
Exercise on an empty stomach easily induced arrhythmia

Doing morning exercises is a good method to maintain health, but used the wrong way there will only run counter to one's desire. Especially do not eat breakfast on the input motion, is not conducive to health, and even the existence of certain cardiovascular risk.

Fasting movement why arrhythmia?
Even if the body is very healthy, exercise on an empty stomach will appear a lot of problems, because exercise on an empty stomach, fat decomposition of energy, resulting in the increase of fatty acid concentration is favorable in the blood, resulting in adverse effects on myocardium, induce arrhythmia, serious will also cause sudden death. In addition, after getting up in the morning, the body just from sleep wake up, the body secretes large amounts of catecholamines sympathetic nerve. At that time the heart rate and blood pressure rise faster, therefore, the morning is often cardiovascular peak, is known as the "devil time". At this time to participate in strenuous exercise, it is easy to cause the body unwell.

Early in the morning so that movement is healthy
Morning exercise we must first consider the basic diseases themselves, Zhang stressed, such as coronary heart disease, high blood pressure in bag manufacturer patients with cardiovascular disease do not fit too intense exercise in the morning. For the elderly people, get up in the morning, when the best in bed lie still for a moment, for about 5 minutes and then, after getting up, stretch, activities limbs and clothes.

Morning exercise before the best first to the body with the meal, drink a cup of milk, soy milk, eat some digestible bread, pastry, this can reduce the risk of hypoglycemia. But can not eat too full, otherwise they will be in motion induced by cerebral ischemia. Food intake pre exercise usually to feel the hunger is appropriate. The mode of motion can not be too severe, can make the amount of exercise the right according to their own situation. General to the campaign end feel comfortable, no dizziness, chest tightness, shortness of breath and other symptoms should be. Don't choose to run such strenuous exercise, some soothing exercise can also achieve the purpose of bag factory physical fitness, such as walking, Tai Chi, riding a bicycle.

