
These Nutrients Must Not Be Missing In Spring

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1.Vitamin A Scientists have found that the formation of lipofuscin and lipid peroxidation related . More foods containing vitamin E cabbage , sunflower oil, rapeseed oil and so on. Vitamins A, B2 is also nourish the skin smooth indispensable material . When the body lacks vitamin A, skin becomes dry , rough scaly ; If a lack of vitamin B2, will appear milky mouth , lips, skin cracking , scaling and pigmentation . Vitamin A-rich foods are animal liver , cod liver oil , milk, butter, eggs and orange vegetables and fruits. Foods rich in vitamin B2 liver , kidney, heart , eggs, milk and so on. 2.Vitamin C Most whitening products in vitamin C this component , because it can help the skin against UV rays , avoid dark spots, freckles , and is considered highly whitening effect . Summer to avoid UV stimulation , skin sun damage prevention , promote metabolism , so that the formation of melanin has been discharged , dilute the spot . To the fall and winter , but also to change the dull phenomenon of the skin due to poor blood circulation and appear . Help the skin 's resistance against external contamination , avoid skin tired , sallow ugly. If you have a lot of pressure , and the skin is very delicate in virtually , but if we can continue the use of vitamin C, will help the dermis layer of collagen , making skin look not loose and flexible . 3.Vitamin E If vitamin A and vitamin C can help you eliminate like wrinkles , dull , etc. , then the effect of vitamin E is to start from the inside , helping the skin strong , with resistance less susceptible to injury , the skin looks naturally beautiful. Vitamin E helps skin resist the pressure, especially living in an urban environment , every day by the dirty air , exhaust , smoke damage, coupled with pressure from life, work, academic aspects , often unable to maintain a normal schedule , coupled with the fear of foreign aggression , it also accelerated the pace bag manufacturer of aging , so I want to remain forever young , vitamin E is a good partner . Clear skin free radicals naturally healthy. The most powerful ability of vitamin E that neutralize free radicals, will be due to sun , pollution, stress generated by the elimination of free radicals and protect the skin tissue. Although it looks as if there is no vitamin A and vitamin C so powerful , it can simply take care of the skin , so the skin does not early appearance of fine lines , sagging condition . Also promote skin microvascular circulation , the skin of the blood is always bright and clean , ruddy complexion looks natural vitality . 4 , calcium The human body needs calcium to keep bones healthy and prevent osteoporosis. Recommendation: If you do not like milk , yogurt , cheese and other calcium-rich foods , consider calcium supplements. Do not exceed 500 milligrams each , and should supplement vitamin D or sun. Note, however, susceptible to kidney stones in people and women over the age of 70 should not take calcium supplements. A study in 2010 found that: the use of calcium supplements in postmenopausal women increases the risk of heart disease . 5.β- carotene It is also an antioxidant. Suggestions : β- carotene helps protect eyesight, enhance immunity , improve skin . But a 2004 study found that , β- carotene supplements make smokers more susceptible to lung cancer. Therefore, if you smoke, should not take bag factory such supplements . Carrots, sweet potatoes, green peppers and other foods is a good choice .

