
What is the skin's love food?

Everyone wants to have a healthy beautiful skin, but skin health cannot do without the scientific diet. So, what to eat to you can let your skin unlimited beautiful?

1.Deep sea fish rich in essential fatty acids in food
Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are essential nutrients for healthy skin, their best food sources are sardines, tuna, salmon, shrimp, walnut and other nuts, sesame and flax seed, seed egg and soy.

2.Dark colored fruits and vegetables and other foods rich in antioxidants
Antioxidant free radical, protect the skin against the body, make the skin more plump and elastic. Fresh fruits and colorful vegetable is rich in antioxidants, such as strawberry, raspberry and blackcurrant berry, purple grapes, broccoli, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes and tomatoes.

3.Animal liver and other foods rich in vitamin A
Vitamin A can form new cells to help the skin, make the skin more soft, and prevent dry chapped. Foods rich in vitamin A and whole milk, egg and so on. In addition, beta carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the bag manufacturer human body, foods rich in the nutrients are spinach, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, etc..

4.Nuts and other foods rich in vitamin E
Vitamin E has a moisturizing effect on the skin. Premature wrinkles now, pale skin, acne and bruising easily, slow wound healing are symptoms of vitamin E deficiency. Peanut sauce, malt, whole grains are a source of vitamin E.

5.Whole grains and other foods rich in B vitamins
Vitamin B helps to promote the metabolism of skin, keep skin moist and smooth. The best sources of food and milk, peanut butter, etc..

6.Zinc rich foods such as seafood
Zinc is beneficial to skin health, can promote wound healing. Dietary zinc supplementation can also eat cheese, nuts, whole grains, and mushrooms.

7.Red meat and other foods rich in iron
Iron plays an important role in the formation of hemoglobin. Pale and now black are that the lack of iron in the body. Iron also can bag factory eat animal liver, seafood, egg, iron fortified soy sauce etc..

