
Fall suitable to eat 5 fruits

handbag manufacturer
Grapes Grapes contain resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant, anti-aging and free radicals on cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment has a positive effect . Need to be reminded that the grapes of cold , spleen Deficiency should not eat. Hawthorn Hawthorn contains pectin is a polysaccharide substance that helps control blood sugar and blood lipids. In addition, it also contains a lot of hawthorn flavonoids and organic acids, has anti-cancer , anti-cancer , lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. General population can eat , especially for indigestion , cardiovascular disease and inflammatory bowel disease patients, but pregnant women, children , gastric acid hypersecretion , the sick and physically weak after dental patients unfit for human consumption . Citrus Citrus rich in vitamin B1 of the nervous system plays an important role in signal transduction . In addition, citrus carotenoid content is also much higher than other fall fruits , this nutrient in the body can be converted into vitamin A, has the eye and improve eyesight. Citrus also contains anti-oxidant , anti-cancer , anti-allergic ingredients, and can prevent blood clotting , reduce coronary heart disease , stroke, and the incidence of hypertension and so on. Pomegranate Pomegranate is rich in soluble dietary fiber in the human digestive tract not broken down by enzymes , both to prevent constipation , but also relieve diarrhea. In addition, a large number of pomegranate seeds are rich in vitamin C, polyphenols , these substances have anti-aging effect . Therefore, when eating pomegranate seeds to chew chew . Need to be reminded that pomegranate has the functions of constipation to eat less. Fresh Compared with other autumn fruits , fresh dates ranks first in number of nutrient content , such as vitamin C, potassium , magnesium , iron, zinc and so on. Vitamin C can soften blood vessels , prevent hypertension , coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis , potassium on blood pressure control favorably , magnesium helps fight stress. Need to be reminded , jujube partial heat , phlegm , constipation, stomach patients and handbag manufacturer patients with diabetes should not eat.

