
What foods are good for eye health?

Some people prefer to play computer games, but it is likely that they will cause eye health. Now look at what food is good for eye health?

1.Carotenoids. Carotenoids can promote the rhodopsin could reach the normal level, so as to avoid dark field after the light to the eyes caused by damage. In addition, you can also prevent night blindness, dry eye, corneal ulcer disease and keratomalacia. Carotenoid sources include deep yellow, dark green and red Vegetable & Fruit, such as pumpkin, green peppers, tomatoes, corn etc.

2.Vitamin A. It can form a photosensitive retinal surface, night blindness is caused by a lack of vitamin A. Long time staring at the computer screen, will be a lot of vitamin A. The most common foods rich in vitamin A are animal internal organs, but it contains a high cholesterol, not suitable for a large number of edible. It is recommended to bag manufacturer eat more foods containing beta carotene, such as carrots, spinach, green and yellow vegetables, etc., because beta carotene in the body, the average 1/6 will be converted into vitamin A. However, vitamin A, beta carotene is fat soluble, with fat to eat better.

3.itamins B. It is related to the health of the optic nerve, but also the role of the protection of the cornea. The lack of B vitamins, prone to neuropathy, eyes photophobia, blurred vision, tears and other symptoms. Foods rich in B vitamins have brown rice, germ rice, whole wheat bread, whole grain foods, as well as liver, lean meat, milk, beans, etc.

4.Vitamin C. Vitamin C can reduce the damage of ultraviolet and oxygen to the lens of the eye. Foods rich in vitamin C, fresh jujube, citrus, hawthorn, strawberry, kiwi, tomatoes etc.

5.Vitamin E. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant, it can reduce the free radicals in the eye, slow eye aging. Vegetable oil (for example, olive oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, sunflower seed oil, etc.), nuts (such as walnuts, almonds, cashew nuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, etc.), wheat germ, are a good source of vitamin E. However, experts warn that the bag factory energy of the nuts is not low, at most only eat two.

