
Let women keep secret of youth

Every woman loves her youth, not looking away, in fact, that youth is a bit of an exaggeration, but maintain a healthy body and more than their own age young face is completely possible.

1.Early to bed and early to rise
Stay up late will seriously affect the quality of female skin, causes the skin to lose its vitality, a long time cause skin relaxation, spots, a serious black eye, so the best women in the 10 or so every day to go to bed, sleep time guarantee in about 8 hours, if the sleep time is too little, will cause the body function decline, to increase the rate of aging.

2.The form the good habit of eating breakfast
Breakfast is very important, it can provide the human body needs the energy can also promote The new supersedes the old. Keep blood vessels healthy, the best breakfast with rich, including milk, cereal food. But avoid excessive heat or high fat food. Long time not to eat breakfast, not only causes stomach trouble happened, but also makes the body's The new supersedes the old. degradation, leading to accelerated aging.

3.Eat more high fiber foods
In our body organs, intestinal tract is the first aging and degradation, once the intestines aging state, will lead to the occurrence of constipation. Constipation is the enemy of female beauty, will cause the body Supian toxins are recycling, not only bag manufacturer affect the health of other organs, but also to make women's skin looks bleak, easy to spot long wait for a problem, also will cause the female obesity, is to maintain the posture of youth big enemy. High fiber foods can help intestinal peristalsis, achieve the purpose of cleaning intestinal tract, promote the stool discharged.

4.Sunscreen work can not be ignored
If you see the sun is not so strong or a cloudy day, nor the effect, even if the sun is not strong but there are ultraviolet, UV leads to formation of aging and blotchy skin, the sun do the work so throughout the year need, can eat some rich in vitamin C in cosmetics and skin care products, go out remember to rub on the sunscreen, if not in the summer, you can choose smaller sunscreen spf.

5.The harmonious sex life
The harmonious sex life is very important for the woman, not only can ease the pressure, but also to relax the mood, quality of life is effectively reduced the age of agent, between husband and wife a week to keep the best sex 3 times, it will make you look bag factory younger than actual age above 5 years old.

