
Dietary Health: Food Color Can Determine The Effectiveness

Different colors of food foreshadowed their different nutritional benefits .
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Red. The color of the fruits and vegetables are very attractive in appearance , they contain up to heart-healthy nutrients. In addition, red fruits and vegetables contain a lot of antioxidants, the body can repair the damage caused by free radicals ; while a large number of soluble dietary fiber helps lower LDL levels . Red food Representative: pomegranates, red apples , red onions, radishes , tomatoes. Orange. The color of the fruit and vegetable both wearing delicate apricot , including strong sturdy winter squash , but they all have one common feature , that contain β -carotene . β -carotene can be converted in the body into vitamin A, is a skin and eye nutrients necessary for cell growth . Orange foods Representative: pumpkin, yellow peppers, sweet potatoes, oranges, carrots. Yellow. Yellow fruits and vegetables in common is that they are rich in antioxidants, can withstand chronic bag manufacturer diseases ( including cancer and heart disease ) . Yellow foods Representative: starfruit , lemon and fig . Green. Most members of this family have a super slimming effect , calories per cup of green fruits and vegetables less than 50 kcal , suitable for mass consumption ; anti -oxidants they contain have the effect of prolonging life . Many green vegetables vegetarian sources of iron uptake , B vitamins and folic acid . Green foods Representative: broccoli , spinach, asparagus. Blue and purple. The color of fruits and vegetables provides a large number of anthocyanins, can resist inflammation, reduce the risk of people suffering from heart disease and cancer. Blue and purple foods Representative: purple cabbage , blueberries, blackberries , eggplant, grapes. Black and brown. Such fruits and vegetables contain large amounts of dietary fiber and antioxidants, which can reduce the risk of people suffering from diabetes and heart disease. Dark brown food bag factory on behalf of : mushrooms , olives, black rice , black beans .

