
Walking forces you to walk minus the excess fat

Who says exercise must be done in order to lose weight, as long as the method used , even walking, can easily lose weight.
bag factory
1.Reduced in order to increase the pace of speed: Many people used to increase the speed to accelerate the pace of walking , in fact, this is the wrong way , then you should slightly reduce the distance between each step . 2.Another place Strides: You know ? Different road also give the body a different stimulus Oh ! If you are used on asphalt or walking on a treadmill , it may be a change of beach, grass , and even gravel . Experts say that it allows you to consume 60 calories per hour . 3.Cross-training more efficient : Is there any way to make you use the same amount of time walking, can consume more calories, but will not make you too tired to death ? Answer ? Join running, even sprint sprint. For example , with the original speed every 5 minutes walk , you can interspersed with jogging for 1 minute. If you do down for weeks , you already feel very relaxed, and can be changed interspersed sprint 30-60 seconds. 4.Increase your weight : Back backpack ( Please select in the chest can be completely obedient to the professional sports or hiking backpack ) ! Increase in body weight , although effective , but did not limit the chaos back a pass, experts recommend no more than 20% of their body weight , or it will hurt the lower back . 5.Join arm swing : To move to a balanced body, hands and feet when walking , but does not require a high arm swing wildly , your elbows bent about 90 degrees, the amplitude of the swing arm should be 15-20 cm from the hip forward to chest height can be. 6.Walking buttocks using techniques: Have you ever seen foot race right ? Studies have pointed out , walking and jogging calories consumed is almost the same . Try ? Take every step, homeopathic move your hips to push forward the strength of the body , followed by another step taken . Walking, you do not have to use the whole trip that way . You can use the previous method , said first 1-11 minutes of walking , and then interspersed with a few minutes of walking to strengthen bag factory the hip way , the effect is also very good.

