
Just A Trick Exercise The Body

Stone Age man held up large stones hitting beast; Bronze Age man raised his sword grappling enemies, and now this man has been unable to increase muscle shaping, how to become a fierce? Attracting private coach to teach you a transformation muscles.

bag factory

1.the hands holding the appropriate weight barbell, grip distance is about two shoulders, pushed the barbell over his head until your arms straight up. In the process of pushing the left foot to move out, while the right foot to step back.

2.keeping the upper body straight down the body until the front knee bent 90 degrees, back knee close to the ground. Front legs should be perpendicular to the ground.

3. pause, and the body will soon return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times, switch legs and repeat.

Stimulate muscle growth
Leg muscles is the body's largest muscle groups, regular leg training will stimulate the body's muscle growth, while the overall quality and strength of the muscles is a big improvement.

Fat loss effect is obvious
This multi-compound muscle action involved, will burn more fat. Meanwhile, finished training the body consumes more energy to repair muscle fibers, the body will a long time in the state of metabolism, played a very good body sculpting results.

Improve exercise capacity
This action also challenges to the body's balance and stability, these abilities in many sports are essential. Legs, shoulders, waist height of the muscle groups involved also makes them more powerful in order to cope with high antagonistic movement.

Physical medicine
With age, do not forget to keep fit. New research shows that muscle strength can prolong life. Scientists have discovered that people can influence physical suffering cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases risk of death. The reason is: some fitness exercise, such as resistance training, you can keep fit, but also helps to lower blood pressure, control cholesterol, but also can improve insulin sensitivity. Take some time to study learning and practicing our bag factory monthly Cool 15 minutes fitness bar.

