
How to solve the male face dry?

Dry skin makes many people very upset, especially in the winter, because the skin oil secretion, more easily lead to some skin problems, and for men, to better address the situation face dry, the following points must be paid attention to.

1.A thorough cleaning
Men are lazy, years of tradition for many men don't like to use facial cleanser, too much trouble. Don't trouble, want good skin, want to look younger than the others, we should use the facial cleanser to thoroughly clean the skin. Otherwise, grease, dirt, aging skin excessive accumulation in the skin surface, will cause the clogging the pores, rough skin and other issues. So be sure to use facial cleanser to clean the face. However, in the autumn, Xiaobian recommended we use Sirun Polygonatum odoratum whitening cleanser to clean the skin, not deep cleansing, moisturizing dryness can not increase the skin.

2.Do a good job moisturizing
When cleaning in addition to remove dirt, natural moisturizing agent, the skin surface sebum and keratin layer also is washed, the skin a temporary loss of lock water ability. When the moisture on the face will take away the skin surface bag manufacturer of the water, so that the original dry skin will dry more serious, easy to produce wrinkles. Therefore, must provide skin moisturizing.

Men than women more easily out of oil, so men's skin looks rough comparison, relatively coarse pores, men than women of the stratum corneum thick many. Therefore, cutin is must work to men. But the fall is dry, must use a mild moisturizing type exfoliating products, such as silk deep exfoliating gel. Can not only remove the horny dirt, can also moisturizing, replenish collagen, nourish the skin, make the skin not because exfoliates and produce a sense of tension. In addition, the cutin removing too many times will make the skin lose the protection layer, vulnerable, so in the fall, once a month to once a horny is good, the frequency is not too much.

In the summer, perhaps some men want to get up and do the work of sun, but in the dry autumn and winter, I'm afraid I have no one can think out to sun. Small make up remind everybody, while in autumn and winter the temperature is not high, but the atmosphere is not contained in the ultraviolet light less than in summer, and the man often go out, if you don't do the sunscreen work but will own the skin bag factory sunburn, premature aging than others for several years.


The adverse effects of smoking on nutrient absorption

Smoking is harmful to health, as we all know, many smokers will replenish nutrients intentionally, to reduce the harm of smoking on the body caused by the. But the absorption of these nutrients supplement and how?

The effect of smoking on the body of food intake:
1.Smoking can cause taste dysfunction and loss of appetite. Long term smokers, the surface of the tongue taste buds (taste buds in charge of taste, can make the person feel the taste of the food) will gradually be destroyed, resulting in loss of performance for taste, feeling when eating less food taste, delicious meals, tasteless, can not effectively stimulate the appetite center in the brain, so have the appetite, thereby reducing the nutrient intake. Smoking is the fundamental method for treating this disease. Taste very easy regeneration, a. Taste very easy regeneration, after quitting, taste bud rapid regeneration, taste will return to normal, and can feel the smell of the food.
2.Smoking can cause reflux esophagitis, food intake.
Smoking can be applied to the vagus nerve decreased lower esophageal sphincter tension, easy cause reflux esophagitis. Heartburn and acid regurgitation, produce, and even cause difficulty in swallowing, food intake. People suffering from the disease is very painful, smoking can significantly reduce the disease, eliminate pain. Because other diseases caused by smoking, will also affect the nutrient uptake.

Smoking can affect the body's absorption of nutrients:
1.Smoking can directly damage the nutrients. Smoking can hinder the body's absorption of vitamin C, nicotine in tobacco to bag manufacturer vitamin C has damaging effects, smoked 1 cigarettes can destroy 25 ~ 100 mg of vitamin C. Therefore, smokers prone to vitamin C deficiency. Research shows that smokers, need to add a lot of nutrients, especially vitamin A supplementation on the pigment, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and other antioxidants.
2.Smoking can cause chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, affect food digestion and absorption. Smoking can cause increased gastric acid secretion, increased 91.5% in general than non-smokers, and can inhibit the secretion of pancreatic bicarbonate, resulting in increased acid load induced ulcer, duodenum, manifested as stomach pain, do not want to eat, weight loss. Nicotine in cigarettes can act on the vagus nerve system, make the function of gastric bowel movement disorder.
3.Smoking will cause malnutrition, unbalanced diet will increase the hazards of smoking. After years of study also found: fasting smoking will stimulate the stomach, make gastric acid hypersecretion, vasoconstriction caused gastric ulcer; smoking reduces the blood transport oxygen ability, lack of peripheral vascular nutrition, thus lead to rough skin, aging, wrinkles, dark complexion, even appear limbs paralysis, shoulder and bag factory neck pain also acid associated with smoking.


An effective way to solve the skin pores

The skin pores has been unable to avoid the problem of girls, girls skin pores, would look very obvious, more afraid to contact with people close, otherwise will make girls confidence greatly reduced. In fact, girls pores is more common skin problems, and if you want to solve the problem of coarse pores, to find out the cause of pores become coarse.

1.Too many horny result in large pores
Large pores problem but very serious skin flaw, apply more Concealer is unstoppable, therefore, girls must pay attention to. The skin thoroughly clean enough, too many horny, The new supersedes the old. not good, pores and so on such problems will lead to pore becomes thick, especially do not often go to horny girls. Then, because of the large pores problem skin cutin of more how to solve? Xiaobian recommended that girls should pay close attention to the skin clean degree, is regularly scrub, clean the skin thoroughly, avoid the skin surface dirt dust accumulation, at the same time, can use containing acid, salicylic acid and other ingredients of the cleansing products, more can effectively alleviate the pores, cuticle too much and cause at the same time, usually pay attention to massage the skin, keep skin smooth breathing.

2.The skin serious water shortages lead to large pores
Girls if you often stay up late, the pressure is too large, will cause the skin serious water shortages, rough skin dry, will cause the water oil balance state, therefore, very easy to appear the skin pores, which is also the girls appear a bag manufacturer very common cause large pores problem. So, girls want to solve problems caused by coarse pores and skin serious water shortage, it needs in the usual skin care which pay more attention to moisturizing, can use some efficient replenishment of the emulsion and cream, in addition, to replenishment deposited mask, such as surface membrane, cucumber and tomato mask can quickly supply water for the skin,, adjust the water oil balance of skin, at the same time, girls more to drink plenty of water well!

3.Serious aging skin result in large pores
Your skin will gradually aging is inevitable due to the girls, by age and the effects of ultraviolet radiation, girls skin will start to decline, so, the aging of skin will cause the pores become coarse, in this case, girls need to do is to delay skin aging, skin to absorb more nutrients constantly.

First of all, girls must be good sunscreen, ultraviolet radiation is a very important reason for skin aging, if girls do the work of sunscreen to prevent skin aging, it played a role in the consolidation. Therefore, girls three hundred and bag factory sixty-five days a year to do a good sunscreen, there could be no rest.


To abandon bad habits right slimming body-building

Fitness for purpose is "a strong body", but some people because of the lack of adequate understanding of the training methods, and its state of motion project, long-term adherence to the wrong exercise habit and action. Even a few hours a week fitness, does not want to effect. Now began to abandon these bad habits will not only help you lose weight, can let you become a more efficient fitness.

1.With a moderate speed for long time exercise
When it comes to fitness, slow and steady is not a good result. To maximize the use of your time! With easy to exercise an hour of moderate intensity level, as to improve a training class. Challenge yourself, try high strength training for 30 minutes without stopping.

2.A waste of time
If you met in the gym is always the mirror his hair girl? Don't like her. To the gym, there must be a time table and program planning. This means that you can't hang out, cannot send short messages to male friends in the exercise center. To exercise to have a complete established fitness program for the determination of the middle, even to drink water all the time to control within the specified time points and the number of seconds. If you want to write down the plan, that would be the best!

3.Excessive aerobic exercise, strength training too little
Aerobic exercise can consume more calories, right? Miss, don't be so worried. Of course, on a treadmill for an hour can indeed make you have to bag manufacturer meet temporary sense, because you consumed 400 Kaluri, or is it just a treadmill small screen tells you the number. However fast strength training or cross training course can make your heart beat faster, consumption of Kaluri, and increase lean muscle weight. Exercise muscle means that even when you don't exercise, the muscles will help you burn more Kaluri.

4.With the sports drink to add moisture
Sports drinks can help you a helping hand, but it contains a lot of sugar and Kaluri. In any fitness routine, only ordinary fresh water to supplement the water is the most appropriate. If you feel tired in the gym, you can try to advance to their "charge". In the gym before 45 minutes to eat some healthy snacks can give you more energy.

5.Repeating the same exercise
When you're always in the same way when you exercise, your body will be more and more adapt to the movement, do up will be more easily. In the beginning of BANBA step machine can be a challenge to you, but it won't be long before your muscles will be familiar with this action. Your body will only half the energy to complete the task, on the other hand, you are still in the locker room to pant for breath. These patterns of mixed up. Every day to change the fitness way can make your body more hard exercise, can consume more bag factory calories, more can let you won't feel so boring!


How to keep psychological balance?

In fact, people now, because the network developed, so many people, there is the psychological imbalance. If so, it will cause unnecessary damage. So, we see, what to in the usual time, how it can maintain their psychological balance?

In fact, here, the first one is not too harsh on yourself. Anyone living in the world, so they have their own difficulties, ability, all you can achieve something, don't force yourself to do. Otherwise you would have been in a depressed state of the. In this way, can lead to psychological imbalance. Here, to remind you, try to do your own ability to do things, so, can better maintain your health or mental health.

In our life, if you too much to put some things to others words, others will live very hard, you will live very hard. So, when you find that, the other party can not meet you, you will feel your mental will imbalance, this in fact is you caused to a person disappointed after. Especially when I was in love, the mental is absolutely can not go to the. You must remember to.

If you feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable or is time, not in a good mood and you remember, do the individual psychological bag manufacturer counseling, is the key. Here, the nobody can help you, only you can help yourself. You know, now the society the rest of us, are just for himself, who is willing to have the time to listen to your emotions? Therefore, the self adjustment, is the key.

If we really fail, or fail to complete, can accept it naturally, or is about to yield to these things. You know, our ability is limited, any person has the good long field, there are not good at field, therefore, the yield of a process or a thing, is a natural thing. You don't need to think, so, psychology will balance.

When you feel the time is unable to understand, you can also choose to escape, so, leave this let you psychological uncomfortable place, so, slowly you will not go to think, natural, also will become especially balance. So, to escape, but also a kind of self psychological balance approach.

Of course, we can also find some good friends to talk to, to tell each other your idea, although now, all become selfish, but friends, or need. You know, sometimes, one thing to speak out, but you will feel better. This can bag factory also try, you have to have a good friend.