
Time Management: Punctuality Is Trustworthy

Punctuality is trustworthy, punctual and trustworthy man, where are popular! If you often late for a variety of reasons, five good way to help you complete elimination of late, to be a punctual person!

bag factory

1. Eliminate clutter
On their own time for proper planning, there is a feasible schedule, be aware, we can better grasp of time.

Overcome procrastination. Procrastination is a common factor causing late, wasting a lot of time. Each successfully overcome procrastination, so punctual, give yourself some incentive to further push myself.

Late in the schedule buffer time set aside to prevent the occurrence of special circumstances.

2. True VIP is not late
Let others are waiting VIP, important figures are always the last appearance. For this reason if late, then you had better good reflection, and late is a very rude behavior, the time is fair for everyone, wasting people's time is equivalent to murder.

3.Stop anxiety and escape
Sometimes subconsciously late, want to escape something. If you really think that a particular job or task is not competent, aggressive treatment approach is to strive to improve their skills and confidence to face, rather than passive escape.

If you arrive late to escape some people do not like his way of doing things, then calmly talk with him, firm and sincere to speak their minds, if not useful, then please boss assistance. (Source: One psychological Network

Monday or Friday late, often because do not want to participate in a meeting, or want to focus on the matter at hand busy oneself, it indicates that your brave stance, the use of negotiation skills, prior notification to the meeting organizer or leader.

4. Empathy
Many times, we do not know their actions affect others much so agree. May wish to talk to your colleagues and the impact on them late, standing on a more comprehensive perspective to see the late issue of human social attributes naturally makes you more motivated to change.

5. Physical factors is not an excuse
If you've never late, but recently always work overtime, working late in the morning feeling very tired, stressed, so start late, do not effect, timely adjustment according to their own situation.

boss about your work is overload, early rest, drink bag factory plenty of water. Lack of sleep and lack of water can cause fatigue and depression, difficult to work actively.

