
How to eat only a scientific and rational?

Calculation was done , people eat a lifetime of about 60 tons of food , but everyone eating is not the same. Some people eat a little more, some people eat a little less ; Some people eat some of the miscellaneous , some people eat a single number ; Some people like to eat natural foods, some people like to eat foods high degree of processing .
bag factory
1.Each meal should be moderate Some people joke that a person's life can eat food, it is a fixed number, is 60 tons. If you eat every meal very full day, eat more than others , it means that you will finish earlier than others, the 60 tons of food , and of course eating sooner , life will end sooner . If you can control what daily food intake, eat Qi Bafen , then you 'll eat more than the average person years or even decades ...... It may seem ridicule meaning, but thin aftertaste , but also some truth. Chinese folk known as "less popular , eat hurt ", " hunger is not overeating, binge drinking is not thirsty ", " eat more Shang Wei, wine and more beverages ", " eat a good meal Mo , Mo ran meal ", " diet the festival, there are often expensive exercise "," to good health , eat too much, Mo "," overeating easy to get sick , regular quantitative securing peace , "the proverb . 2.Long-term excessive eating, serious harm to the body Easily lead to long-term obesity overeating Long-term excessive eating , eating too much meat and fish especially high-calorie foods , it will make excess energy intake , over time, will lead to obesity. And obesity has been considered a hotbed of most metabolic diseases . For example, when the body more than the increase per 500 grams of excess fat , the fat deposition in the blood vessels began . 3.Varied diet , nutrition can be balanced To ensure that human health , must be sufficient intake of various nutrients , protein, fat , carbohydrates , vitamins, minerals , dietary fiber and water , the lack of which will not work. We can use the " bucket theory " to describe human health , by the representatives of various nutrients casks made of wood , casks which hold more water , more representative of human health. Any kind of nutrient deficiency, any piece of wood shortages , will result in the loss of health . Only the amount of each nutrient is added , to avoid " short board " appearance, in order to ensure the health of the body , and this is inseparable from the diet diversification. 4.Varied diet can help play a synergy of nutrients Nutrients play a varied diet is also beneficial synergies . Many nutrients in the leaves after their collaborative partners , will reduce its effectiveness can not even play its role. For example , vitamin B6 pyridoxine i.e. , only in the body into pyridoxine -5 - to play a role after phosphorylation , and to complete the transition to an enzyme , the activity of this enzyme depends on the zinc and manganese , if you lack zinc and manganese, vitamin B6 it may have no effect ; pregnant when eating calcium- calcium foods , the effect of calcium intake and poor , if they eat foods rich in vitamin D , it will help the absorption of calcium , which role of calcium can increase exponentially ; VE, VC, VA three vitamins if joint supplement , VA VE can be protected , VA to prevent oxidation of VC , VC can strengthen the effect of VE , VE can also improve the role of VA Therefore three kinds of supplementation with antioxidant bag factory vitamins can improve the effectiveness of mutual protection .

