
Seven rigid targets of human health

Once the body is unwell, a lot of people on the suspect is not a serious illness, in fact, your body may be more healthy than you think. Fawkes news network reported that if the body has the following 7 performance, it is running well.

1.Relatively clear, plenty of urine. If a few times a day, and urine is light yellow, not muddy, color or yellow, the body's moisture, and kidney health. If the urine is completely colorless, it may mean that the water is too much, or the body loss of salt and electrolyte. In addition to the color changes of urine, but also pay attention to the smell, taste or smell, so attention should be paid to the red color.

2.Regular defecation. If fecal without blood, not too loose and not too hard, and defecation time regular, waste from the body quickly and effectively eliminated from the body, that there is enough fiber in your diet and digestive system in good condition.

3.Body weight in normal range. And remain generally stable, one of the hallmarks of health is also, if the weight of the sudden appearance of volatility, or intake soaring or plummeting when should attract attention.

4.Wound healing fast. Small wounds such as cuts, abrasions or burns, if can heal quickly, then congratulations, your blood is in a state of health. If the bag manufacturer skin is gently inexplicable bruises, should timely seek medical advice.

5.Healthy hair and nails. Skin systems (including hair and nails) are often the first to suggest that you are lack of vitamin, lack of vitamins are usually expressed as nails fragile, easy deformation, a large number of hair loss, etc.. Healthy individuals are usually pink, and hard round. And the skin to have the flexibility, with the hand press, can quickly return to normal.

6.Women have a regular period, the amount of male ejaculation up to 1. Time arrival of the menstrual period is the most important indicator of the health of the female reproductive system. Healthy middle-aged men ejaculate volume 2 - 5 ml, less than 2 ml may be a sign of spermacrasia; semen of men's health should is white or gray sticky. Seminal fluid or too thin, should go to the hospital in time to check.

7.Good sleep. Occasional lack of sleep or insomnia is normal, as long as you sleep in general, there are rules and there is no night sweats or Duoci get up in the night to urinate in the toilet, then it basically in line with requirements of a good bag factory night's sleep the, if you wake up and feel the spirit of good, is good for health signal.

