strength exercise main effect in increasing the amount of muscle, improve The new supersedes the old. rate, at the same time sculpture your body, let you look more curve. If you do not only muscle movement, do aerobic exercise, but will increase muscle, fat still, looks not slim, but more robust. In addition to these gymnastics, every day a lot of walking or running for 30 minutes! Blind spot 2: climbing stairs can not just look at the height is not time First of all have to reward the persistence and perseverance you, but why still not thin down? The problem lies in the length of time the movement. Climbing stairs is aerobic exercise no wrong! But think climbed 11 floors to spend much time, 5 minutes? 10 minutes? Aerobic exercise to have the effect, at least time to reach more than 20-30 minutes, the body will begin to burn fat more efficiently. Blind spot 3: maintain a movement way too long Get up every day the first thing is to near the school playground runs of 3, 5 laps, noon to the aerobics class company near the gym every day regardless of the weather, never interrupted, the diet is also considerable attention, eat a low calorie, but still gain weight. Such exercise every day is big, but to remind you a long time to maintain the same kind of exercise prescription and no change, long body will gradually get used to this kind of mode of motion. You need to do is change the exercise item, intensity and time. In the morning jogging for swimming, or increase the intensity of exercise, can also increase bag manufacturer the exercise time, more than a few laps. 4: walking is not a blind spot. Resolve to start moving you choose to walk, as a first step. But how to walk not thin? First of all, I hope you are not wearing slippers, walking as your daily exercise after satiate meal to the park. Or walk with heels after work, go a long way home is called walking! You must make the heartbeat of at least 130 beats per minute, and at least 3 times each week, exercise for at least 30 minutes, this "walking" movement to just have the effect. Blind spot 5: not more sweat thin faster In order to sweat more, you choose to wear long sleeved pants blouse to the motion, or wearing a corset with oxygen to go to class, you do not Perspiration came down like raindrops., but get rid of body fat, but only water. Until the rest time, the coach said when you drink slobber, just sweat and came back at once. So, sweat more or less is not the point. More importantly, if wearing a corset, movement, may cause the body temperature bag factory to rise too high, causing shock, very dangerous.