
Not the health problems caused by obesity

Obesity is not good for the body, this is medicine has confirmed. But we also know, obesity is not good. But they don't know, in the end how obesity can cause disease. So, today we talk to the system, if you don't watch your weight, it will lead to the following disease phenomenon.

First, is the essential hypertension. This is a comparative medicine has now recognized as difficult to treat diseases. Because the only to control or to prevention, treatment is not good. At this time, you know, people with high blood pressure now, there have been some of the phenomenon of the low age. This is because obesity causes. Now, China children's obesity rate has not ignored any longer. If you ignore it, then the characteristics of some diseases, small children, all will be found. So, here, to remind parents, you can give a child supplement nutrition, but don't put your child develop a fat man.

A data our fat, is your waist. So, when your waistline considerable here, also want to suggest that you and your waistline is not more than a certain data. If you go beyond that, it will also cause some health problems. Here, the male bag manufacturer reasonable is 85 cm below, and the female is 80 cm below. If you exceed this data words, then you need to lose weight.

Obesity can also cause coronary heart disease. This is already discovered. But at this time, the study found, the probability of coronary heart disease in obese people than the normal weight people out of a lot of high. That is to say, if you have a short time all of a sudden into obesity ranks of words, this time, it may lead to your heart has a problem, here, it is possible to cause the onset of coronary heart disease.

Obese people are also more likely to get cancer. This is also the study found that the results of the. Here, especially women, if you are obese, so you get breast cancer, or cancer of the uterus, and the probability of cervical cancer is very high, even more than three times the normal women, that is to say, here, you have to do your weight planning, otherwise these diseases and will always be with you.

But for men, this time, also want to control your weight, if you control is not good, you will be a greater degree to rectal cancer. This is also the bag factory biggest threat to a healthy male cancer diseases.

