
The appropriate pressure can bring benefits to you

Every day we are easy to put in on life, too much pressure is not good for your body... But ironically, we emphasize more bigger pressure. There is pressure, nervous is not necessarily a bad thing, after all, the body's "fight or flight response" itself is protective in nature, rather than harmful.

In an emergency can be born wise
Low levels of stress can stimulate the brain to produce a chemical called neurotrophic factor, and strengthen the connection between neurons in the brain. In fact, experts even think, this maybe is this movement of physical stressors can help improve the operation mechanisms behind human efficiency and attention. In addition, some based on animal studies have shown that the rapid reaction of the body to pressure to transiently stimulate people's memory and learning ability.

Improve human immunity
The short-term pressure, will let the human open defense mode; the human body produce immune system regulation of extra interleukin, thereby improving the immunity level of short. In addition, researchers in 2012 of Standford through animal experiments also support this point, experts for the mice created slight pressure on the environment, then the number of kinds of epidemic prevention cells in these mice have undergone substantial changes.

Enhance the environmental adaptability
Despite all the pursuit of smooth sailing, but now learned how to deal with some emergency pressure, the future encounter similar situation will respond freely. Repeatedly encounter situations with high pressure, can exercise and mental control ability, so as not to meet the crisis guard panicked.

If from the cell level analysis it is a bit can hold water: a study at the University of California in San Francisco in 2013 found that chronic stress bag manufacturer promote oxidative damage to DNA and RNA, but the daily pressure of medium level appears to inhibit oxidative damage, mental biological adaptation to enhance cell "".

Promote people to the pursuit of excellence
Positive pressure, in the scientific community school also known as positive pressure, perhaps it is necessary to complete a job you. Imagine that the deadline is near at hand, so you have to perform the job quickly and efficiently; the key point is that we want to put under the pressure of the task as a can withstand the challenge, but not insurmountable mountain.
The positive pressure will help you into a "smooth" state, make people highly conscious, intensively involved in certain things to work, such as transaction, sport, art creation.

Let the fetus more tough
Quasi mother who always worry about your anxiety will bring the negative influence to the unborn baby, if long time pressure is too large, do this. But a study in 2006 showed that quasi mother if during pregnancy in low level of pressure in the words of their children by the age of two show than a child born of a stronger movement and development bag factory capacity, there is no pressure mother though, the former children's attention will be weak.

