
Women often smoke more harm

Female smoking can not only represent the needs of the modern society, but also can't improve their position and dignity.. On the contrary, it also brings harm to the body. According to medical experts, women smoke a lot of harm:

Impact of beauty: smoking women's skin than non-smoking women to appear aging, wrinkles, color and gray. Especially in the two corners on the lips and mouth wrinkles increased significantly.

Susceptible to AIDS: the main manifestations of the impact of smoking on the immune system. Smoking can significantly reduce CD4 and lymphocytes of activated immune cells. Smoking can affect the vagina, cervix and immune system, so that the immune system to decline. Therefore, smokers are more susceptible to HIV than non-smokers in the same situation.

Reduce the fertility: smoking women are susceptible to female infertility, the infertility rate of 10-30%.

Prone to miscarriage: smoking 10 more than a day of pregnant women, the rate of miscarriage is more than twice the rate of non-smoking women; smoking women preterm birth rate is two times the non-smoking woman. According to the latest research, the greater the amount of smoking in pregnant women, the more likely that bag manufacturer their children will be arrested for violent crimes in the future.

The rate of malformation of the baby was significantly higher: the 2-3 times of non-smoking women, the proportion of patients with congenital heart disease was 73%, and the risk of leukemia was higher than that of the disease. In addition, as the incidence of anencephaly and dementia were significantly higher. Among the children born by smoking women, the ratio of mental disease to mental disease is also significantly.

Reduce milk secretion: smoking can make milk secretion decreased, nicotine can also enter the milk with the blood. Women who smoke 10-20 cigarettes every day, 0 kg of milk can be separated by 1, 4-0, 5 mg of nicotine. This is a serious threat to baby health.

Cancer: smoking women have a risk of breast cancer 40% higher than non-smoking women, the risk of cervical cancer 14 times higher than non-smoking women, 28 times the risk of ovarian cancer.

Stroke: women who smoke 1-4 cigarettes a day are more than 1 times more likely than non-smoking women.Smoking more bag factory than 5 will be more than 5 times.

