
Eight hours a day, how to improve the work efficiency?

Nowadays, our daily life is a never changing factor is the time our best work, or that we in the end how long -- general, this time close to eight hours a day.
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And every day, we work more than eight hours. So, how do we in the limited time, improve the efficiency of our work, get the job done? 1.Artificially increase the correlation between tasks: so far, there are a lot of people are still trying to find the focus of attention, especially when there is no time to intercept point. According to Fukuda Yasuokeisuke research shows, jump off your work system, set their own time to intercept point and give yourself a reward, can effectively improve the efficiency of complete characters. 2.The working day is split into ninety minute window: This is how I started doing now. Do not go to think a day eight, six or ten hours of work hours, but think of it as four, five or more ninety minutes of work window. In bag manufacturer this way, you can more easily accomplish four tasks. 3.There are plans to rest to rest: "that person's health is often not ran the fastest, but can make full use of the rest time." Tony Schwarz said. Many times, we are all busy with planning schedules, but forgot how to rest. Advance arrangements for rest what to do. 4.Zero notice: I made a decision right is to follow zero advice joe. As long as there is a change from zero to one, you can break my attention. Great help fixed mobile phone and computer brings to me. If you haven't tried this approach, you can try to turn off all can cause interference in your bag factory digital products. Now to you, do you think the best structure of the work day is how?

