
Why do you always feel tired?

Have you ever been working late, watch TV play, enjoy football? Second days Is it right? Feel terribly fatigued, just want to sleep? When a cup of refreshing Coffee or strong tea will undoubtedly play a great help. Because we know that the fatigue sources at this time from lack of sleep. But sometimes, let you the root causes of fatigue is not so obvious, you can only guess Is it right? Excessive movement? Or physical health problems? However, the fatigue problem not to crack the mystery.

For healthy people, whether violent motion or repose, as long as the body appear moderate dehydration, is the body of water diversion around 1.5%, will feel the mood fluctuation obviously and a lack of energy. But compared with men, women are more vulnerable to dehydration effect. Mild dehydration, women's cognitive ability will not be significantly affected, but will think the problem more difficult. Moderate dehydration headaches, fatigue, inability to concentrate to let women. Moderate dehydration let men also feel fatigue, tension, anxiety, more difficult to deal with the intellectual problem. Influenced by their vigilance and memory ability is particularly evident.

Lack of vitamin B12
The human body needs vitamin B12 to participate in the manufacture of bone marrow red cells, prevent the pernicious anemia; prevent brain damage. Lack of vitamin B12 can reduce the red blood cells to produce enough red blood cells, and is the oxygen to the tissues of the body are required, lack of vitamin B12 can indirectly affect the oxygen transmission, let a person have a clearly with your eyes open, the brain is like in bed feeling.

The iron content is too low or too high
Most people know that leads to fatigue and anemia, but don't think that iron supplementation can make people full of energy. Too much iron will make people tired. The body will be the use of vitamins, minerals and energy to get rid of bag manufacturer these extra iron, makes the body's own energy required to reduce.

Too long not movement
Don't exercise also will be tired? Yes, especially with chronic stress. The lack of movement, the human central nervous system is the lack of a sense of excitement, muscles become weak, metabolism slow down, easy to feel tired.

Pressure overwhelmed
Under pressure, the body needs to maintain the normal physiological function of cortisol; if there is no cortisol, the body will not be able to respond effectively to the pressure. When the lion comes, we'll be scared Pigunniaoliu, move. However by cortisol metabolism active, the body can start up to flee or fight. Because the secretion of cortisol release of amino acids, glucose and fatty acid, which is transported to the blood as energy use.

Typically, levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the morning to the evening highest, gradually down, helps the body to maintain a normal pace of life. While the chronic psychological stress can make this pattern imbalance. If your body is always keep alert, cortisol levels in the evening also may not bag factory fall down, will disturb your sleep.

