
Pressure also has critical point

If the pressure didn't get catharsis timely, accumulated to a certain extent will cause harm to the body and mind. According to the American "women's health" magazine, pressure also has a critical point, if you have the following kinds of discomfort, may be the body in the group spirit decompression.

Diarrhea. USA Baylor College of Medicine Dr. Bichi Abraham pointed out that the gastrointestinal disease, brain pressure will affect the gastrointestinal function, resulting in constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting unwell. The medicine can only temporarily alleviate, the best countermeasure is to exercise, jogging, brisk walking, low intensity exercise can promote the secretion of the brain "happy matter" endorphin against pressure.

Hair loss. California Santa Barbara American Department of Dermatology doctor Roberta Songaman points out, if you encounter the laid-off, divorce etc. major changes, the body will produce stress response, after about 3~6 months, may appear hair loss. This is because the stress response to the human body secrete androgen stimulation of hair follicles. This temporary hair loss in the short term can not be restored, but through a balanced diet and relaxation can promote the growth of hair follicle cells. Androgens also brings acne and other skin problems, but also the excessive pressure performance, needs attention.

Eyelid jump. Dr. Anne Sumir said the United States Department of Ophthalmology Institute member, if often eye twitching eyelids, may be bag manufacturer a stress response due to pressure. You should close your eyes, try to relax the eyelids, take a deep breath, inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 8 seconds, then exhale for 8 seconds, repeat 4 times, at the same time, with the tip of his finger pressing eyelids, helps relieve symptoms.

Back pain. Spalding rehabilitation hospital affiliated to Medical College of Harvard University and Dr. Joanne Bostain says that people have pressure will be a lot of adrenal hormone secretion, cause a rise in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, muscle tension. If often such, will form chronic stress, cause muscle pain, the most common is the pain. Recommended daily walking outdoors 1~2 times, each time 10~15 minutes, can relax muscles, relieve symptoms. If no time, can sit in a chair, with his hands crossed arms straight above your head, stretching for a moment, also have the effect of relax back muscles.

Rash. Pressure will make the immune system imbalance, reduce skin defense force, are more susceptible to infection with Staphylococcus aureus, thus induced skin rash. Songaman said, can be coated with some mild cosmetic cream, but if the rash with fever bag factory or chills, sweating and other symptoms, should be timely medical treatment.

