
Six Healthy Idea for Fitness

Running has become one of the most popular fitness methods , no one would deny its value. But in the course of running fitness , often because people do not really grasp the methods and know-how of running injuries circumstances arise . Running right way and tricks that can help you get more benefit from running the .
bag factory
1.Smaller stride In running in stride small initiative aims to reduce muscle force at each step intensity running , as the aim is to extend the running time . There are many people in too much ankle children ran hard, did not run far appeared in local fatigue , people tend to give up running . Stride small, but the action should be balanced. 2.Running speed to slow We all know that different running speed on cardiovascular stimulation is different, slow running relatively mild stimulation of the heart . Generally each individual on the basis of the pulse rate is not the same , if the rhythm in the elderly bradycardia, Morning Pulse only fifty or sixty times per minute , and some young people in the morning pulse has reached seven per minute eighty times. Accordingly, the pulse rate per minute own pulse per minute morning from 1.4 to 1.8 times the obtained run to control the initial strength is relatively healthy suitable. 3.Ran away to long The most important long- running process , the human body can be " active" in the current blood glucose consumed whole , while also consume excess calories accumulated in the human body . This " active" is to reduce the consumption of blood lipids , blood glucose, blood pressure is the best way to the bag factory ease . Lose weight , the more critical is the damage to health is almost "zero ." 4.Vary In general , each individual constitution and vary in disease situations , and therefore must be run in conjunction itself . 5.Pay attention to nutrition Many people think that running a large amount of exercise , be sure to add more nutrition for the job . Many large amounts of animal protein supplement , in fact, such a nourishing is wrong. Jogging is mainly consumed in the body's blood sugar , low demand for protein. So , after running to supplement carbohydrate foods appropriate. " Health Run " is suitable for all healthy people in a group of patients with simple and easy movement, its contribution to mankind will never be a single ! 6.To run the main Body fat than healthy now want to start running exercise , what ran longer distances body certainly can not stand . So , you can go first paragraph, and then rerun period , so that repeated alternately running away can be considered a healthy run . Health Net long fitness Expert Tip: The so-called healthy run, as the name suggests is to run , not for walking . However, some people at the beginning bag factory of the exercise , first for 10 minutes to go, and then run again five minutes , so alternating exercise, finally taking the time to slowly increase the running to shorten the time until the transition to a run for 30 minutes. If you're going to insist on a healthy run 30-50 minutes , you can say great health .

