
Sunlight or can bring you happiness

A lot of people will appear irritable mood rainy conditions , many people like sunny weather , rain sun always make us feel comfortable . Why is there such a phenomenon? Worth the University of Alberta professor (E.Howarth) through the study found , temperature, humidity , barometric pressure and other factors , are also quietly affect us.
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Humidity and air pressure will focus on the degree impact , high humidity or low pressure , will make it difficult to concentrate. Humidity also be an impact on performance , where performance is self- confidence as well as the concern of low humidity also help maintain a confident attitude . Humidity is too high , will focus , performance can be adversely affected, which perhaps makes one feel sad depressing rainy reason . In addition, the wet weather will make us sleepy full. Unlike most people think , like sun exposure time will have a positive impact on mood , it makes people more optimistic. Interestingly, the lack of exposure time , you would get suspicious ; and when the temperature is too high , it will also produce the same effect. Sunshine, bring us more happiness As Professor Voss Institute discovered, the sun makes more enjoyable . Research has also found that the regulation of the sun on the fatigue plays a positive role , it is to get rid of sleepiness , full of vitality. This is due to serotonin in the brain play a role in quietly . Serotonin is a neurotransmitter , also known as 5 - HT, is generally considered can promote sleep, so that people feel more relaxed. When the skin is exposed to sunlight , it will produce vitamin D3 (VitaminD3), vitamin D3 and these will lead to the brain produce more serotonin, which makes one feel relaxed pleasure . Maybe the weather is indeed changing our mood, but for most people , this change than what we think of tiny much , not because of bad weather to make their mood bag manufacturer along with bad. Of course , to find blue skies of the weather , all right sun, still great !

