
Fitness bad habits so that their effect perceptibly

Fitness is not blindly brute force able to receive a good workout fitness effects, such as skipping breakfast started doing aerobics, jogging while listening to music , it is common practice for many people . But these bad habits will directly lead to the loss of the best sports results.
bag manufacturer
A common fitness bad habits : 1.An empty stomach exercise Empty stomach exercise is not conducive to healthy , your body needs energy to ensure operation . Some healthy snacks, such as oatmeal or a banana , you can go to the gym in the car on the way to digest and provide you with the next exercise extra energy required . Exercise in the morning which is particularly important , because through the night , your stomach is empty , the heat has consumed over. You need to add some fuel to it and let it restart. 2.The movement to sweating Many people like to exercise when Chuyishenhan , it seems that only a feeling of sweating before been fully exercise, but in fact, this will not have any effect , it will only make you exercise too much , lose a lot of moisture , causing cramps, dry and Some other sports injuries . Therefore, the movement once sweating , you should replenish moisture and adjust intensity , rest a few minutes and drink two saliva. 3.Zhaomaohuahu superficial understanding Go to the gym when not pretend to know everything what will bring you benefits. For those gym newcomer who is one of the worst habits patrol around the gym , trying to look like according to the people around them do . The gym , there are often some of the coaches . Aoqibindi recommend make use of these coaches . "If you really have questions , would like to know the correct form of exercise , do not hesitate to ask them ." She said, " You have to know how to avoid sports injuries ." Similarly, when you took a new fitness classes, there is no discomfort or concerns should let the teacher know that your body will benefit from the . 4.Select only a moving Many people prefer only a sport, such as running or riding a stationary bike, as long as the long-term adherence can effect is obvious. In fact , a full workout with the need for several sports . "Walk one mile can burn 100 calories ; But in the same 20 minutes , if the equipment to do weight-bearing exercise can burn 300 to 400 calories ." Amy Hoff said. Strength training can help you maintain muscle shape , slow muscle relaxation brought about because of their age , so the best aerobic exercise and weight training bag manufacturer will combine "running , playing, sit-ups , weight lifting should try it ."

