
Five sunscreen tips in summer

Summer, the sun is fierce, UV began to hurt the fragile skin, and a variety of sunscreen products have dispatched. Some women think that the higher the SPF, the better the sunscreen, but really so? What's the summer sun tips?

1.Avoid red, black food
Nutrition experts have studies show that after the use of red food and then the sun, the skin more easily tanning. So as far as possible, in the sun before the do not eat to eat carrots, and papaya red food; in addition, black foods such as soy sauce, vinegar, coffee, etc. due to the content of melanin more, eat more easily lead to the precipitation of the pigment of the skin, easy to make the skin black, try to eat less.

2.To avoid photosensitive food
Photosensitive food can directly or indirectly increase the number and activity of substances related to melanin production, eat more photosensitive food, the skin is more vulnerable to UV exposure and black or long spot. Common bag manufacturer photosensitive food lemon, carrots, papaya, celery, lettuce, tomatoes, parsley, amaranth, rape, orange, seaweed, snail, spinach, fig, nine storey tower, chives, bean.

3.Vitamin C
The whitening effect of vitamin C is obvious, want to whitening, certain degree of internal tone is also essential. Usually when eating try to eat food of tomato, cucumber, spinach, milk, seafood is rich in vitamin C, to maintain natural skin whitening.

4.Good sunscreen
Woman good sunscreen, sunscreen is one of the essential items. When the irradiation time is more than the effective sunscreen time should be added in time to smear.

5.Umbrellas, hats can not be less
In summer, a certain shade can prevent us from tanning, sunburn. Therefore, if you go out in the summer must pay attention to the umbrella, wear a hat or wear long sleeved clothes and other protective measures. Sunshade umbrella must be anti UV, and do not choose all-weather umbrella, because the sun umbrella mostly rely on sunscreen coating, if you do the umbrella easy to sunscreen coating washed away to bag factory prevent bask in the effect.

