
Do Not Let The Temperature Of Food Nutrition Hurt

To eat healthier , many families have started when cooking oil , salt of control . But many people do not know , controlling the temperature and cooking time , also has a positive meaning , can reduce the loss of nutrients of food.
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Temperature and time of cooking a large impact on food and nutrition , especially vitamin C and other water-soluble vitamins , upon heating , the loss can not be avoided , and the higher the temperature, the longer the time , the greater the loss . Although raw cucumbers , tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables, can absorb more vitamins, but there are many cooked foods do not do it hard to swallow. Also, in addition to eating cooked food taste better , the most important thing is to remove the threat of microbial contamination on health, in the case of cooked possible to control the cooking temperature and time, and to maximize the retention of food and nutrition , and to avoid temperature leads to the generation of carcinogens , the following three methods. Stir fry Many nutrients easily lost in the temperature range of 70 ℃ ~ 85 ℃ , and stir fry quickly raise the temperature of the pot , and can speed up the cooking speed and reduce food at a high temperature of time, thereby reducing the loss of nutrients . Stir- fry dishes delicious flavor, vitamin C loss can be less than 20 %, if the process coupled with a little vinegar , more conducive to vitamin C, B1, B2 and other hi acid alkaline nutrients fear saved . It should be noted that the bottom of the pot should not put too much oil , so the temperature is too high, but to accelerate the loss of nutrients . Steam Relative to frying, stir-fry it , steaming, boiling , boiling , boiling pot manner relatively low temperature , typically 100 degrees Celsius, helps retain nutrients . But it is also flawed in several ways , cook , boil in the process , large amounts of nutrients are dissolved in water, if you do not drink soup , nutritional losses. When wok blanch higher temperature , heating bag manufacturer time is shorter than the boiling pot of cold water and nutrient losses pot of smaller, but to keep the pot boiling , put the vegetables should be a few times to avoid the pot temperature dips, Billy hot prolonged loss of nutrients caused . In contrast , the water boiled , the best way on the tray and steam , the steam temperature is higher than 100 ℃, the heating time can be shortened , so that the ingredients in most of the nutrients are preserved , and with water vapor , easy keep food taste. Cover with lid Cauliflower , potatoes , eggplant , beans , carrots and other vegetables more solid texture , often not easily cooked , the best cover, with a stew of ways to improve the pot temperature , with shorter cooking time . Experiments show that does not cover the lid cover and cook over , two to three times more than the loss of a large number of vitamin B2 and vitamin C. There are many common practice , but also make nutrition greatly reduced. For example, the fruits and vegetables to buy a home , not in time to eat, vitamin gradual loss ; repeatedly washing rice , causing significant loss of vitamins bag factory and minerals and so on.

