
Nutrition value and functions of Tomato

Very high nutritional value of tomato, for our health is extremely helpful, below detailed about tomato efficacy and effects and nutritional value, and have a look!

Tomato can inhibit cancer
We often eat tomatoes, a substance called lycopene, is a very good prevention and treatment for some types of cancer, especially breast cancer, lung cancer, our common endometrial cancer are inhibited, also against lung cancer and colon cancer.

Tomatoes can be anti-aging
Tomato lycopene also has a diuretic and effect is the effect of inhibiting the growth of bacteria, is a very good antioxidant, can effectively remove free radical substances in our body, delaying our internal body cell aging.

Tomato can promote appetite
Tomato, sweet and delicious taste, has a very good role in promoting appetite, lycopene in the fat state easily absorbed by the body. At the same time, but also can be made into tomato sauce tomato ketchup, nutritional value is very rich, in addition to lycopene, and B group vitamins, dietary fiber and minerals and protein, natural pectin, comparison and fresh tomatoes, nutrition ingredient tomato sauce which more can let our body to absorb.

Eat more tomatoes, is very helpful to our body, and tomato can also be used as a fruit, fruit juice, uptake of different forms of dishes, for our bag factory appetite is greatly promoted, can effectively resist the invasion of cancer, anti ageing.

