
Adhere to the six habits, thin waist made simple

Female workers sitting in the office, especially prone to fat accumulation in the lower body, if you eat too much and don't exercise, more easy to form a small pot. Once grown the fat, lack of exercise and diet will not pay attention to the belly fat is more difficult to eliminate, forming a vicious spiral. 6 life tips to help you get rid of the full range of abdominal fat, thin waist so simple.

1.Eat fruit and vegetables every day
To eliminate abdominal fat, lose weight certainly cannot do without the body, so to control the total daily calorie intake is quite necessary, usually eat more vegetables and fruits, can not only relieve your craving for sweets, but also can effectively prevent constipation, because constipation is the primary culprit of stomach.

2.Drink plenty of water, drink carbonated beverages
The first thing is to get up to drink a cup of warm boiling water, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, help the body to discharge the toxins, reduce the chance of a small pot. A normal day consumes about 2000ml of water, as more women to timely add moisture to the body, but don't drink too much water in a short period of time, or will the process of osmosis.
Thin waist

3.Stay away from alcohol
Whether it is liquor, beer, wine, or cocktail, as long as the alcoholic beverages are produced, causing abdominal fat guy, although not fatty alcohol, but its heat is extremely high, and the reception increase your cortisol levels, make you bag manufacturer more fat accumulation of abdominal fat.

4.Eat less fat
If you are suffering from a small pot of trouble, we must first give more attention to diet to lose weight, fat, usually to eat less fatty food, like to eat carnivorous words, the best choice of high protein and less fat in poultry and fish, which is beneficial in abdominal weight loss.

5.Waist straight up
Hunched posture not only indecent, will make you look potbellied. In order to exercise your abdominal muscles, achieve the effect of weight loss, when sitting should your shoulders back, put aside his chin, lower back support with the chair to keep lower abdomen muscle tension. The meal is the most easily fat accumulation time, this station for half an hour or a walk, not only helps digestion, but also to prevent the generation of the waist and abdominal fat oh!

6.Keep the belly tight state
In the usual time to keep the abdomen tight, can do little tricks, such as picking up the book, sit ups or action, always remember to keep the abdomen tight, attention, tighten the abdominal upright, adhere to such a state bag factory every day, can easily get rid of abdominal fat.


What kind of exercise to lose weight the most effective?

Have a look in the window fresh market, wrapped in a slim tall on the mannequin beautiful summer, then have a look of self shot no matter how modified slightly bloated body, what reason not to act quickly losing weight? However, method of maintaining a healthy weight, good figure never do things by irregular ways, must eat two dynamic balance among them, the lack of exercise; for most office workers, especially should pay attention to exercise, exercise properly according to their physical condition, and persevere.

For weight loss, what kind of sport is the most effective and easy to operate? Due to aerobic exercise can consume a large amount of heat, so that various forms of aerobic exercise should be the first choice. Specific to the form of movement, Hebei Province Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine orthopedics director Zhao Jian pointed out, everyone should exercise ways according to their specific circumstances, only for their own, can this exercise as exercise habits and stick to it, exercise can receive the ideal effect.

Brisk walking or jogging: brisk walking or jogging is relatively mild, persistent, vigorous aerobic exercise, and is a whole body movement, not only can fully exercise, consumption of energy, but also can improve the function of heart and lung, more suitable for older elderly, or knee injury.
Swimming: swimming is also a systemic bag manufacturer movement of the large amount of exercise, but also in the water bearing, particularly suitable for knee injury. But compared with the brisk walking or jogging, swimming requires more specific sports venues.

Climbing: climbing stairs or walk for the large amount of exercise, fitness or weight loss, but also to appreciate the scenery of nature, in the process of physical and mental pleasure sports like climbing stairs; go, more suitable for office workers to carry out whenever and wherever possible. But the climbing stairs or movement of the knee under pressure, easy to damage, so its movement of knee injury or degenerative joint disease is not suitable for climbing stairs or walk.
Sports: badminton, table tennis and other sports confrontational sports belong to the strenuous exercise, the large amount of exercise, more suitable for young people, if the elderly and heart and lung disease or injury of knee joint is not suitable.

Sit ups: can enhance muscle, back muscle strength, to improve the local shape and has a good effect.

Flying a kite in the spring: this season, kite flying is also a financial exercise and entertainment for the whole of the mode of motion. In the process of kite flying, running, walking, line of action will be to the role of the body movement, but also look at the bag factory kite movement also has health care function of the cervical spine.


Five kinds of oil control cleansing and refreshing to meet summer

Oily skin is every woman's nightmare, acne and the pores thick it is annoying. Oily skin should be how to clean?

What reason is easy to cause the skin out of the oil too much?
Wash your face too many times
Face oily, want to wash. Many people like oily skin, oil wash, washing the face, not for a while the skin out of oil. Wash your face too many times, but cause the sebaceous glands secrete oil quantity increases, but also lead to more and more dry skin. Scientific wash times a day wash your face no more than three times, but also to the use of texture mild Cleansing Cream, oily skin, wash your face when you can add a little salt, not only sterilization, also has some oil control effect.
Do not apply moisturizing cream
Cleansing Cream can wash the grease of the skin, but can not control. Oily skin surface oil, but it is short of water, only add moisture to the skin, oil control can fundamentally. After cleansing, should put some moisturizing emulsion.
Not long to go to the cutin
Some people think exfoliating will make the skin damage, never use exfoliating products, every phone is not up to the effect of the oil. Thanks to the skin and sensitive skin, not to skin and oily skin does not have what problem, but is must go to horny, because if not long to go to horny, horny layer is too thick, will affect the skin absorption.

How to clean oily skin?
1.Gentle cleansing milk instead of alkaline Foam Cleanser
Summer is the time period of oily skin, facial shiny people and step back, in order to deal with the annoying fat, many people will choose bag manufacturer strong foaming cleanser to clean the face skin cleanser, but these often contain basic components, it will take strong skin oil and water, so it will make the skin secrete more fat, fat is more rampant, so choose a mild cleanser is a good choice.
2.To avoid the use of cold cream
Summer oily problems more than in the dry skin, but to give the skin to add moisture, pay attention to oily skin, do not use oily cream, it will only exacerbate the greasy, but also let the skin feel uncomfortable burden, especially in summer.
3.Deep cleansing mask and moisturizing facial alternately
Deep cleansing mask in the finish after cleaning the face with some, can play a very good effect to remove greasy, facial skin instantly dry many pores are open, feel the feeling, but also in line with the replenishment mask used alternately, so after cleaning the skin with water, do not let the fat free drilling.
4.The paper of oil absorption and moisture used interchangeably
In the daytime the greasy control, you can use oil absorbing paper assisted, feel oily skin can use oil absorbing paper to wipe away, oily face, but in the use of oil absorbing paper should also be a bottle of water moisture in the body, can effectively prevent the spread of oily water immediately.
5.Select the quality of sunscreen products
Oily skin in the summer but don't let go of the sun, but in the choice of sunscreen, choose the best quality and non oily sunscreen products, it can reduce the burden of facial skin, enjoy the refreshing feeling, if feel greasy, can be painted sunscreen bag factory products with oil absorbing paper gently press skin, reduce oil.


How to solve the problem of large pores of women?

For women, the skin delicate and perfect is one of the most important sign of beauty, and the pores became many female beauty has been difficult to solve the problems, large pores makes people face looks rough, loose, the lack of luster, so, they got all kinds of secret recipe, also tried a superb collection of beautiful things shrink pores of the skin care products store, but did not receive satisfactory results. In fact, to effectively solve the problem of large pores, still have to find the root cause of symptomatic treatment, so as to achieve a multiplier effect.

1.Over active sebaceous glands: the nose, chest and back is the regional distribution of the body sebaceous glands most, when the sebum secretion of large amount, catheter will stimulate the sebaceous glands, so that the opening up to the smooth discharge of oil, therefore, we often see these three pores than other parts of the body to the large pores some. In addition, adolescent females, affected by hormones, sebaceous glands become very active, strong oil secretion, so, the adolescent pores and excessive oil secretion.
Countermeasure: the excessive oil secretion caused by coarse pores of the people, we must pay attention to the skin clean, remove the skin deep dirt thoroughly with clean water and cleaning products, to keep the pores open, and then take some of the convergence effect of skin toner contraction of water, let more ingredients into the skin, can let the pores is more compact and some. In addition, for the young people of the pore is bulky, recommend the intense pulsed light treatment. Intense pulsed light also known as photorejuvenation. Intense pulsed light can act directly on the sebaceous glands, curb the excessive sebaceous gland secretion, kill Propionibacterium acnes, reduce skin inflammation, promote epithelial keratinization, improve pore clogging.

2.Loose skin aging: as the saying goes, a 20 year old woman water Lingling, 60 year old woman like dried apple. With the increase of age, especially women who are neglected, the subcutaneous fat layer became loose bag manufacturer and less elastic, collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid synthesis in dermis decrease, loss increase, make the skin lose support and became dry, hair follicle sebaceous gland duct without external pressure, naturally, the outward expansion and gradually become larger, this time, especially in the cheeks, nasolabial fold top position, large pores, like orange peel. So the elderly pores and skin tissue atrophy, this is a sign of skin aging.
Strategy: for large pores problem caused by the aging of the skin, the most important thing is to prevent skin aging, so usually you should pay attention to skin care, moisturizing, sunscreen attention. Recommend the use of intense pulsed light or laser to improve large pores. These two kinds of phototherapy can stimulate fibroblasts in the dermis, the synthesis of new collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, make leather more filling, compaction, the natural pores disappeared.

3.It is not the correct skin care skin when pressing manipulation: skin care, if the method is not appropriate, will make the pores become coarse, squeeze acne, squeeze blackhead, excessive stimulation, can make the hair follicle tissue near the destruction and make the pores become more bulky.
Countermeasures: usually pay attention to the face clean, if the long acne is more, can be prepared under the guidance of a doctor, but not to squeeze them,

4.Face paint blockage caused by excessive: if the face, smear foundation cream sunscreen too much, has not breathing pores, sebum metabolites inside no vent channel, which is in the pores of the skin to do a long time "the stuffy air" abuse, under the heavy maintenance, pores to the skin is adjusted to the optimum state, then spread.
Countermeasures: coming back home in the evening after cleansing, take this part carefully, it is best to use a professional remover oil remover remover, then wash bag factory clean, ensure thoroughly up remover, the pores of the skin to breath.


Long time playing mobile phone the harm to the eyes.

Mobile phone has not only communication device, or a lot of people entertainment artifact, especially the modern young people is a long-term mobile phone in hand, like using a mobile phone to read novels, play games, micro-blog. But you know, this looks very tide of intelligent mobile phone will make your eyes more and more far away from the health. So, long time using a mobile phone to have what harm to the eyes up to understand it?.

Play the game easy to dry eye syndrome
When playing the game, the screen flashing light can cause persistent irritation to the eyes, the eyes kept catch the light, will make the eyes feel very tired. Attention is too concentrated, natural blink is greatly reduced, the tear film layer on the surface of the eye damage, thereby increasing the eye fatigue and dryness, itching feeling, even hurt the eyes, photophobia, tears, and other symptoms, occurrence of dry eye syndrome.

Prone to cause visual fatigue
Long time with the eye itself is easy to cause visual fatigue, concentrate one's attention on staring at mobile phone screen, the screen constantly changing light and can cause persistent irritation to the eyes, the eyes kept catch the light, will make the eyes fatigue. Especially when the surrounding environment is dark, and the mobile phone screen is bright, the damage mechanism is particularly large, often times past will lead to decreased visual acuity, deepen myopia problem etc..

Bow to play mobile phone are susceptible to conjunctivitis
Long time playing mobile phone, especially in the bumpy car down at the mobile phone, the eye conjunctival harm. Because the fixed head posture for a long time, easy to make the blood flow to the eyes, causing mild bag manufacturer hyperemia conjunctiva conjunctival vessels, but also prone to mild papillary hyperplasia and follicular etc.. At first, there may be canthus (eye), moist skin flushing, crusting phenomenon, if not pay attention to, are chronic inflammatory lesions induced by conjunctival tissue, resulting in chronic conjunctivitis.

Lead to dry eyes, itching
Intelligent mobile phone screen, high brightness, screen focus too much information, concentrate one's attention on staring at the screen, the screen constantly changing light can cause persistent irritation to the eyes, the eyes kept catch the light, will be on the ocular surface tear film layer damage, thereby increasing the eyes fatigue, dry, itchy feeling, even the eyes of tears, pain, photophobia and other symptoms.

Causes of juvenile myopia
Focus on the mobile phone game, mobile phone on the words and pictures are small, the eyes will imperceptibly from the mobile phone screen is more and more near, if things go on like this, it is easy to induce myopia, especially under the age of 18 in a period of growth and development of young people, the use of mobile phone short distance, the thermal effect produced by the screen will be bag factory on the health of the eye a threat.