
Common Mistakes consumption of eggs

Misunderstanding one: eggs and sugar and cook

There are many places to eat dessert poached habits. In fact, eggs and sugar, cook, make the egg protein in the form of fructose lysine amino acid conjugates. This substance can not easily be absorbed by the body, would cause adverse health effects.

Myth two: Raw eggs are more nutritious

Some people think that raw eggs have lungs and moisturizing voice effects. In fact, raw eggs not only unsanitary, easily lead to bacterial infection, and not more nutritious. Raw egg contains avidin, biotin affect the absorption of food, easy to make the body loss of appetite, weakness, muscle pain, skin irritation, eyebrow and other "biotin deficiency." Raw egg protein structure is dense, and contains anti-trypsin, the great majority can not be absorbed by the body, and only cooked proteins before they become soft, it is more beneficial to human digestion and absorption.

In addition, there are special raw egg smell, can cause central nervous system depression, make saliva, gastric and intestinal secretion of digestive juices, etc., leading to loss of appetite, indigestion. Therefore, eggs cooked to high temperatures before eating, do not eat undercooked eggs.

Myth three: Maternal eat eggs as possible

Mothers during childbirth physical exertion, digestion and absorption function, and liver detoxification function is reduced, a lot of food will lead to liver and kidney burden, causing adverse consequences. Excessive ingestion of protein, but also in the intestine produce large amounts of ammonia, phenol and other chemicals toxic to the human body is large, prone to abdominal swelling, nausea, dizziness, limb weakness, coma and other symptoms, resulting in "protein poisoning syndrome . " Protein intake should be based on the body's protein digestion and absorption calculation. Under normal circumstances, mothers eat three or so eggs would be sufficient.

Myth four: the elderly avoid eating eggs

Because eggs contain high cholesterol, so, has been popular with older people eat egg argument. Recent scientific evidence shows that this argument does not make sense.

Egg yolk contains rich lecithin, is a powerful emulsifier, cholesterol and fat particles become very fine, smooth cells through the blood vessel wall being fully utilized, thereby reducing blood cholesterol. And egg yolk lecithin is choline after digestion can release into the blood and thus synthesis of acetylcholine, a major neurotransmitter substances, can improve brain function, enhance memory.

Myth Seven: the longer the better boiled eggs

To prevent cooking the eggs in the shell burst, the eggs washed, placed in a water pot and soak for 1 minute over low heat to boil. Open, use Simmer 8 minutes. Avoid cooking time is too long, otherwise, the yolk ferrous ions will produce a chemical reaction with sulfide ions to form ferrous sulfide brown precipitate, hinder the body's absorption of iron.

Eggs cooked too long, egg yolk proteins ferrous ions and sulfur ions combine to form insoluble ferrous sulfide, it is difficult to be absorbed. Fried eggs over the old, the edge will be scorched, egg contains protein polymer becomes low molecular weight amino acids,
bag factory this amino acid can be formed at high temperatures often detrimental to human health chemicals.

