
Lower incidence of chronic diseases

Everyone wants to get sick less, not sick. Ministry of Health, 2012 data show that China has been diagnosed with chronic diseases more than 260 million people. It can be said, is becoming a chronic disease stand in front of a big health of an enemy. May 15, Chinese Nutrition Society in the "Eleventh National Nutrition Science Conference," published some results show that if you can according to the standard intake of sodium, potassium, vitamin C three major nutrients, including hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer and other chronic diseases, including a variety will be significantly reduced. How intake of these nutrients? Take a look:

st, the control of sodium
Studies have shown that reducing sodium intake can lower blood pressure, and blood pressure-related chronic disease risk, and will not have cholesterol, kidney function side effects. China previously recommended amount of sodium is 2.2 g, and the adults the daily recommended intake of sodium of 1.5 grams, which is about 5 grams of salt.
Proposed measures:
1. Improved cooking methods. More prominent when cooking food flavor with spices such as ginger, garlic, cumin, etc.; prominent with sour salty ingredients or spices, such as vinegar, tomato, lemon, etc.; eat sweet and savory flavors of the dish, make salty sweetness flavor fades, increase the use of salt, so Sweet and Sour Pork, Pork, etc. to eat; vegetables to the pot until salt can reduce the dosage; eat dips dishes, but also can reduce the use of salt.
2. Use low sodium salt. Low sodium salt is potassium instead of sodium ions part, but the same salty.
3. Wary of salt in processed foods. There are not many food tastes salty, in fact, it added a lot of sodium or salt, such as white bread, cakes, biscuits, jelly and so on. Bacon, sausage, salted fish and other processed foods, salt more. So buy processed foods should pay attention to look at the label, try to choose low sodium content.

Second, make up potassium.
Potassium can prevent stroke, and to assist normal muscle contraction. In the result of high sodium intake causes high blood pressure, potassium also have lower blood pressure. Healthy people will automatically excess potassium excreted, but kidney patients need to control potassium intake. Chinese people's attention to potassium level is not enough, the amount previously Nutrition Society recommended adult daily intake of 2 g of potassium, and many foreign countries, the recommended amount is 3.6 to 4 grams, the new standard, to prevent chronic diseases and potassium intake should be 3.5 g or more.
Proposed measures:
Potassium is relatively stable and not easily lost from food, just eat more potassium-rich foods can play a complementary role. Potassium beans are "big", such as soybeans, black beans, mung beans, red beans, potassium per 100 grams up to 800 mg or more; potatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas, leafy green vegetables, also rich in potassium, a medium-sized potatoes to contain nearly 1 g of potassium. Hot summer is coming, you may wish to drink plenty of bean soup, mixed bean porridge, not only can increase potassium intake, but also to add moisture. In addition, proper eating dried fruit, such as dried red dates, raisins, etc., they are "enrichment" source of potassium. But when you choose dried fruit, buy natural dried, not adding a lot of sugar and salt.

Third, the vitamin C in moderation.
Vitamin C is an important antioxidant essential nutrients. Many studies show that high levels of vitamin C in the body can help prevent coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer and death for different reasons. Previously, Nutrition Society recommended adult daily intake of vitamin C 100 mg; Now, in order to achieve the effect of prevention of chronic diseases, Nutrition Society recommended amount would be for an adult daily intake of 200 mg of vitamin C.

Proposed measures:
1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C-rich foods to fruits and vegetables mainly. In general, the content of vitamin C in vegetables than fruit. Common peppers, green peppers, radish, mustard and other vitamin C content is very rich.
2. Fruit eaten raw. Higher levels of vitamin C in fruits is jujube, jujube, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, kiwi, citrus. For example, 100 grams of vitamin C content of fresh dates reached 243 mg, 100 g kiwi fruit contains vitamin C 62 mg. Some common temperate fruits such as apples, pears, peaches, watermelon, vitamin C content is very low.

Limit intake of vitamin C is 1,000 milligrams a day, if excess will be some security risks. However, just by excessive bag factory food intake is generally difficult, but rather a lot of people eat enough amount, then also choose to use dietary supplements supplement.


Do more headache prevention in Summer

Every summer some people headaches often occur because of rising summer temperatures high, coupled with the fast pace of modern urban life tension force people into work and learning among. High summer temperatures, people are eating less, physical exertion, the body can lead to protein, carbohydrates, fat, water and other substances to make ends meet, there metabolic disorders, intracranial pressure drop, people appear "orthostatic headache" and "low blood sugar headache "and so on. Headaches, has become a high incidence in the summer, "lifestyle diseases." Relevant data show that summer to white-collar workers and headache sufferers females. With the popularity of air conditioning, indoor and outdoor temperature, and people pay attention to adjust the temperature out of the room, will increase the severity of headaches. In addition, lack of sleep, mental fatigue, agitation, headache, irregular life can induce.

bag factory

Summer Fever headache. Some people a summer, especially in the early summer temperatures rise and sudden temperature exceeded 37 of heat periods will often accompanied by loss of appetite, headache, fever and malaise. After the cool autumn not rule Jiyu. This is called Summer Fever headache headache is caused due to autonomic dysfunction, mostly in poor health, lack of blood body.
Preventive measures are mainly pay attention to environmental cooling, to guarantee a certain sleep time, light-based diet, eat more vegetables and fruit.

Dehydrated headaches. Summer temperatures often higher than body temperature, sweat evaporation and thus also many, if not add water, the body easily dehydrated. After dehydration the body, cerebrospinal fluid is also reduced, skull and brain tissue gap will increase, when postural changes, especially when standing, brain tissue due to mild "sink" or "shock", making the brain nerve root by pulling the emergence and vascular headache.
For this occurs due to dehydration, headache, can enter a certain amount of physiological saline, to eliminate or reduce dehydration. Meanwhile the patient should rest in bed, try to lower the head. The key is to prevent such a headache to replenish moisture. Summer prone to diarrhea, to prevent dehydration diarrhea, or headache are also prone to water shortages.

Migraine. Migraine, also known as vascular headaches, because extracranial vascular intracranial vasomotor dysfunction onset of head pain occurs. Pain can be unilateral may be bilateral in nature, onset of pain accompanied by pale, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of autonomic dysfunction. Some patients with headache have occurred about 30 minutes before visual symptoms, namely flash illusion.
To reduce the occurrence of migraine, the summer should pay special attention to work and rest, adequate sleep, avoid anxiety and tension.

Heat injury headaches. Hot summer weather, people will seek the cool air conditioning was very low temperature, indoor and outdoor temperature difference is too large, a house can not adapt, Yan Shu counter is likely to affect the body; Some people outside temperature exceed 35 circumstances, Guangzhuobangzi backbone , wearing a halter and a halter top, skin it will absorb heat from the outside, body heat is not easy to distribute. Result was Shubing, headache, high fever, weakness, fatigue, upset thirst, sweating more than, palpitation palpitation..
Preventive measures are properly sunstroke, interior through the ventilation, cooling and other methods, of course, air conditioning, fans, etc. should not be blowing straight out to bring umbrellas, pay attention to drink plenty of water, because when the ambient temperature exceeds 35 circumstances, only by sweat cooling way to cool down.

To remind that, whenever headache, many people choose to "be able to endure," the negative attitude, this idea is not desirable. Headache is often a danger signal for many diseases, if untreated may even be life-threatening, this must not be careless.
To prevent headaches, hot summer with particular attention to arrange a regular schedule; air-conditioned room to keep the air fresh and often ventilation ventilation; while avoiding high temperature, light and noise. Once a headache when coming for a cool bag factory and quiet environment, but also a hot bath while under the guidance of a doctor taking some analgesic drugs.


Common Mistakes consumption of eggs

Misunderstanding one: eggs and sugar and cook

There are many places to eat dessert poached habits. In fact, eggs and sugar, cook, make the egg protein in the form of fructose lysine amino acid conjugates. This substance can not easily be absorbed by the body, would cause adverse health effects.

Myth two: Raw eggs are more nutritious

Some people think that raw eggs have lungs and moisturizing voice effects. In fact, raw eggs not only unsanitary, easily lead to bacterial infection, and not more nutritious. Raw egg contains avidin, biotin affect the absorption of food, easy to make the body loss of appetite, weakness, muscle pain, skin irritation, eyebrow and other "biotin deficiency." Raw egg protein structure is dense, and contains anti-trypsin, the great majority can not be absorbed by the body, and only cooked proteins before they become soft, it is more beneficial to human digestion and absorption.

In addition, there are special raw egg smell, can cause central nervous system depression, make saliva, gastric and intestinal secretion of digestive juices, etc., leading to loss of appetite, indigestion. Therefore, eggs cooked to high temperatures before eating, do not eat undercooked eggs.

Myth three: Maternal eat eggs as possible

Mothers during childbirth physical exertion, digestion and absorption function, and liver detoxification function is reduced, a lot of food will lead to liver and kidney burden, causing adverse consequences. Excessive ingestion of protein, but also in the intestine produce large amounts of ammonia, phenol and other chemicals toxic to the human body is large, prone to abdominal swelling, nausea, dizziness, limb weakness, coma and other symptoms, resulting in "protein poisoning syndrome . " Protein intake should be based on the body's protein digestion and absorption calculation. Under normal circumstances, mothers eat three or so eggs would be sufficient.

Myth four: the elderly avoid eating eggs

Because eggs contain high cholesterol, so, has been popular with older people eat egg argument. Recent scientific evidence shows that this argument does not make sense.

Egg yolk contains rich lecithin, is a powerful emulsifier, cholesterol and fat particles become very fine, smooth cells through the blood vessel wall being fully utilized, thereby reducing blood cholesterol. And egg yolk lecithin is choline after digestion can release into the blood and thus synthesis of acetylcholine, a major neurotransmitter substances, can improve brain function, enhance memory.

Myth Seven: the longer the better boiled eggs

To prevent cooking the eggs in the shell burst, the eggs washed, placed in a water pot and soak for 1 minute over low heat to boil. Open, use Simmer 8 minutes. Avoid cooking time is too long, otherwise, the yolk ferrous ions will produce a chemical reaction with sulfide ions to form ferrous sulfide brown precipitate, hinder the body's absorption of iron.

Eggs cooked too long, egg yolk proteins ferrous ions and sulfur ions combine to form insoluble ferrous sulfide, it is difficult to be absorbed. Fried eggs over the old, the edge will be scorched, egg contains protein polymer becomes low molecular weight amino acids,
bag factory this amino acid can be formed at high temperatures often detrimental to human health chemicals.


Food additives Know

Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting, pointed out that the current urgent need to strengthen food quality and safety supervision, improve production license, mandatory product certification, special equipment safety supervision and other regulatory system. Strengthening of key products, key industries and key areas of quality and safety risk monitoring and analysis and evaluation, especially in food production and marketing chain, to focus on production source of governance, strengthen market supervision and management.

For food additives, most consumers do not know much. In fact, in the 1980s, China's only five six hundred kinds of food additives. The use of food additives in a reasonable, some food additives also contain substances that are beneficial to human body, such as lycopene can increase the body vitamin E, oligosaccharides, oligosaccharide, xylitol, etc., can lower blood sugar, proliferation of intestinal Probiotics prevent obesity.

Fault is not food additives

Food additive itself is not wrong, is due to lack of supervision of those black-hearted corporate abuse, misuse and illegal use of food additives, and even add non-food substances act. More prominent performance in two aspects: First, unlimited use of additives, some several times exceeding the prescribed limits, or even a hundred times, is bound to cause harm to humans. Two non-food additives overuse and abuse is very serious. For example: Sudan, melamine and plasticizing agents, does not belong to food additives, allowed to add to the food inside. Again, you can use lemon in the cake, but where it is not allowed to use in bread.

 Illegal use and abuse of serious

Food additives which are legal and which are illegal to do? For example: melamine, clenbuterol and other food additives is not, but chemical raw materials, these substances are added to food is strictly prohibited. Require the use of a total of 907 kinds of food additives, such as preservatives, antioxidants, thickeners, emulsifiers, sweeteners, bulking agent, is essential for the food, the daily eat soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, salt etc., are all areas of food additives. Because of these food additives, after a rigorous safety assessment in accordance with the requirement to use and will not cause harm to humans.

Try to eat less processed foods

People in the choice of food, you should avoid excessive pursuit of taste, color, head of the errors, do not over-reliance on processed foods, the best choice preserve the natural characteristics of the food, attention to the natural quality of the food. For example: try to choose seasonal vegetables and fruits, eat packaged foods, anti-season vegetables and fruits, puffed food, quick food and processed deli.bag factory Especially surprisingly large or unusually red fruit, generally are not the natural quality of the food.


Mystic India god oil

Hindu god oil, most people have heard of, who had no real use for its purposes guess is varied:

Will it be the same with the one size fits all?

One kind of military supplies, you can wipe the firearms, a failure in firearms use.

Face paint to use, with the latter will become angel.

India as a seasoning, similar to the Chinese sesame oil.

Start Aladdin's special oil.

After wiping the hair to the hair will harden, and hair gel, pomade or something similar.

Indian gods only use oil, which would like to use with which ......

Of course, everyone here is the funny side of a lot of conjecture, most people think that "Indian god oil" is topical "Viagra", you can extend the male sexual intercourse. Actually, not so god.

The so-called Hindu god oil, originally called the Buddha or Buddhism dew flavor by a famous Buddhist monk carefully prepared, the purpose is to help people get in the bed between joy and satisfaction first, later this flavor recipe preparation spread to Hindu there was a lot of production, but was renamed Indian god oil. In fact, it is temporary and local anesthetic spray painting or wine in the glans, aimed at removing the sensitivity and prolong sexual intercourse. Mainly by the gecko refined into oil, accompanied by dozens of herbs made after refining, in addition to general common aphrodisiac effect, but also because a very effective medication bruises.

The reason why Indian god oil to improve the efficacy of premature ejaculation, but by promoting blood circulation to the penis, increase its hardness and glans diameter, reduce the local sensitivity, and can not achieve the purpose of impotence, because it is not aphrodisiac. As advertised the "War Torn does not fall", "sterilization and disease prevention" and other effects, Guangdong Province of the Society President Professor Zhang Feng bluntly, now the "Hindu god oil" is neither made in India, nor is it used in the Indian god , in fact, a lubricant, especially suitable for use in the elderly, can be solved in older women due to vaginal dryness caused by sexual pain, after all, a woman over 50 years old, vaginal secretions decrease, because of resistance from the psychological pain sex sex .

Now, gradually "Viagra" type of oral drugs are replaced by more Hindu god oil supplies have become a synonym for sex. In fact, both oral topical, such assistance "Tools" sometimes may cause erectile difficulties or retardation and psychological dependence, and even other more serious side effects, bag factory if it is caused by organic disease or disorder should ask medical professionals to resolve.


Qiongdao Chunyin will be in the Penglai

High mountains of Taiwan jade, colored Chunyun whisk Shu open. Ying empty even ban misty liquid, mixing order day care Penglai. - Ming Cheng Ji

As long as Beihai Park in late spring tour, too liquid pool of blue water in the islands and lush hilltop tall white tower, always first attracted our attention.

East Gate into the park from the North Sea, across Zhi Hill Bridge, across the colorful arches, standing in front of the lush Qiongdao. Qiongdao is Qionghua Island for short. Tower along the trail up the mountain on the island, surrounded by cypress pine in addition, there are peach, spring, lilac, acacia, from early spring to late summer, changing the plot to Qiongdao put different colored clothes.

Jin began to Qionghua Island are under construction as the center of the palace, King Sejong from the Northern Song Dynasty imperial garden in the "borrowed" a lot of eroded limestone, creating their own wonderland. Too liquid pool and Qiongdao, Mission City and now the Zhongnanhai's Yingtai, imitation is the legend of the Middle East sea three mountains, Yingtai behalf Chou, Mission City on behalf of the abbot, Qiongdao is representative of Penglai.

Later, simply become a monastery here, is a veritable wonderland of Taoism, and Chunyin "Spring", which also has the meaning of the pursuit of immortality. Kublai Khan to Qiongdao as the center, creating a large capital, the construction process, ancestor lived on the island to deal with the political affairs of the Moon Palace, where the Qing Dynasty, it became Baita Taki.

Until the Ming and Qing dynasties, the North Sea has been a Royal Palace, ordinary people can not see Qiongdao views. Speaking for the Qing Imperial, also from ethnic minorities in Tibetan Buddhism, is clearly more on the appetite. So Qiongdao Baita Tibetan erected on top of the hill. Repair of a new white tower at the highest point of Evergreen clump particularly conspicuous, looking down from the mountains, a pool of blue water sparkling in the spring.

Today, Qiongdao Chunyin garden beauty is no longer exclusive Royal. bag factory Just buy tickets, anyone can too liquid filled lake in sunny stroll and enjoy the warm sun and the spring breeze was blowing willow.


Galicia flame wine

Queimada is a traditional Spanish Galician distilled liquor, wine is one of the most beloved Spaniards.

Queimada is a traditional Spanish Galician distilled liquor, wine is one of the most beloved Spaniards. Greeks in the eyes of the end of the old continent is today Galicia. Abundant sunshine, long coastline, so Galicia produced Abba Lino of Spain's best white wines. People use Abba Lino white wine wine grape residue remaining spawn taste fine Queimada, any time of the day, as long as drinking enthusiasm up, and then turn to sip some. Into a grand festival, Queimada is an indispensable element of happiness. At weddings and large parties, and enthusiastic person reciting Galician passed down from ancestors never changes spell the word, Weizhehuolu, using traditional and special ceremony to drink Queimada. That happiness is to wander in wine between the firelight.

Hundred percent Galicia manufacturing

Queimada Galicia in Spain have only the main ingredient is sugar shochu Galicia, Galicia soju is named after geographical protection. Authentic Queimada posted bottle of Blue Label is to prove that it is within the geographic area of
​​Galicia Abba Illinois wine grape pomace produced shochu.

Queimada history can be traced back a long time. Its brewing process through Abbey and Mission alchemist or Road to Santiago spread, and wine production are closely linked, and into people's lives, and perhaps from the eighteenth century, perhaps even earlier. Now almost all of Galicia brewing Queimada master, many families every year to grow their own grapes, fresh brewed their own pure Queimada. And wine different, Queimada not be stored longer the better.

Queimada brought by the local grapes fermenting grapes or grape pomace remaining slurry distillation. People use various distillation, and steam generation by direct fire. When the distillation process is complete, with the alcohol concentration, where people choose to extract pure aromatic components, will be awarded with a fine tradition Queimada. Fresh Queimada pure pure taste, like the taste of the people will be aging in barrels will Queimada aging.

In the region of Galicia, which has a long history of brewing wine regardless of their production process, or the distillation of grape pomace, or shochu thus obtained the aging process, must be completed in the Galicia region. Only a hundred percent, "Galicia made" to be eligible to be accompanied by soju noble Galician Blue Label. Named by the Galician geography shochu aroma and strong taste, purity, can be filled with a long after taste. Its simple use of materials, do not use any extraneous material, fresh shochu looks colorless, transparent and pure, and aging over shochu brownish amber. Queimada alcohol content at 35.5 degrees to 50 degrees.

In the afternoon, pour a small cup Qinglie Queimada, according to their own preferences to add some coffee or lemonade.
bag factory Sipping a thin, beautiful bouquet and fruity reveal faint lingering in the lips and teeth, really fantastic.


Where Hong Kong's economic strength

Hong Kong has been used as the last vestiges of colonial rule, in the minds of the British left-wing politician, was described as a total in the Far East, dirty sweatshops.

But since last year occurred on the Hong Kong market, numerous events, prove that this wealth of strength and international influence for the rapidly growing body of political economy argument is biased.

As colonialism diehards are incredible, as the British business community in Hong Kong's influence was waning. Over the past year, more and more Chinese people in Hong Kong want to appear a force, the most powerful tradition with local firms - has 148-year history of Jardine Matheson compete.

Jardine changes on the market speculation about almost obscures another important information, Chinese quarter in Hong Kong's financial influence is growing.

Surrounding the acquisition of terminals and warehouses Limited Kowloon, Hong Kong, Hongkong Land (a Jardine has a close relationship with the company) and the Chinese shipping magnate Pao launched fierce battle, the former Waterloo.

Hongkong Land financed the acquisition was first announced to 12.2 yuan of Landmark stock, plus a nominal 75.6 yuan of mortgage bonds, giving a total consideration of $ 100, for a share of only $ 10 Wharf stock, will be on hand 20% shareholding holdings to 49% (49% is the critical point, but in reality forced Pao to more than 49% share of the general offer to acquire short-term financing is very difficult). Under the circumstances, the outside world think Pao (previously held 30%) will give up ownership and bid. But Pao quickly responded to the challenge of Landmark. Only a weekend, Pao win HSBC support assembly 200 million pounds (about 2.1 billion Hong Kong dollars) to 105 yuan per share price of replacing Land Acquisition Wharf stock holdings to 49% of the shares on hand.

Pao prices in tricky takeover battle won, while avoiding the risk of overall funding acquisitions, which greatly weakened the launching of the war business giant Jardine Matheson forces, so that British-owned financial institutions in Hong Kong in a few years has been a big setback.

This naturally sparked rumors of Jardine crisis. ......

Unpredictable is from Beijing investment interests. China is gradually in Hong Kong's financial projects play an important role to play ...... Chinese ...... even lending to these projects proved that this political pragmatism in China since Mao's death, the concepts and ideas in the gradual progress.

Many Chinese are the official short-term investment capital, from the Jardine or acquire shares of the Beijing Landmark is undoubtedly attractive. Chinese in Hong Kong, but also there are many financing channels ......

Regardless of the current Landmark about Jardine and changes the outcome, it is clear the importance of the British business community in Hong Kong has become increasingly weakened.

Simply from the financial, said in Hong Kong in recent years, the British regarded as a minor partner. Britain is in the United States, Japan and other foreign capital investment after the arrival of our manufacturing sector, it is in the proportion of foreign investment capital, from March 1979 to 7.2%, fell to 6.6% in March this year. In contrast, the United States accounts for foreign capital in Hong Kong 44.5%, Japan accounted for 21.7%.

Politically speaking, the Chinese in Hong Kong, the growing expectations of the business community, working with Beijing as soon as possible end of the Sino-British treaty making New Territories close fit. Holding political pragmatism enterprising Chinese Communist Party and the wealth of ideas between businessmen gap is shrinking. ......

China Light and Power Company, Mr. Chairman Lawrence Kadoorie, Sino-British relations, a prominent critic, also publicly commented: "No matter from which point of view, Hong Kong has become in the United Kingdom under the jurisdiction of China's free zone."

If you continue to stand in local Chinese in Hong Kong, the economy in the forefront of this free zone will be more likely to sustain. Regardless of how the British left-wing politician believes that Hong Kong has actually govern this area from many years ago, bag factory and they are now their names are written on the front door.


The sub crown prince, the mother when the Prince

Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle once commented in the natural level woman: nature was weak, relatively cool, compassionate women than men ...... "Roman historian Taxi Lun at the political level subversion of Aristotle said: "The woman's shortcomings lies not only of weakness and lack of willpower, if to relax their words, they will become cruel, crafty and ambitious ... and issued from their more wayward and authoritarian command ...... "

If this is just a narrative on the meaning of the text, then a person but by his great-grandmother "case" a profound understanding of: woman face power manifested in the face of terror is not inferior to men. This person is Han Dynasty.

When Liu Bang bandits, who also is a small his 20s called the LV Zhi honest girl to marry him. Later, Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu when God king, the LV Zhi also became Queen. In 195 BC, the Han emperor Liu Bang died, 17-year-old eldest son Liu Ying ascended the throne, from the power falls on the hands of the Empress. At this point, the original simple girl who has long been transformed into a ruthless drug women. First, in order to cut off the alien hand "absolute power" Empress poisoned wishful zhaowang, and Liu Bang Chong Fei Qi Furen extremely cruel means to be harmed.

When the history of the evolution of this generation to the Han Dynasty, Liu Che imperial power in hand, did not forget the evil deeds of the great-grandmother Empress. Then made an important decision, "son of the crown prince, the mother when the Prince", meaning that once it is determined that the crown prince, the mother must die. Emperor Wu of Han in order to guard against similar Empress curtain Political Affairs in the cause of the tragedy from happening again.

Let me call this the Han Dynasty law.

Northern Wei later to comply with this "law". Every palace Yuli Prince, must be crying, because it means the end of the life of the mother line. This very Chinese characteristics "left calf to the mother" phenomenon to Xuanwu Di son of Li Yuan Xu finally changed for the Prince. Xuanwu Di could not bear to see the Queen died a violent death, pity was moved, and the lucky woman will stop at the threshold of hell. However, history does not turn a beautiful one. Woman from death (ie, future Empress Dowager Hu), usurpation of power not only involved in the political and extravagance, his best the room curtain of private, and finally in the power of temptation and struggle actually killed her own only son!

However, even more clearly "Emperor Wu of Han's Law," the truth of another woman in the Tang Dynasty, that is, Wu Zetian. Foregoing Empress Empress Dowager Hu, Wu Zetian from the harem concubine to the Royal to the Queen Mother, the paradox of the process itself, full of intrigue and killing has been verified in advance "Emperor Wu of Han law necessary. Empress Wu Empress Dowager and the Emperor's Chongfei Xiaoliang Di brutal means like Empress - chopped off the hands and feet into wine urn, "so that it bone drunk" in the end, they had been tortured to death. Lin Yutang in the evaluation of Empress Wu had this lament: "murder has become a habit, the murderer terrorist murder lost ...... in Wu Zetian heart, the massacre is great, is the authority."

Alas! Does God give a woman a good-natured conscience in the face of the desire for power is so vulnerable? History does not this the end of a woman, she is the Empress Dowager Cixi, she has once again proven "Han Wudi law". Let me once again think of the of Socrates famous phrase: "the basis of power is violence ..."

This warning "Han Wudi law" at least to our modern: constraints and absolute power when power is lost, the sin will inevitably produce, bag factory regardless of the rulers are male or female.


Back to the past, in fact, anyone can

Nagata into middle age, life suffered a major crisis. Wife the affair Cheyebugui, son leave school autistic home, dying father with terminal cancer in the countryside ...

Each month Nagata will go home two or three times to visit sick father. He and his father's feelings, to visit the sick in order to get that sum of money home fare, because he has been unemployed for more than a month.

I hope tonight will be able to die. On his way home, sitting on the the station shelters bench, Nagata so I thought.

At this time a burgundy the Odyssey wagon parked in front of him, greeted him on the train, five years ago in the newspaper that a pair of father and son were killed in a car accident ...

The beginning of the novel is wonderful, and sometimes people can not tell that this is a fantasy or reality, with the advancement of the story to come to accept the existence of such a "ghost car", this car will be with the hero Nagata crossing time and space, back to over the years.

See here may think of a movie, "Back to the Future". The same through time and space back to the subject matter of the past, such protagonist generally face difficulties, some adventure in the past to create a new life can change in the future. But unfortunately, there is no such luck in this book, the past can not be changed. That back to the past, what is the point? The hero car Hashimoto ask, the answer is - in order to eliminate regret it. Know will unfortunately bound development, but can not be changed, it seems to be back in the past is not a fortunate thing.

Nagata or trying to change something in the back of a turning point in the fate of this reminds me of the weather forecasters in the Cage. In fact, everyone can sit the hearts of the station wagon back to memory can not change the past, just not as lucky as Nagata - his seriously ill father in bed Azhong 38-year-old son and the state of the same age to join the time trip.

In addition to about the hero back to the past efforts for the future course of the book, there are a few emotional cues. Because of dissatisfaction with each other so the deterioration of relations between father and son, one would like to draw closer to the father and son of the party they do not care, enthusiastic support unexpectedly caused the estrangement of father and son ...... can be said that the theme of this book is to explore the parent-child relationship. Whether father or son, in fact, who did not do anything wrong, people are doing what they think is right, but there will always lead to some unwanted consequences.

Father and son are very close to the reality of family relationships very modest indeed, at least can be easily demonstrated much close. The reasons should have a variety of it, may be too dignified father as head of the family, it may be because of a sudden event, it may be because of the accumulation of little things in childhood. Now is not really something serious, adult mentality completely understandable father at the time, but the heart a long time ago has changed and stereotypes, even now want to get close to them will feel not used to.

But it is surprising, though not absolute, regardless of the children of the attitude of the parents of one of the parents love their children still will not change. I do not know each other and their own gene exists, or what other reasons, selfless parents always want their children to be happy, and do all his efforts to help. This is the world that many feelings are necessary for both sides to pay in order to maintain unilaterally to pay, but do not expect anything in return I am afraid only parents love their children. The sake of the children at all.

Years ago, the one thing I still memorable. That year his grandfather died, I went home to attend the funeral. Drop the ashes buried in a desolate cemetery. After the end of the burial ceremony said something then, my father left the cemetery take the lead, never looking back, going very fast. My brother and two usual pace behind him. Walking in front of his father suddenly stopped, with a straight face told us to go fast, went up to him in front. Although to do so, but I feel some sense. Later learned that, according to the custom of the country, the home was deceased the drop buried family members as soon as possible to leave the cemetery, the faster it goes farther away the time with old friends, the late, that will live longer. Although it is known superstition, but older people will still care about. Father on the road waiting for us told us to go in front of him, that is, as a mere desire, hope to die after him.

"The nadir which parents will want their children to die in front of their own? ...... I am willing to do anything for him, I beg you to save him. Exchange is also no problem with my life ... if I have three days of life, these three days to a male, bag factory so that he can make it back alive ... "has terminal cancer, soon soon the world Azhong afraid to the son die immediately, car Hashimoto shouting.


Ten years later, what will you do

I have the opportunity to see an article called "Rockefeller's advice. , The Rockefeller and his wife Julius excitedly sitting in the audience, listening to her daughter Elizabeth's graduation speech. Elizabeth enrolled in a historic private school St. Louis High School, to speak on behalf of the thousands of outstanding graduates of the secondary school is a very honorable thing. Even so, she still so confused about their future career choices. One day, she asked her father: "Dad, you said my ten years will do?" Rockefeller slightly contemplative, smiled and said: "My dear daughter, in fact, distressed you a, facing this important choice most young people like you disturbed by this confused period, has always been to make young people feel distressed for you now, ten years later, or the distant future, but you can predict what you do after 10 years of work has only happy to meet when do such long-term plans, first make a table of attractive career, and then considering the other factors made to walk in their own areas of interest, whether the necessary subjects to grasp ? What are the characteristics of these professional lifestyle? "If your job is not particularly attractive, I advise you to choose an opportunity to work without geographical constraints career., as people who have moved to other places, can also put your skills away! hope you can calm down and think about it, you would like to do a dream of soaring to the sky. "

Ten years later you me that he is indeed a distant future, but you can predict the years after, what do you do to feel happy, satisfied you live in what kind of place, this should be our every The individual must be thinking and yearning for a dream. As everyone knows, no one can put their own lives as a complete set of computer software program, painted on a well-designed beautiful big circle.

Life planning, no planning there is no goal, no effort direction. But life is not a fixed version, there is no infinite variety of templates, daily just living WordPad. Some people say well, life does not need the dress rehearsal, live every day. Everyone has their own life, their work, their families, their own circle of life, the initial intention of a short period of time and life planning. Life, you have a how to recognize their own problems, also has a how to treat other people's problems, how to recognize themselves, treat themselves and control their own, how to treat others, understanding others and treat others is the key to life planning! We live in some income and success often come from inadvertently, the most disappointing when often there will always be new hope for the emergence and produce.

Ten years later, what will you do? Where will you be? In fact, this is not important, important is that you really lay down their life too much complex, hard, paid a truly over their own lives every day,
bag factory your life planning is not empty-handed, but own a small blue sky clear blue skies!


Do a good job with their relationship

Young people have a business, business rebuffed a series, one after the disappointments of his mental and physical exhaustion, quite young, but premature aging, body shape, looking pale and thin. One day, he went to visit an over ninety entrepreneurs, and asked what is the secret of success for the elderly. The old man did not answer immediately, but asked the young man a question: If you opened a noodle shops in the street, how can we hold on the time of year?

Said the young man: "Ramen well to eat a little on the line."

Entrepreneurs nodded: "Yes, eat Ramen well, more diners, shops can make money of course, be able to fight on shop to support one year, you need to 'do a good job with ramen'."

The entrepreneurs asked: "How can I make ramen shop stays on for five years?"

The young man froze for a moment and said: "Ramen well on the line? Need to do anything else?"

The entrepreneurs: shop to support one year, as long as the Ramen do Haojiu Hang but the store business is good, others will do ramen, it will be competing with you, So, you have to do a good job with ramen, also do a good job with competitors, healthy competition and coexistence. "

Listening to young people seems to have realized. The entrepreneurs asked: "how to shop to get through 10 years?"

Young and stupid, do not know how to answer. Entrepreneurs laugh: "If the shop to make it through the decades, have to do a good job in the relationship with the landlord if you shop business is booming, the landlord looked jealous, or to recover the store of his own ramen, or to raise the rent so that you can not afford, so do a good job with the landlord relationship is very important. "

The entrepreneurs asked: "How can I make the shop to make it through the five years?"

Young people can only be confused eyes looked entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs smiled: the shop to get through 50 years, have to do a good job with their young people, you are only 24 years old, looked like a 56-year-old, even if you are determined to do business, your body with you? decrepit to be a harsh word, you can make it through the five years of it? "

The body is the capital of work, do a good job with their relationship, have a positive attitude to life, a healthy body, even if you fail, bag factory you still have enough time to make up and improved.