
Eye nursing should pay attention to

The eyes are the window to the soul, but we overwork on these two windows, guilt over tried all kinds of methods, to repair them knock, but forget to protect him, let him fully to breathe. Don't torture your eyes, cause of visual deterioration is hypoxia, give them some breathing space!

Try not to wear contact lenses
There should be a lot of people usually wear contact lenses? I hope you cannot but only on, for example to meet people, attended the public, only the use of contact lenses.
Eyes not only obtain nutrients from the blood, but also through breathing oxygen intake. Contact lenses it prevents eye breathing. Moreover, no matter how contact lenses that emphasizes on "high oxygen permeability, than but don't wear glasses. Contact lenses can not wear don't wear, especially from the early evening wear to the people, for the sake of your health is best to immediately abandon. Especially the colored contact lenses, the popular pupil to put big is not healthy to the extreme. This type of contact lenses are not corrected visual acuity effects, build on this popular is his own hurt themselves in the eyes, the best stop using.

Eat more Vegetable & Fruit
Work the more busy people, the more easily ignored the importance of diet. Especially the single men, many people often do not eat breakfast, eat fast food at noon, evening entertainment is also just drink beer.
Your body is the food you eat by. When the long-term lack of human nutrition, easily lead to necrosis, fatty liver, liver cells, and even liver cirrhosis. Once the liver function is bad, will directly affect the eyes. Therefore, a balanced intake of nutrients required by the body is very important.
Good food for the eyes, the most famous is the bag manufacturer carrot. Carrot contains beta carotene, is a fat soluble vitamin, I often use sesame oil fried to eat traditional Chinese medicine also often take carrots to supplement nutrition.

Sleep sleep well, pack your blind
Awake longer, the eyes of the burden becomes increasingly heavy. When the eyes open, the brain starts to process messages. If maintained for a long time not see clearly state, the brain will feel pressure caused by autonomic dysfunction.
As already mentioned several times, autonomic dysfunction of the eyes is really not very good. Please be sure to try to go to bed early and to sleep, but avoid sleep too full, get up too late.
Early to bed and can promote the secretion of growth hormone. For adults who have stopped growing, growth hormone have repair the body, restore fatigue effect. To note is that the human body only when sleep will begin to secrete growth hormone, and more than three in the morning after, whether sleep then cooked will secrete.
The ideal sleep time is ten pm to go to bed at eleven, five in the morning to get up six points. Even if life is busy, very difficult to achieve in this period of bag factory time to sleep, please as far as twelve points before bedtime.


The appropriate pressure can bring benefits to you

Every day we are easy to put in on life, too much pressure is not good for your body... But ironically, we emphasize more bigger pressure. There is pressure, nervous is not necessarily a bad thing, after all, the body's "fight or flight response" itself is protective in nature, rather than harmful.

In an emergency can be born wise
Low levels of stress can stimulate the brain to produce a chemical called neurotrophic factor, and strengthen the connection between neurons in the brain. In fact, experts even think, this maybe is this movement of physical stressors can help improve the operation mechanisms behind human efficiency and attention. In addition, some based on animal studies have shown that the rapid reaction of the body to pressure to transiently stimulate people's memory and learning ability.

Improve human immunity
The short-term pressure, will let the human open defense mode; the human body produce immune system regulation of extra interleukin, thereby improving the immunity level of short. In addition, researchers in 2012 of Standford through animal experiments also support this point, experts for the mice created slight pressure on the environment, then the number of kinds of epidemic prevention cells in these mice have undergone substantial changes.

Enhance the environmental adaptability
Despite all the pursuit of smooth sailing, but now learned how to deal with some emergency pressure, the future encounter similar situation will respond freely. Repeatedly encounter situations with high pressure, can exercise and mental control ability, so as not to meet the crisis guard panicked.

If from the cell level analysis it is a bit can hold water: a study at the University of California in San Francisco in 2013 found that chronic stress bag manufacturer promote oxidative damage to DNA and RNA, but the daily pressure of medium level appears to inhibit oxidative damage, mental biological adaptation to enhance cell "".

Promote people to the pursuit of excellence
Positive pressure, in the scientific community school also known as positive pressure, perhaps it is necessary to complete a job you. Imagine that the deadline is near at hand, so you have to perform the job quickly and efficiently; the key point is that we want to put under the pressure of the task as a can withstand the challenge, but not insurmountable mountain.
The positive pressure will help you into a "smooth" state, make people highly conscious, intensively involved in certain things to work, such as transaction, sport, art creation.

Let the fetus more tough
Quasi mother who always worry about your anxiety will bring the negative influence to the unborn baby, if long time pressure is too large, do this. But a study in 2006 showed that quasi mother if during pregnancy in low level of pressure in the words of their children by the age of two show than a child born of a stronger movement and development bag factory capacity, there is no pressure mother though, the former children's attention will be weak.


Dinner should not eat food

Eat what is worth attention problems for dinner, eat the wrong can be extremely detrimental to health. For example, at night to eat ginger affect sleep, harm to the body; obesity may eat dessert dinner, eat cabbage, corn, bananas and so on will affect the stomach.

1.After dinner dessert is taboo
Many people like to eat dessert after dinner, feel such a meal was complete, but too sweet greasy things very easy for digestion burden. On the other hand, sweet sugar very difficult to break down in the rest of the state, which will be converted into fat, easily lead to obesity. If there are also cardiovascular disease may.

2.Greasy food should be rejected
Greasy food includes not only the fried foods, and some higher cholesterol content animal offal, etc.. These food after eating will increase the intestines, stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreas work burden, stimulate the nerve center; affecting the quality of sleep. And three high population should be more strict control.

3.Night should not eat "flatulence food"
Some foods can produce large amounts of gas in the digestive process, cause flatulence. Such as beans, cabbage, onions, corn, bananas, etc.. Excessive bag manufacturer abdominal distension feeling not only make intestines and stomach discomfort, also affects the sleep. So the evening should also try to avoid eating these foods.

4.Night eating high calcium foods lead to gallstones
The evening meal is not suitable for eating high calcium foods, such as dried small shrimps, cartilaginous fishes etc.. Since the evening of five zang organs are entering a resting state, high calcium foods in the calcium accumulation in the kidneys and decomposed easily after the urethra, cause stone.

Although many people dinner eat relatively rich, but for long term health consider some necessary principles we should follow, in supplement necessary nutrition and fill the stomach, make intestines and stomach to fully absorb and bag factory rest, to ensure a good night's sleep is crucial.


Do you exercise?

You know the girls beauty? In fact, the movement can also be beauty, than those bottles of skin care products, sports beauty not only healthy, but also more environmentally friendly. Different sports, bring the cosmetic effects are not the same, the beauty of you whether already Heartbeat out?

Table tennis: against the neck grain
Neck wrinkles is the how? Most of the time, because we are sitting in front of the computer, keeping the head to look down position for a few hours unchanged, will inevitably "traces deeply branded" neck. Like table tennis sport, let the head and keep running with the ball contacts, in this exercise, exercise frequency and neck is very high, has been greatly tempered, like to do massage. Similarly, often play badminton, tennis will also have the same effect.

Do yoga: detoxification freckle
Yoga is all the sports, the best detoxification effect. Since then the skin in a completely relaxed state, so the cell growth and repair the highest efficiency, cell division rate of about 8 times faster than usual. The tension of the nerves to relax the body, the body fluid circulation accelerated, discharge is more conducive to the body of toxins, and toxin discharge is most conducive to the elimination of the speckle and acne. At the same time, yoga can also make the inner layer of skin moisture more sufficient, thereby slow drying phenomenon solution of bag manufacturer skin, make skin more tender.

Sit ups: elimination of edema
When the morning, often find problems eyes like emerge overnight. This is because the body blood circulation is impeded, resulting in this part of the skin can not get enough oxygen to self repair. And sit ups can shrink moving abdominal muscle, joint visceral move together, so as to promote metabolism, accelerate the circulation of fluids in the body, continuous to do so for several weeks, black rim of the eye and facial swelling condition can be alleviated.

Swimming: the slow relaxation
When swimming when the skin contact with cold water, capillary contraction diastole, when blood flow and skin will increase, thereby improving blood circulation function of skin. At the same time, swimming friction of currents and waves on the whole skin and pat as to the skin do massage, can effectively slow down the skin relaxation and aging.

Hurry up, brighten complexion
Brisk walking can promote the secretion of the brain endorphins, which is a commonly known as "happy hormone" material, can make all sorts of rhythm of the body in a state of harmony, skin condition bag factory can reach equilibrium skin natural will turn rosy.


Three colors of different apple effect

Scientists and physicians is called the apple "full range of healthy fruit" or "gps". But you know, apple color different its health care efficacy are also different. Then the three colors of the apple which have different functions?

Red apple
More good for the heart, improve memory, maintain urinary tract health. Traditional Chinese medicine thinks, the stronger effect of illnesses red apple lowering blood lipids, soften blood vessels, can protect the cardiovascular health, the elderly can eat some.

Green apple
More conducive to the teeth and bones strong, with Yanggan detoxification illnesses and health effects, and can fight depression, and therefore more suitable for young people to eat. In addition, green apple can also promote the growth of teeth and bones, prevent bleeding gums.

Huang Pingguo
Can strengthen the human immune system, but also beneficial to the prevention of certain cancers. In addition, yellow apple has a good effect on the protection of eyesight, often use the computer office workers may be appropriate to eat.

In addition, Apple also has 5 major health care efficacy:
1.Reduce cholesterol content
Eating apples can reduce blood cholesterol levels and increase the secretion of bile and bile acids function, and can avoid the formation of gallstones in the bile cholesterol precipitation. Someone found experimentally, which people often eat apples, there are more than 50% people, the cholesterol content than apples low 10%.
2.Enhance memory
Elements are rich in zinc apple. Zinc is a component part of many important enzymes in human body, is to promote the growth and development of bag manufacturer key elements. Zinc or composition and memory are closely related to the essential elements of the nucleic acid and protein. Therefore, eat apples with enhanced health care efficacy of memory.
3.Purge Zhixie double effect
Apple contains cellulose can make large intestine stool soft. Apple is rich in organic acids, can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, health promote defecate unobstructed. On the other hand, the apple contains pectin, and can inhibit the intestinal peristalsis is not normal, so that the digestive activity slows down, thereby inhibiting mild diarrhea.
4.Reduce blood pressure
The apple contains more potassium, with the excess sodium combined to make the body. When the human intake of salt too much, eat some apples, is conducive to the balance of electrolytes in the body.
5.Brain nourishing and promoting sleep
Phosphorus and iron element contained in the apple, easily absorbed by the bowel wall, Bunao blood, Ning God sleep health. In addition, the aroma of bag factory apples is the treatment of depression and depressive feeling medicine.