
Who are not suitable for running to lose weight?

Running is a simple and useful aerobic exercise. It is helpful to lose weight and prevent many diseases. But not everyone is fit for running. Patients with cardiovascular disease or diabetes, severe obesity and severe knee injuries are not suitable for running.

1.Patients with cardiovascular disease
As is known to all, running is an aerobic exercise. It takes a lot of oxygen to run, and consumes sugar, fat, and protein for the body. Running speed, heart rate, heart pump blood will be increased, this will for the heart and blood vessels burden and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with.

2.Severely obese
Severe obesity refers to the body fat rate is far more than 28% of obese people. The lower limbs of the obese people to bear most of the weight of the body, itself has been under great pressure, if you are running, only to the lower bag manufacturer limb joints, and easily cause knee injury. Therefore, it is suggested that severely obese individuals do not do or do not do rope skipping, running, etc. These are the joints of the pressure of the movement, you can do more swimming, brisk walking and other small burden of sports.

3.Diabetic patients
After the injection of insulin, diabetic patients are not suitable for running, to avoid the occurrence of hypoglycemia. And severe diabetic patients, in the absence of injection of insulin or the emergence of acute infection fever, it is not suitable for running. Because at this time the patient body insulin level is low, the body can't meet the energy supply of running, the body will consume a lot of fat to provide energy for exercise. The large consumption of fat from fat metabolites -- ketone, may cause poisoning.

4.Knees had been badly hurt
Running is a kind of exercise for the lower limbs, and it has certain requirements for the flexibility of the knee joint. For the knee joint has been seriously injured, after the rehabilitation, does not suggest that the running exercise. Can start from a quick walk, step by step, after the situation, you can consider jogging. But if you find the knee bag factory joint has a recurrent situation, it is recommended not to run for the appropriate.

