
Establish good interpersonal skills

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1.Flexibility to maintain friendly Conflicts occur when you are with people , more ego , not the problem itself. To learn maintained in most aspects of life through the flexible side , rather than fight, then crucial . There are many methods to achieve goals , different road , then go the other way . Should build on concrete targets , but the plan is built on sand, which will help you get along better with others. 2.Show positive body language If you're relaxed , confident , people will feel comfortable with you ; If you jittery , they also have the same reaction . Thus , walking , talking approach is very important. To intentionally cultivate awareness of their good attitude . When you convey a positive signal of the body , people can not help you make the reception better response . 3.Maintaining a pleasant voice Who would not think they speak too loud . In fact, it makes a lot of people get bored . If you want people to make your enthusiastic response , you have to make yourself sound like "smile" like. Regardless of whether they see your face , they will react . 4.Aptly express beliefs Your personal beliefs may attract some people back , but can not attract everyone, although we want our lives to reflect our beliefs , but also willing to share with those who want to know how the faith is to change our lives , but to properly express beliefs . To learn to treat people gently , do not be rude , annoying. To influence people , we must treat them carefully and respect them, they will respect you more . 5.Listen carefully Successful people are listening to a master . To succeed , we must first listen to people speak honestly and sincerely ask them questions , there is a proverb that good ; "People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care about them ." Looked at each other 's eyes , listen their voices better express your sincerity and concern. 6.Ready Sometimes you're afraid to meet with others, it is because you unprepared . Most people have had this experience . If you're not ready to talk or nervous , you'll struggle to communicate well with each other . Ready to be part of the establishment of good relationships . 7.Authentic People need to feel that they can trust us, that we will treat them honestly , all for the sake of their interests . We have done an honest , trustworthy , reliable, and always will be . If you treat people with sincerity , genuine concern for the situation of the people , they feel the reception , they will react . Sincerely order bag factory for you to win good relationships.


Reduce the psychological pressure to master skills

In life, if not depression patients receive timely treatment , can lead to serious consequences. According to statistics , the majority of patients with depression mainly because of the psychological pressure is too large , therefore , want to prevent the occurrence of depression , we have to reduce our stress.
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1.Think clearly , for you and your family what is most important , and make every effort to achieve it . The most insignificant results achieved in this regard will make you feel comfortable. 2.If the face of difficulties , you feel helpless , you should seek the comfort of friends and loved ones . And friends a very short phone conversation is far better than taking a sedative . 3.To eliminate the root causes of the pressure generated . If you realize that conflicts with colleagues and work in extremely difficult problem to make you depressed , you may wish to improve relations efforts and sincere cooperation . 4.A day when we would run into nothing : queuing , car or others. Once faced with psychological stress, the above will increase tension. At this point must extricate yourself from the troubles and want something else . 5.Examine their living environment , try to avoid in the decoration of red and yellow. Red easy to make people excited, stimulating the secretion of stress hormones continue . Children will love the yellow tone of the room noisy . Color, soft bedding ( such as light blue ) most likely to stabilize mood. 6.With friends to discuss problems encountered myself . Do not begrudge long conversation with close friends time . After the talk distress, the problem is solved most of them. 7.Learn to listen . Ever since that has not completely understand each other's intentions. Will not only listen carefully to doubt , to stay away from a lot of unhappiness and conflict. 8.If the mood cause trouble because of lack of time , may wish to put the matter at hand , Minamata rationale arrange work plan. Even if it is 15 minutes to bag factory get up early every morning is also OK .


To keep the secret of youth

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1.Do not over soak up the sun : full protective skin aging. This is the first rule to follow . Published in the " International Journal of Dermatology " on a research shows : UV radiation can cause skin pigmentation and aging, so people should avoid blind to tan . Must be applied when engaged in outdoor activities in the skin to achieve a certain level of SPF sunscreen to prevent skin wrinkles and uneven skin tone , avoid becoming so rough like leather. 2.Get out more : to prevent aging muscles and joints and ligaments . People should walk into the daily life of an integral part of the way . Whether commuting and shopping on foot, or walking the dog , or climb stairs , will play the effect of exercise on the various muscle groups into old age , joints and ligaments play a useful role in maintaining the function . 3.Maintain a reasonable diet plan: to keep skin youthful . It is essential to know what food should eat each and every food to eat much . Published in " Dermatology Times " article pointed out , a dermatologist American Anti-Aging Institute of advice: To get your own skin stay healthy , you need to plan on a person's diet , lifestyle choices , vitamins Regular intake assessment and improvement . 4.Happiness is often accompanied by : enhancing immune function and compression . In order to maintain a sense of happiness , you need to let your body active, reading their favorite magazines to see , always wanted to explore the national tour , and dinner with family members , friends and family to do a good dish to eat , make some time to participate in volunteer activities , visit old friends and so on. In general, is to do whatever makes you feel happy thing. Happiness can enhance the sense of the immune system and reduce stress. 5.Supplemental folic acid : anti-aging diet . Folic acid is a brain can play a role in anti-aging weapon. It is found in artichokes , asparagus, cabbage and other foods. Nutrition research shows : Even a common, but the fruits ( such as apples ) a large number of compounds have anti-aging effects are also included. 6.Looking for excitement and challenge : with a young brain. Enroll in new courses training courses, learn to do a new dish , or have burst out of creative ideas every day and try to put into practice ...... courage to try new things , learn new knowledge , the courage to put themselves in unfamiliar surroundings not only allow brain cells to fully drive up, but also to stimulate the bag factory secretion of adrenaline , play longevity effect.


Need to pay attention to diet movement

The main purpose of the men 's movement is to keep fit and in shape , and in order to achieve this purpose , in the same movement also must pay attention to the men from their daily diet, exercise and diet cooperate only effect will be better, experts advise , men need to pay attention to the sports and fitness diet during the nine elements .
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1.The consumption of a certain amount of chromium Experts point out that men want to have a fit and muscular , is inseparable from the nutrient elements chromium , chromium helps promote cholesterol metabolism, enhance the body 's endurance , in addition, that under certain physical conditions can also promote the formation of muscle avoiding excess fat. Middle-aged man one day need at least 50 micrograms of chromium, while a large amount of those activities you need 100 men a day - 200 micrograms of chromium. So it is very difficult to get a dose of chromium from food , it is recommended that men taking the drug preparations containing chromium ( such as complex vitamins and minerals ) or drinking beer. 2.Eat foods rich in plant fiber The men in the fitness movement should also note that during the diet to eat more foods rich in plant fiber , its main role is to accelerate intestinal peristalsis field , reduce cholesterol and certain bile salts, reducing blood glucose and fatty acid , role of blood pressure , and can also cause ulcers elimination of certain substances, to avoid suffering from colorectal cancer . People who eat foods rich in plant fiber have the feeling of fullness , and the accumulation of excess wood to worry about calories, so it's still slimming effect. Recommends eating 18-20 grams of plant fiber Men meal every time . The main foods rich in plant fiber are wheat bran, whole wheat bread , cabbage , potatoes , carrots , apples, lettuce , cauliflower , celery and so on. 3.Eating foods containing magnesium Magnesium favorite sport for men is also very important nutrients , it helps regulate the human heart, lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease , improve men 's fertility. Suggested men should eat two bowls of breakfast oatmeal with milk and a banana . More magnesium soy foods , baked potatoes , walnuts , oatmeal , pasta, leafy vegetables and seafood. 4.Eat foods containing vitamin A Vitamin A helps improve people's immunity, prevent cancer, protect people 's eyesight. A grown man need to eat 1,000 micrograms per day of vitamin A, but excessive consumption harmful to the body . More foods containing bag factory vitamin A are liver, dairy products, fish , tomatoes , carrots apricots, cantaloupe .


Anger can control it? In fact, anger is self-abuse.

Not an angry mood and behavior congenital , but acquired learned . People born not angry , is his decision.
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American sociologist in " anger , much misunderstood emotion ," the book said: "The anger is not an innate emotions and behavior , but acquired learned that people do not get angry students , their own decisions . " That is , people's anger is their control . That is why for the same thing , someone is angry rage, but someone did not put Heart . So, as long as you understand that anger is make life difficult for themselves and their own , self- abuse, you will not often let themselves go " mad " the. Does not want to get angry easily. First, to adjust their thinking , to remind ourselves not as think anything is good and bad sides , think about the good side of it . Also, try to make yourself slow to anger, try and delay 15 seconds , then broke out with your usual way . Delaying the next 30 seconds , constantly lengthening this time , once you see that they can stay angry , you have learned to control . Delay is controlled , more practice , and finally be able to completely eliminate . -Secondly , when angry remind ourselves that everyone has the right to become the way he wants to be , you ask others to do so , only to find themselves affected by the gas . There are angry, close to the people you love , they love to go in there looking for and your hostility. There is also a most stupid way is to do a " mad Diary" , note the anger of the time, place and thing. You will soon discover , if often angry , just to bag factory remember " angry Diaries" this trouble , you can force you less angry.


Overcome the psychological anxiety

Anxiety disorder is a common mental illness problems , especially in high-intensity white-collar workers who reflect the pace of life is much , then for the treatment of anxiety disorders to how should we do ? Here's a look at methods of experts it.
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Now, fast-paced life , so many people feel the psychological pressure, psychological problems have emerged . Anxiety disorders have become a common modern mental illness . Anxiety disorders adversely affect the mental and physical will . In addition to overcoming the psychological anxiety medication, but also through other tips. Here I will introduce several overcome the psychological anxiety tips. 1 , relaxation methods. Anxiety disorders can lead people in palpitation, muscle tension, body trembling and other adverse reactions state. Relaxing the body can relieve the discomfort , let anxiety eased. Relaxing the body through deep breathing can help make sense of tension disappear, thereby overcoming the psychological anxiety . 2 , adaptation . Anxiety object to brave face , this is the best way to overcome anxiety and psychological . Anxiety grams to fear a situation down into several smaller goals, step by step, you can gradually adapt to this scenario , it is no longer the face of the future anxiety. 3 , pay attention to rest . You can easily rest the body and mind , reduce mental anxiety. So, always pay attention to ensure adequate sleep . Hot bath before going to bed for sleep quality more helpful. 4 , talk method . Easy is a good way to solve psychological anxiety can talk through our inner thoughts are expressed. Let those who are confided to become your supporters to help you survive, stay away from anxiety. 5 , remain optimistic . Self-confident , let us face various difficulties can be overcome , thereby resolving the psychological anxiety. When you lack confidence , might be self-suggestion . 6 , to divert attention . If you think the recent upset , you can divert attention by the body and mind relaxation , allowing you to temporarily ease the psychological pressure . Divert attention can listen to music, walking and other outdoor . The above is to overcome the psychological anxiety of modern man tips related presentations knowledge , we hope to adhere to. A friend of psychological anxiety disorder patients to timely psychological adjustment , relaxed body and mind in order to ease the bag factory psychological anxiety to avoid aggravating mental illness .

Three Principles of Healthy Dinner

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1.A simple , quantitative based Compared breakfast and lunch , dinner should eat some simple, general requirements for the energy supplied dinner all day does not exceed 30% of total dietary energy can be. Can not avoid eating in unlimited dishes while ensuring staple food intake , the staple food should be " quantitative " healthy adults at least 300 grams or more per day , dinner can be reduced appropriately. On the other hand, the choice of staple food should try biased conducive to digestion and nutrition to maintain good coarse classes. 2.Light , low-fat , easy to digest Dinner should be light, pay attention to choose less fat and easily digestible food , and attention should not overeat . Dinner nutrition, can not afford to consume fat will accumulate in the body , resulting in obesity , affecting their health . Dinner time is too late, too long, overeat unfavorable for sleep , it is easy to cause the body indigestion and insomnia. 3.More healthy vegetarian dinner Dinner must be partial elements , rich in vitamins and carbohydrate foods, in particular, should intake of some fresh vegetables to minimize excessive protein intake of fatty foods . Dinner must be very good attention, but does not require large, but should not be lavish meals . Dinner should have two or more of vegetables, and can provide both increased vitamin fibers. In addition, the pasta may be appropriate to reduce , proper eating whole grains, you can eat some small fish. If you can eat dinner walk out after 40 minutes , will be on the bag factory digestion and absorption of food is very beneficial .


Scientific training should also be reasonable water

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Body one day need 8 cups "liquid " Scientists believe that one day people need 6 to 8 cups of "liquid " , about 1.2 liters . This can help the body's normal metabolism, such as to maintain normal body temperature , protecting sensitive tissues ( such as the spine and brain ) to work properly. The key is "liquid " how to define the word . Because Theoretically, this can include tea , coffee, fruit , juice, diet or standard fizzy drinks , or even get in a variety of wines . Although medical research has proved without a lot of water will help to eliminate toxins in the kidneys , but to ensure proper water intake is the best way to resist the body's water shortage , the reason for everyone, including those who engage in sports and running marathon enthusiasts we . Excessive drinking potentially harmful Although amateurs tend to think the longer run should drink more water , but the fact is that excessive drinking can harm the health of many players , and even make it deadly . Sports nutritionist explained: " In a few incidents, excessive drinking amateur marathon runner died , because excess water will seriously deplete the body 's sodium levels , so drinking isotonic sports drink is the best choice , because it will providing salt to prevent this . " Some people think that if a person does not need to drink water thirsty . "Whether for athletes or non-athletes , once the thirst to prove that you dry up ." Experts say this is wrong . Thirst only as a measure of young and old water standards. For restless children with special needs : whether it is the official sports competitions , or a school football game , or in the park or garden slapstick chase is so. Because they are easier to dehydration and overheating. This may be because they sweat more during exercise , hot, but the excitement kept playing without making them aware of their thirst. Reasonable drinking water is essential Sports Nutritionists point out that a person for up to one hour of physical activity will consume an average of 350 to 700 ml of fluid , if the weather is hot and humid more . For children, the active head 1 hour 3 times let them water, a total of not more than 100 ml , followed by their own drink until no longer feel thirsty so far. So they can ensure that their water demand of the movement . With age, people thirst sensitivity will be reduced, so the law should bag supplier be more aware of the importance of drinking water .


Walking forces you to walk minus the excess fat

Who says exercise must be done in order to lose weight, as long as the method used , even walking, can easily lose weight.
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1.Reduced in order to increase the pace of speed: Many people used to increase the speed to accelerate the pace of walking , in fact, this is the wrong way , then you should slightly reduce the distance between each step . 2.Another place Strides: You know ? Different road also give the body a different stimulus Oh ! If you are used on asphalt or walking on a treadmill , it may be a change of beach, grass , and even gravel . Experts say that it allows you to consume 60 calories per hour . 3.Cross-training more efficient : Is there any way to make you use the same amount of time walking, can consume more calories, but will not make you too tired to death ? Answer ? Join running, even sprint sprint. For example , with the original speed every 5 minutes walk , you can interspersed with jogging for 1 minute. If you do down for weeks , you already feel very relaxed, and can be changed interspersed sprint 30-60 seconds. 4.Increase your weight : Back backpack ( Please select in the chest can be completely obedient to the professional sports or hiking backpack ) ! Increase in body weight , although effective , but did not limit the chaos back a pass, experts recommend no more than 20% of their body weight , or it will hurt the lower back . 5.Join arm swing : To move to a balanced body, hands and feet when walking , but does not require a high arm swing wildly , your elbows bent about 90 degrees, the amplitude of the swing arm should be 15-20 cm from the hip forward to chest height can be. 6.Walking buttocks using techniques: Have you ever seen foot race right ? Studies have pointed out , walking and jogging calories consumed is almost the same . Try ? Take every step, homeopathic move your hips to push forward the strength of the body , followed by another step taken . Walking, you do not have to use the whole trip that way . You can use the previous method , said first 1-11 minutes of walking , and then interspersed with a few minutes of walking to strengthen bag factory the hip way , the effect is also very good.


Interpersonal common abnormal psychology

In life, do most social thing . Interpersonal relationships on a person 's career and quality of life have a certain relationship . Some people are not good at socializing, it is difficult to get to know a friend . In fact, social and personal psychology are closely related, then the common abnormalities in social psychology , what does ?
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1.Inferiority Some people prone to feelings of inferiority , and even despise their own lack of self-confidence , work no guts , timid , echoed , not their minds. This psychological if not overcome , will wear the person's unique personality. 2.Cowardice Mainly seen inexperienced deep , shallow experience , introverted , poor words of people, due to cowardice , to socialize , even if they think the right thing, after careful consideration , but did not dare express. This psychological others can also be observed , and the result of their own produce opinions , unwilling to become good friends. 3.Suspicion psychological Some people asked a friend , or in social work , tend to love the look with the eyes of distrust each other, unwarranted suspicion, hearsay evidence, to make irresponsible remarks , asked a friend to act as some people , but to other people about things when a friend said something what . The results affect the relationship between friends . 4.Reverse psychology Some people like to bicker with others , in order to explain their unconventional, for any one thing, regardless of the merits , and you say well, I think the bad ; You're right , I said it was wrong to make others of their own resentment . 5.For the play psychological Some people make friends as flirtation , fickle , inconstant , always cope , boastful , love to say nice things , and someone met her , would say how deep intercourse with someone . This is only superficial interpersonal relationships , so there is no deep feelings friend. 6.Greedy psychology Some people think that the purpose is to make friends " mutual advantage " to see for yourself useful , give yourself the benefit of a friend before intercourse , and often is "burning bridges ." This covet Cheoy Lee , dipping adverse bag supplier psychological others , will make their own personality compromised.


4 Benefits of proper nap

Whether at work or school female friends , many are beginning to develop the habit of napping , not least because getting up early to rest tired of work , but also because nap Benefits ! Proper nap method can not only people in the limited time to get the most adequate rest, but also the prevention of coronary heart disease .
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1.Improve work efficiency Siesta habit is not unique to our modern , back in a few hundred years ago, ancient people also have the good habit of taking a nap , British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to victory exploits attributed to nap , Leonardo da Vinci 's accomplishments in the arts but also thanks to the nap of mental recovery. After the study shows that a short nap can indeed effectively eliminate fatigue , improve work efficiency. 2.Lose weight Most delighted female friends has a slim body , but in particular it is very easy and do not do a lot of exercise and dieting to lose weight. Try the free time in the afternoon nap . Because if you feel particularly sleepy noon when it comes to work , so forcibly deprived of sleep , not only causes the body tend to be fat , and proliferation of cancer cells . 3.Relieve stress In the intense work pressure, you want to hear the work of the hands of the next breath is immune , the best way is to take advantage of this time to rest after lunch nap for a while, so because of intense work and life stress leading to cell senescence the symptoms are effectively suppressed. Of course, you can also take advantage of lunch time with music Rui Jie body massage cleaning function to resolve constipation, intelligent bidet Massage therapy is also regarded as an effective way to relieve stress . 4.Enhance memory Many scientists nap this simple thing, do a number of research studies conducted for a 20-minute nap and without nap person memory, thinking skills were tested , the test results indicate that there is a nap for 20 minutes the human memory and thinking ability to bag factory respond than people who do not carry 1.5 times nap .


Fall suitable to eat 5 fruits

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Grapes Grapes contain resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant, anti-aging and free radicals on cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment has a positive effect . Need to be reminded that the grapes of cold , spleen Deficiency should not eat. Hawthorn Hawthorn contains pectin is a polysaccharide substance that helps control blood sugar and blood lipids. In addition, it also contains a lot of hawthorn flavonoids and organic acids, has anti-cancer , anti-cancer , lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. General population can eat , especially for indigestion , cardiovascular disease and inflammatory bowel disease patients, but pregnant women, children , gastric acid hypersecretion , the sick and physically weak after dental patients unfit for human consumption . Citrus Citrus rich in vitamin B1 of the nervous system plays an important role in signal transduction . In addition, citrus carotenoid content is also much higher than other fall fruits , this nutrient in the body can be converted into vitamin A, has the eye and improve eyesight. Citrus also contains anti-oxidant , anti-cancer , anti-allergic ingredients, and can prevent blood clotting , reduce coronary heart disease , stroke, and the incidence of hypertension and so on. Pomegranate Pomegranate is rich in soluble dietary fiber in the human digestive tract not broken down by enzymes , both to prevent constipation , but also relieve diarrhea. In addition, a large number of pomegranate seeds are rich in vitamin C, polyphenols , these substances have anti-aging effect . Therefore, when eating pomegranate seeds to chew chew . Need to be reminded that pomegranate has the functions of constipation to eat less. Fresh Compared with other autumn fruits , fresh dates ranks first in number of nutrient content , such as vitamin C, potassium , magnesium , iron, zinc and so on. Vitamin C can soften blood vessels , prevent hypertension , coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis , potassium on blood pressure control favorably , magnesium helps fight stress. Need to be reminded , jujube partial heat , phlegm , constipation, stomach patients and handbag manufacturer patients with diabetes should not eat.


Jealousy is a driving force do?

Modern society emphasizes competition , coupled with the rise of social media , we are always able to " snoop " into the lives of others. Everyone can not help but think : "If I have a good car that can live in a big house , to global travel just fine ." We might even anger : Why do they have so many good things - beauty, status, power love, my share of it ?
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When there is a gap between reality and the ideal , the people will Joneses , inner sense of imbalance and cause serious resentment of others , resulting in interpersonal tensions . Jealousy is also closely related with the character . Generally, low self-esteem by jealousy often stronger, high self-esteem were generally weak jealousy . The core is actually jealous of one sentence: I am not good enough or I as well as others . And people just look in the mirror each other in the side " good" mirror that lights up his " not good enough " , that kind of pain will direct excitation "abandoned , ignored" the fear . However , jealousy is a normal emotional experience , including the negative forces ( such as hatred , attacks, etc. ) and a positive force ( such as a strong possessive and have desire ) . Painful jealousy , hatred and attacks because they were taking up the most emotions. If these negative forces into desire and possession of jealousy can be powered . To overcome their jealousy , first ask yourself : What is the thing I am more ? I have exactly what you want ? Owned by someone else is not necessarily what you want to learn to accept , respect , appreciation and empathy . Second, we must find the gap to catch up. What a man jealous , it means that his inferiority complex where also means that where self-esteem , also means that the goal where. Objective analysis of their own situation , to seriously reflect on the advantages of others , how they need to do to reach that level . Enrich their knowledge to focus on to improve their ability , rather than envy the people voted out . Finally, a legitimate way to vent their emotions , such as looking for family or friends to talk ; resolve negative emotions through movement . But also to see their own strengths, explore their own bag manufacturer potential and learn to respect and love yourself .

Healthy ease the psychological pressure

In life, in particular workplace , psychological pressure is always particularly great. Psychological stress on our mental health is great, so we should pay more attention to life , the only way to ensure that their mental state is the best .
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1 empathy recognition method . Correct understanding of stress, flexibility to adjust their mentality. For example , when you encounter unfair things , uncoordinated relationships, when unpleasant emotional experience , try empathy . 2 music and physical health care law . Various sound through the ear was feeling, as others praise was rightly ringing , accusing voice , buzz , etc. will affect your mind, so you can listen to some beautiful music, relieve unpleasant mood. Develop good habits of life and self-care is extremely important, and create a harmonious family atmosphere can not be neglected . 3 over time forgotten laws. Time is the best way to solve problems , and actively forget the past , the immediate unpleasant , to revise their cognitive concepts, do not let the painful past thwarting your future. 4 confident self -excitation method . The belief that he is the best, most can rely on each pile by Albert confident start . 5 FASTEST self-liberation France . Learn self- relaxation, in appropriate circumstances , to find trustworthy people say they said ; want to rest then rest ; entertainment they want entertainment, really do not want to do something to temporarily put aside ; can strive for excellence, but not demand perfection . 6 Updating the environment self- adjustment method . In too much pressure, bad mood transform about the environment, such as an outdoor viewing, indoor gardening, imagine the good things and so on. In life we should pay attention to self-psychological care , so that their mental health standards, so if feel great psychological pressure , then it is more than seven ways to try it. Adjust if they do not come , still under a lot of pressure , it is recommended that bag supplier you go to a psychiatrist for treatment where appropriate.


White-collar crowd how to reduce stress?

Real , from a psychological point of view, in the usual highly stressful working conditions, the human brain center will establish a highly stressful thinking mode of operation. If all of a sudden from a state of high tension to stop, the original kind of mental models to adapt to the rhythm tension will suddenly lost object , face relaxed environment but feel uncomfortable , and when you finally adapted to the relaxed environment of comfortable , had to return to the intense work mode, will generate a new phenomenon suited .
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Modern face of increasing pressure , but the prevalence of such a problem : Many people are used to the pressure backlog , and then wait until the holiday time to go completely released. This " unified planning the release of pressure " approach is actually caused by psychological gap after the big holiday of the important reasons , and the pressure is often a backlog , this "emotional toxins" will slowly "swallowed " with your physical and mental health . Even when released until the holidays , many people tend to release Debu fun, or release too overdone , are unhealthy . 1.The use of words and imagination to relax Through imagination, training thinking " hanging around " as in " blue sky, boats and friends who sat in the blue waves of the sea play ." In a short time to relax , let yourself get mental rest , you will feel calm, quiet and peaceful. 2.Put the Heart of old clothes Usually put a beloved old pants , and then set a loose shirt , you will reduce the psychological pressure unknowingly . Because the clothes to wear for a long time will make people remember the feeling of a particular time and space , but also whom human emotions rising up . 3.Cry Medical psychologists believe that crying can relieve stress. Psychologist gave some adults measurement of blood pressure , the results of 87% in normotensive people say they occasionally had to cry , and those who say that the majority of patients with hypertension , but never tears. It seems so out of emotional expression than buried deep in the heart much more useful . 4.Hug a tree In Australia some of the park every morning will see a lot of people hugging trees . This is what they used to reduce the psychological stress of a method. Allegedly hug a tree bag factory can release the body's happy hormones , it is the spirit of hearty .


Pressure to the heart

With the continuous development of society , many people live all day in the workplace , in the workplace , over time , will be some pressure accumulation in the body. Severe impact pressure normal life , so it is important to relieve stress . So, how do decompression for the soul ?
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Friends Initiative to invite friends to dinner, eat food, gossip , shopping , and friends can help a woman is the most rapid release of stress. A hot bubble bath In the hot water bath water for twenty minutes. Not only will your muscles to relax , minus the pressure, the heat bath water but also by expanding your blood vessels to lower your blood pressure . A massage Massage proved to be a great stress reducers , especially when your body saddled with too much responsibility when . He relieve stress and anxiety , while , make you relax and slow down your heart rate . Tasting new dishes Do not eat the same food over three days , even if it is not working meals can , this will only make you moody . In addition to regular tasting new dishes , but I suggest you do it yourself , preparing your own meals , you totally can follow recipes for yourself every day to prepare different delicacies. South Korea the latest psychological survey found that food can help women improve most negative emotions , relieve psychological stress. Make a strategic plan Otherwise, life and the life of all the pressure will be blowing. Make a list , write down ten things you want , you may have to buy a house, fitness , and more outings , vacations, dating someone and so on. Then think about how you can achieve those goals and initiated efforts in that direction . Do not revisit the past Very strange but it is true - Revisit who make you nervous a lot of pressure to do does not make you feel better , but to make you feel more nervous and under pressure again . Do not pressure your event again awakened Instead, write it down , put it to shreds and handbag manufacturer then thrown away. Symbolic , perhaps , but it will give you the right messages to the brain .


Try to resolve psychological bad mood

Everyone is eager to always smug, everything goes , but life is also bitter sweet . When faced with the disease struggle , the pursuit of frustration , struggle frustration , emotional injury , stress and other problems , the bad feelings will be generated. Negative emotions is a reminder of the heart , to tell you the time at work, there are some problems in life , you need to address it. So, how to resolve negative emotions arise in life it ?
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1.Learn to talk . When confronted with unhappy things , do not sulk a person , but should learn to talk. Everyone has a few close friends, we get together , a pot of tea , a cup of coffee , matter put troubles say it, listen to their views ; or share some anecdotes , we Kaihuaiyixiao , negative emotions also vanished the . 2.Singing aloud . Music is a human friend. Different concerts bring a different mood , heavy classical music make you calm , soft music help you sweep away the melancholy crisp ; hear natural sounds such as birdsong in the forest , the sea sound of the waves lapping the rocks , there help alleviate negative emotions . In addition to listening to music, singing was also very effective . Pull a few friends to KTV singing , singing rhythmic breathing exercise can ease the tension . Of course , pay attention to the song selection , do not choose such a bitter falling out of love songs , or heart resonate , make you sad. 3.Change in the environment . Bad mood, do not stuffy in the house , otherwise bad emotions filled the entire room , allowing you more unhappy. Hurry to go out and get paternity flower grass , ornamental flowers, or brush painting , fishing river, the inaction of catharsis way can help you relieve restlessness to Jingya mentality quell anger. 4.Crying out loud . Crying is a good way to release negative emotions . Medical studies have found that people in sad when the tears can detox, and can reduce the repressed emotions . Of course, if failing to cry , and always sad sad sad , but will increase the negative emotions . In addition , the appropriate change of clothes the color and style, give yourself a vacation , implying that he often bag manufacturer consciously smile , are a good way to regulate frustration .

Family Fitness Act

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1.Curled -ups ( or crunches ) 1 minute in the number of crunches you can do is curl up abdominal muscles traction force and durability tests . Strong abdominal muscles to avoid pain and lower spine to maintain good posture. Method is to hug arms crossed his chest ; legs bent , heels away from the hips 12-18 inches, feet flat, toes hooked furniture along the bottom ( or a person sitting on another person's feet ) , upper body to after lying down ; up upper body stretched forward , snapping up the thigh ; head reach, try to touch toes catching furniture. This series of actions required in one minute in continuous endeavors to repeat . 2.Push-ups Do push-ups can exercise arm , shoulder and chest muscle strength and endurance. Coordination of these forces is conducive to maintaining good posture, avoid including chest , hump. Women and children under 10 years : knees touch the ground , legs cocked, head to knee kept straight ; palms stretched flat , fingers forward , stays below the shoulder , hand and shoulder width distance . Then touch the ground with chest volts , then propped up with your arms to the arm straight, so uninterrupted action, write down the number of times within 1 minute hold up ; men and children over the age of 10 : Action is basically the same , but your knees to leave ground , the entire torso in a straight line , toe the ground . 3.Fat ride protrusion This action can exercise the spine, hip and leg flexibility . Good flexibility helps to avoid pain and back base of the spine and leg injuries . Method is to take off shoes and socks, sitting on the floor , legs stretched forward flat , close together, separated by 5 inches heel , soles withstand wall ; hands reach, try to touch the walls . Note that the knee can not be bent, not excessive force , the muscles relax as much as possible , so that for five seconds , write down your fingertips with the distance from the wall . 4.Three minutes Jumping This is one of the most convenient way is to exercise the heart of the main activities in response to persistent classes . A robust , efficient not only in the heart of the body endurance and has an important role in the maintenance spirit , it can reduce the risk of damage to the heart . Jumping way is to put on the floor a small stool or a bundle of newspapers , a height of about 12 inches , the first on the bench right foot , left foot, then both feet change position - left foot stool , the right foot, so alternately, do 24 times per bag supplier minute alternate action , an average of 2-3 seconds to complete once.


Interpersonal social psychology

Social itself is a deep knowledge, read him, then you will be interpersonal communication capability. Only by mastering social psychology, in order to fundamentally go interpersonal communication, interpersonal communication so that also seemed more relaxed.
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First, understand the people and humanity Improve their interpersonal skills and mastery of the first step in successful relationships yes. Understanding and humanity can be simply summarized as DD " in accordance with the nature of people to identify with them ," " put themselves agree that people " , rather than using their own vision to look at other people , but not to impose their will on others . The first is the interest of their own people , not interested in you ! Words DD than a person concerned about their attention to you a thousand times . Recognizes that " people first concern is not your own ," this is the key to life . Second, how to subtly talk with others When you talk with people , choose a topic they are most interested . They are most interested in the topic , what is it ? Was their own ! These few words from your dictionary removed out " me, myself , my ." Use another word , one of the most powerful human language the word to replace it , " You ." Are you interested in the conversation does not matter whether your audience is interested in the conversation . When you talk to people when talking about each other, and guide each other talk about themselves . So you can become a popular conversation partner. Third, how to subtly make others feel important One of the most common characteristics of human beings is the desire to be admitted wants to be understood . Would you like a duck in relationships do ? Then , please try to make others aware of their importance . Remember, the more you bag factory make people feel self- important people on your return more.


Deal with all types of human communication skills

Whether in the workplace or other environmental friend, they want their relationships in a conquering state , we must learn to deal with all sorts of different kinds of people . Only familiar with different types of people in society you will be in the habit of handling interpersonal duck -like ease. In fact many of my friends only know how their colleagues are familiar intercourse of people how to get along with other types of communication is not very understanding, so it is difficult to question it , it is not true , experts pointed out that once you have the following description of several types of people can do consummate communication.
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Stubborn very powerful people . For some character traits very flexible when dealing with people who self- treat . Such people are generally already see type stale ideas , ideas of aging , but firmly resist suggestions and opinions , opinionated , self-righteous . Treat such people, you alone glib tongue is difficult to convince him. You may wish to straight to the point , his life and work to expand some of the wrong approach eleven enumerated , combined with the immediate need to address the problem will have to remind him what serious consequences. Arrogant person does not make sense . Difficult to say whether these people really low quality reasons . Such people are generally rude type self-centered , arrogant , and often put a domineering , conceited posture, lack of self-knowledge . Dealing with such people or working , you do not cringe , nor of proud anti- proud , you just long story short , the need to explain things concise account of finish on the line . If you ask him to act , it is another matter . Not easily visibly person. Even for people like you and then by the goodwill or offensive will not be expressed through facial expressions , even if you politely greet him , he would not react accordingly . Mentioned by psychology , called expressionless. Expressionless does not mean he did not emotions . But this man repressed passion, do not reveal it out . So , for this person , you do not get angry , just put what you want to continue down that critical moment comes , he will naturally handbag manufacturer use words representative of expression.


Fitness bad habits so that their effect perceptibly

Fitness is not blindly brute force able to receive a good workout fitness effects, such as skipping breakfast started doing aerobics, jogging while listening to music , it is common practice for many people . But these bad habits will directly lead to the loss of the best sports results.
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A common fitness bad habits : 1.An empty stomach exercise Empty stomach exercise is not conducive to healthy , your body needs energy to ensure operation . Some healthy snacks, such as oatmeal or a banana , you can go to the gym in the car on the way to digest and provide you with the next exercise extra energy required . Exercise in the morning which is particularly important , because through the night , your stomach is empty , the heat has consumed over. You need to add some fuel to it and let it restart. 2.The movement to sweating Many people like to exercise when Chuyishenhan , it seems that only a feeling of sweating before been fully exercise, but in fact, this will not have any effect , it will only make you exercise too much , lose a lot of moisture , causing cramps, dry and Some other sports injuries . Therefore, the movement once sweating , you should replenish moisture and adjust intensity , rest a few minutes and drink two saliva. 3.Zhaomaohuahu superficial understanding Go to the gym when not pretend to know everything what will bring you benefits. For those gym newcomer who is one of the worst habits patrol around the gym , trying to look like according to the people around them do . The gym , there are often some of the coaches . Aoqibindi recommend make use of these coaches . "If you really have questions , would like to know the correct form of exercise , do not hesitate to ask them ." She said, " You have to know how to avoid sports injuries ." Similarly, when you took a new fitness classes, there is no discomfort or concerns should let the teacher know that your body will benefit from the . 4.Select only a moving Many people prefer only a sport, such as running or riding a stationary bike, as long as the long-term adherence can effect is obvious. In fact , a full workout with the need for several sports . "Walk one mile can burn 100 calories ; But in the same 20 minutes , if the equipment to do weight-bearing exercise can burn 300 to 400 calories ." Amy Hoff said. Strength training can help you maintain muscle shape , slow muscle relaxation brought about because of their age , so the best aerobic exercise and weight training bag manufacturer will combine "running , playing, sit-ups , weight lifting should try it ."