
Which nutrients can protect an eye?

In order to maintain good eye health, should pay attention to science diet, because there are a lot of eye disease is closely related with the nutrients. Then, eyes like what nutrients?

Vitamin A is one of the raw materials in the synthesis of rhodopsin porphyropsin is eye vision the most basic material, it can improve sensitivity of dark weak light. The best food sources of vitamin A are animal liver, eggs, egg yolk, cod-liver oil etc.. The food is rich in carotene, carrots, amaranth, spinach, pumpkin, grass green peppers, papaya, mango, shepherd's purse.

Anthocyanin as a powerful antioxidant anthocyanins could reduce free radical damage to the eyes, eye stable micro blood circulation, promote the regeneration of retinal cells, photoreceptor rhodopsin into. Anthocyanin rich foods are blueberries, Blackberry, raisins, cherries, eggplant, black rice, grapes etc..

Lutein and zeaxanthin for these two types of substances can help eye filtering blue light and ultraviolet light, the retina macular from harm. Dark corn, pumpkin, spinach, kale, broccoli, onions, red amaranth, asparagus, rape and bag manufacturer so on are foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin.

DHA eye's retina and optic nerve contains DHA (twenty-two carbon six acid). DHA rich in salmon, tuna, the main food in deep-sea fish such as cod. Vegetarians can eat walnuts, almonds, cashew nuts, hazelnuts, flax seed, perilla seed, or algae, which alpha linolenic acid in the body will be converted into DHA.

Vitamin E which can reduce the free radicals in the eye, delaying aging eyes. Corn oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, sesame, peanuts, lettuce leaves, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower, corn and other foods rich in vitamin E.

Vitamin C can reduce the damage of ultraviolet radiation and oxygen on the lens of the eye. Foods rich in vitamin C, fresh jujube, citrus, hawthorn, strawberry, kiwi, sea buckthorn, pepper, tomato, spinach, cauliflower, Yangzhong.

Tea polyphenols which can scavenge free radicals, but also can prevent radiation damage to the eyes. Drink Green Tea often use bag factory computer, mobile phone of people every day are good.

