
How to improve yourself every day?

Some people believe that if we went through the pain, the key moment or even cruel requirements of our own, we will achieve greater success, get things done better.

The therapist said: yourself will only lead to depression and anxiety, when we are kind to ourselves, we can more clearly see their own and healthy way, take action.

1.In the morning to set an intention.
Intention to be able to act on our values, give us the meaning of life. For example, "today I will really listen, when people talk to me. Help you will care more about who you are, your position and care, it makes you feel better, converted to treat ourselves and others."

2.Be aware of your thoughts.
Please note that your automatic negative thoughts, and try to replace them with neutral or positive thoughts, Kogan says. She shared this example: are you aware that you have made a mistake, these phrases appear naturally in your mouth: "Oh, I'm so stupid," or "I screwed up again."

3.Give yourself permission to change your mind.
"Yesterday and today is different, different than when you want something," Clarke said: "this could include the big change.
For example, you are always the counselor worked with victims of trauma, to present their own work and explore other client access. She said, you are a stay-at-home mom, realize you miss your work, give yourself permission to study child care options,
Or it may include a smaller change, such as modifying your daily work or play a different way to move your body (because you're tired of the gym or your training has begun to feel the punitive).

4.Say: yes.
"Treat themselves may say is so simple and radical, invited to do from a friend, impulse, nails or discard your to-do list on a Saturday bag manufacturer afternoon," psychotherapy "says morality.

5.Say no.
Say good time not is when you find yourself feeling dissatisfied, Mr Eder said. Of course, for many of us that is not easy. It is especially difficult for women "who have been taught to impress others is one of their most important work"
You may be worried that said not unkind. However, not only to the good and. As the carat said, "mercy needs about what we can give to others and we want to give something to someone, and the actual give honesty".

6.Check your mood.
Spend some time in your day, exploring your feelings. Taiwan will be known as the "put your sentiment."

7.Find and create moments of peace.
Psychotherapist Kogan said: "good also means looking for quiet condition. Note the swaying trees, your pet cat, or after a busy day walking behind you dog. "
Once again, good to treat themselves may have been difficult. It may not feel natural and familiar. In the long term treatment of themselves and of bag factory their kindness, you deserve to be treated yourself to start the first step.


Help slimming autumn Vegetable and Fruit

1.Kiwi fruit
Good dietary fiber of kiwi fruit, it not only can reduce cholesterol, but also can help digestion, prevent constipation, quickly remove and prevent accumulation of harmful metabolites in vivo. Kiwi fruit also contains vitamin C, E, K, and belongs to the low fat food nutrition and dietary fiber rich, with a unique role for slimming, beauty. Kiwi fruit is low in fat and cholesterol, want to reduce weight of the United States eyebrow absolutely can eat.

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and carotene and calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and iodine and other N elements, it also contains protein, carbohydrates, organic acids, cellulose. Malic acid and citric acid and other organic acids tomatoes contain, with increased gastric acidity, help digestion, adjust gastrointestinal function. Containing acid, can reduce the cholesterol content, let you become more slender. Can eat fresh tomatoes and remove the legs tired diuretic, reduce swelling of the problem, if it is eaten raw, the effect is better.

The vitamin C content of grapefruit is rich, and the fiber content are many, easy to produce satiety. Rich in tartaric acid, can effectively stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, affect the absorption of nutrients, thus inhibit the hyperactivity. It also contains a special amino acid, can inhibit bag manufacturer insulin secretion, thereby inhibiting glucose into fat in the liver.

Lemon contains citric acid, malic acid and other organic acid and hesperidin, naringin, eriocitrin other glycosides, but also contains vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and nicotinic acid, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other N nutrients, can promote the secretion of protein decomposition enzymes in the stomach, increased gastrointestinal motility good digestion and absorption, and slimming.

Rich in carotene, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and a certain amount of iron, vitamin E and so on in spinach helps ingredients, can supply the body with N nutrient. Spinach contains plant a large number of crude fiber, can promote intestinal peristalsis, laxative effect. Trace elements of substances contained in spinach, can promote the bag factory body The new supersedes the old., accelerated fat burning.


The six major hazards angry brings to the woman's body

In daily life, we always say to keep optimistic mood, not angry, don't be touchy when things, not because of the angry and gas bad your body. Yes, angry, angry, will indeed bring a lot of harm to the female friends, more likely to cause a lot of gynecological diseases.
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1.Angry will lead to endocrine disorders in women Female friends angry, unhappy, is unthinkable for the physical and mental effects. Anger will lead to a female friend to endocrine disorders and disorders, because when angry, hormone secretion by the human thyroid gland increases, make the body secretion have become abnormal, in the course of time, will not only lead to endocrine disorders, but also easy to cause hyperthyroidism. Therefore, female friends must try to keep optimistic mood, especially their own endocrine disorders of female friends should always control your emotions. 2.A female friend gets angry injury liver Female friends in time of anger, the body will automatically secrete a kind of special material, act on the nervous system, make blood sugar rise, make the body of toxins also increases, then, will hurt the liver. Advise women friends when angry, try to control your emotions, or drink some water, can make the angry body toxins emitted agglomeration. 3.Angry will make the female friend of premature aging Always love the angry woman will be aging faster, because, when angry, a lot of blood into the brain, making brain cells accelerate aging, thus, resulting in various aspects of the body along with the aging, therefore, female friends for their own beautiful youth, don't get angry easily! 4.Angry women friends, will make the stomach function Anger makes women friends stomach function bag manufacturer a lot of, because when you are angry, the brain nerve will be very excited and active, resulting in reduced blood flow in the stomach, gastrointestinal peristalsis slows down, the person's appetite will become poor many, this is why angry and would not want to eat, feel tired, not interest reason about anything. Advise women friends try to control your emotions, don't be so angry, really annoys a disease is not worthwhile yo! 5.Angry will make women friends appear a variety of skin problems Angry will also affect our appearance Oh, when angry, toxins in the blood increased, effect on the skin blood is a toxin, will make the skin appear all kinds of stains, macular and other issues, seriously affect the appearance. Therefore, encountered unhappy things, to relax, to adjust oneself mood, timely don't angry, don't let the toxin to. 6.Angry will make the female friend of deficiency of Qi and blood Often get angry, will make the brain hypoxia ischemia, make the body, very easy to cause the blood is not enough, but also make the body immunity is reduced, resistance to decline. Therefore, proposal female friends encounter anything to keep smile, think of something happy, especially self mood control ability of the poor bag factory to female friends must learn to self regulate


Eat four fruits added moisture in autumn

Autumn is a season of appropriate temperature, but the other side is the drying temperature is appropriate, people will be in the fall is facing one of the biggest problems is dry, so you should pay attention to eat some fruit, to improve the drying to introduce you to four kinds of fruit, dry autumn is most suitable to eat.
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Pear Pear sweet and cool, slightly acidic, with heat Sheng Jin, moistening the lung and eliminating phlegm effect, prevention and treatment of the fruit of autumn dryness. Pear can maintain tissue health status, can soften blood vessels. The nutrition community, pears have a loud name -- natural mineral water. Juicy, less slag, but dietary fiber and B vitamins are very rich. Many people fall have skin itching, so, supplement moisture content is the most important, is the optimal replenishment of pear fruit. Pomegranate Because the pomegranate contains very rich in minerals, there are two major anthocyanins and pomegranate polyphenols antioxidant components, it also contains vitamin C, linoleic acid and folic acid, can for our skin quickly add moisture. Pomegranate and warm, sweet, sour, astringent, with Shengjinzhike efficacy, suitable for fluid deficiency dry mouth, thirst, chronic diarrhea, leucorrhea Qingxi frequency and other symptoms. Hawthorn Hawthorn acid sweet, tepid, detoxification, refreshing, clearing stomach, refreshing, enhance appetite, in addition to the lipid antihypertensive efficacy. Hawthorn contains vitamin C, carotene and so generate substances can block and bag manufacturer reduce free radical, can enhance the body's immunity, has anti-aging, anti-cancer role, hawthorn has rich nutrition, vitamin C and calcium content is very high, suitable for high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, diabetes and children's food. Grape Grape fruit industry is the beauty of the king. Contains a large number of grape polyphenol, has the oxidation resistance function, can block the proliferation of free gene, effective anti-aging; it also contains tannic acid, citric acid, has a strong convergence effect and the soft moisturizing effect. In addition, grape fruit contains vitamin B3 and rich in minerals, can deep moisturizing, anti-aging and promote skin cell renewal. Grape also has the efficacy of replenishing qi and blood, strong bones and muscles, through main and collateral channels, detumescence, diuresis, suitable for anemia, hypertension, edema, neurasthenia, fatigue people eat. Grapes of high iron content, also suitable for bag factory eating children, women, the frail anemia.


The most suitable for detoxification diet of fruits and vegetables in Autumn

Autumn is the best time to detox the body fat, the body of toxins, if not promptly removed, it will accumulate in the body, this will make the abdominal bulge, produce fat, will take the acne on the face.
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1.Kiwi Good dietary fiber in the kiwi, it not only can reduce cholesterol, but also can help digestion, prevent constipation, quickly remove and prevent accumulation of harmful metabolites in vivo. Kiwi fruit contains vitamin C, E, K, and belongs to the low fat food nutrition and dietary fiber rich, with a unique role for slimming, beauty. Kiwi fruit is low in fat and cholesterol, eat much also is not afraid of. Kiwi fruit roots and clearing heat, diuretic, blood circulation, reducing the effectiveness. 2.Broccoli Nutritional components in broccoli, not only the content is high, but very comprehensive, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamin C and carotene. Broccoli with high water content is up to above 90%, lower calories. Broccoli can promote liver detoxification and swelling effect, can play the role of detoxification, slimming effect. 3.Tomatoes Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and carotene and calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and iodine and other N elements, it also contains protein, carbohydrates, organic acids, cellulose, helps detox. Malic acid and citric acid and other organic acids tomatoes contain, with increased gastric acidity, help digestion, adjust gastrointestinal function, can reduce the cholesterol content, diuretic and remove the legs tired, reduce swelling of the problem. 4.Carrots Carrot is effective detoxification food, and water swelling, removing excess body fat and water. It is not only rich in can neutralize the toxin in carotene, and contain a lot of vitamin A and pectin can be combined with mercury, effectively reduce bag manufacturer the blood concentrations of mercury ions, accelerate the discharge. Every day eat carrots can stimulate the gastrointestinal blood circulation, improve the digestive system. 5.Apples The apple contains particular malic acid, can accelerate metabolism, reduce lower body fat, and it contains the amount of calcium than other fruits rich, can reduce the salt content is lower body edema. In Apple galacturonic acid helps detox, pectin is able to avoid the corruption of food in the intestine. 6.Spinach Spinach is rich in carotene, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and a certain amount of iron, vitamin E helps ingredients, can supply the body with N nutrient. Spinach contains plant a large number of crude fiber, can promote intestinal peristalsis, laxative effect. Trace elements of substances contained in spinach, can promote the body metabolism, accelerate fat burning. In addition, the rich potassium bag factory substances in spinach can help to effectively eliminate edema.


Nutrition vegetable autumn indispensable

Vegetables are indispensable nutrient elements of our daily diet, not only can add vitamins needed by human body, can also be beauty beauty, each season has vegetables are good to eat, then eat vegetables fall what good?
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1.Cauliflower Cauliflower are rich in vitamins substances, per 200 grams of fresh broccoli for adults above a day of vitamin A 75%. The vitamin C content is more prominent, hectogram up to 80 mg, than common cabbage, yellow bean sprouts content to high 3-4 times, 2 times more than the content of citrus. Traditional Chinese medicine has always been a "white lung" said. Autumn is the season of multiple respiratory tract infection disease, white cauliflower is a timely health care vegetables. 2.Spinach Spinach is a very high nutritional value of vegetables. The tip of leaf petiole thin, long blade root stout, sugar component; spinach pork thick film. Spinach in carotenoids content is much higher than other vegetables, ascorbic acid is lower than the chili is higher than that of tomatoes, spinach has the hemostatic effect of vitamin K is contained in the highest leaf. Rich riboflavin, and preventing mouth ulcer, cheilitis, glossitis, dermatitis in mice. 3.Carrot Sweet Ping, Shizhibu spleen and stomach. Carrots to stew the best cook good. Stew can keep more than 93% of carotene, fried food can be maintained more than 80% of carotene, and eating raw, cold, the human body can only absorb 10%. 4.Lettuce Lettuce, tender meat, cooked stir fried dishes are affordable. Eat lettuce can enhance the secretion of gastric juice and digestive juice secretion, increase bile. Lettuce sodium potassium is 27 times, help to promote urination, maintain water balance, to hypertension and heart disease patients have much good. Fluorine contained in the form of lettuce, can participate in the enamel and dentin, participate in bone growth. High iodine content in lettuce, development which based on the human body metabolism and physical, it will exert a great influence. Leaf lettuce bag manufacturer nutrition is much higher than that of lettuce stem, leaf than in their stems contain carotene is 72 times higher than 2 times, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 is 5 times, vitamin C4 is 3 times, so do not eat lettuce leaves discarded, is really a pity. In addition, fall in love with a cough, eat lettuce leaves can also Ping cough. 5.Bean sprouts Soybeans, mung bean contains protein, fat and carbohydrates, and the essential elements of sodium, iron, phosphorus, calcium and so on the human body, bud can not only keep the original material, but also increase the content of vitamin B1, B2, B12 and C Bean sprouts in the chlorophyll can prevent cancer, including water rich in aspartic acid, the body can greatly reduce lactic acid accumulation, which is conducive to the elimination of fatigue. Traditional Chinese medicine thinks, bean sprouts taste spinach carrot cold, with Qingrejiedu, Lishi through inferior role. 6.Celery Celery of cool, sweet Xin non-toxic, calming the liver and stomach, rich in protein, carbohydrate, carotene, vitamin C, amino acid, it can be excited central nervous, promote gastric secretion, increase appetite, and has cured the bag factory taste of action. Celery can be dried, shredded meat fried food, are bright in color, flavor and fragrance.


Autumn skin care: how to prevent the nose acne?

Now, it has entered into the autumn, the weather is more dry, the skin will be followed by more and more rough, and in the skin all the problems above, the nose acne is the most let girls embarrassing things, a red dots, especially in the past, will be particularly obvious, therefore, the prevention of the nose acne it is the key. Before the nose acne prevention in say, we have to look at the nose acne causes!
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The reason of the nose acne 1.The body of excessive intake of sugar content. If your nose suddenly emitted a few small red acne, then, you have to think Is it right? Recently you eat too many sweets. The body of excessive intake of sugar content, is one of the reasons leading to the nose zhangdou. 2.Blood circulation problems. If the sides of your nose there blackhead and acne, then, you have to look at you the blood circulation has a problem, can help the nose full massage, to strengthen the nasal blood circulation, so that the nose is not so easy to play pox and peeling. 3.Strong stomach. In general, the United States eyebrow Weihuo relatively strong, so, reflected in the skin is relatively easy from acne nose, Xiaobian recommended stomach fire is popular girls, usually to eat some nourishing food, eat cold, pungent food, to ease the nose of the pox pox. Nose Zhangdou should be how to prevent? 1.The nose clean is very important Cleansing is the first step, beautiful skin is the most important step, every day we skin will be dirty, sweaty, gathering oil and so on, if the cleaning work done in place, then, the skin will be fat hyperplasia of the nose, and prone to acne, skin injury is very big, therefore, in the process of cleansing the skin, can pay more attention to the skin around the nose and the nose clean, thereby preventing grow ugly acne. 2.Careful selection of skin care products The choice of skin care products have great relevance to the skin effect, one not careful will ruin your fragile skin oh. Our choice of skin care products to bag manufacturer be more prudent, in daily for the choice of skin care products, to avoid too greasy skin care products and liquid foundation, this will seriously to stimulate the nasal skin. Can choose to compare some refreshing Cleansing Cream and skin care products to use, it is best to have the very good moisturizing function, for the nasal skin replenishment, prevent dry nose, but also lay a foundation for the prevention of nasal skin acne. 3.To develop good habits The skin is good or bad and living habits of the good and bad are inextricably linked, good habits will raise a perfect skin, to stimulate, to eat less greasy food, eat less sweet food in the diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, to ensure adequate sleep, not to stay up all night, if now a lifestyle is not the law of the United States eyebrow, so, from now on, you have to adjust your life work and rest, after a good lifestyle and habits gradually formed, skin come very naturally becomes good, acne naturally disappear, let alone grow blain blain! Summary: warm acne long in any part of the skin is a girls very troubling, if you want the skin clean, tender slippery, we must start from the usual routine of life and care skin bag factory details, do a good job of the strongest and most important prevention work.


How to eat the six principles can be thin?

Typical USA diet is mostly refining or simple carbohydrates, such as flour, rice, pasta, Italy dessert, carbonated drinks and other sugary foods and drinks. These carbohydrates lack of complex carbohydrates (such as grains, fruits, and vegetables) are contained in the cellulose, therefore can be quickly absorbed by human body. After eating this kind of food, will soon reach the peak energy into energy, followed by the recession, so this kind of food is difficult for people's work life to provide energy supply for long time.
In addition, if most of the food people eat would soon be absorbed, then the body will become more and more frequent feeling hungry, also means that will eat more snacks and daily intake more calories. As more and more to prevent you eat, so have a look the following 6 quick weight loss diet principle. A, cellulose It should be at least consume about 20 grams of cellulose from corn, fruit and vegetables every day. Cellulose helps people meal satiety lasted much longer, it is advantageous to reducing weight! In 2009, a study America Brigham Young University-Provo College of health and human performance display: eating more cellulose women the risk of obesity is significantly reduce. Each eat one gram of cellulose and lose 0.5 pounds in positive correlation. Researchers suspect that long-term intake of fibre helps to reduce the total calorie intake. Two, calcium and vitamin D Three meals a day should have the content of calcium and vitamin D content rich food. These two kinds of nutrients typically appear together in the food, especially in dairy products. The body of calcium and vitamin D together is affected, the main role is to make bones stronger. However, the latest research results show that, these two nutrients can make muscle is more compact, and thus contribute to weight loss success. Johns Hopkins University School of public health study showed, three meals a day closer to the recommended intake of dairy products and stick to a healthy diet of college students than the daily intake of little or no intake of dairy products the students weight, weight gain and less and less, abdominal fat. In addition, vitamin D itself plays an important role in weight control. Vitamin D can make the body's inability to use the extra fat. By reducing for "inform" the brain you already eat lean protein active jamming realization of. On the contrary, if you are not bag manufacturer aware that they have to eat, you can eat more. Three, high quality fat In oil, nuts, avocados, some species of fish and even chocolate contains monounsaturated fatty acids and Oumi Jia -3 fatty acids. Should be eating 3-4 servings per day. Four, protein Daily intake of 3 purified protein (such as fish, white meat chicken, Turkey, pork loin, lean beef tenderloin). In addition, as must the protein nutrients can help people get more long-lasting satiety, this is very advantageous to reducing weight. Proof of a 2009 study: eat high protein breakfast after breakfast than participants ate a low protein breakfast participants have longer satiety. Therefore, the former in the lunch also corresponding eating fewer calories. Five, water A study on the prevention research center at Standford suggests, water can help people lose weight in 2 aspects. First of all, every day to drink at least 4 glasses of water a year and lose 5 pounds in positive correlation. According to the researchers, increase water intake can promote the human body more energy consumption. Secondly, use water instead of sugary drinks (such as soft drinks, sports drinks, flavoured drinks, sweet milk, Coffee and tea) can help you lose weight. Alternative volume reduction effect of concrete depends on the first intake of sugary drinks and water. Six, Green Tea Drink at least 3 Green Tea every day. Green Tea contains large amounts of antioxidants -- catechol, the composition has been shown to effectively bag factory promote weight loss, especially for abdominal fat.


Eight kinds of food for breakfast.

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1.White boiling water The first drink should be before breakfast, people sleep through the night, from the urine, skin, respiratory consumed a lot of water and nutrition, water in a physiological state to get up after breakfast. If you only eat regular breakfast, far from being able to add physiological water. Therefore, the morning not to rush to eat breakfast, and should drink 500 to 800 ml of warm boiling water, can add one night after the loss of moisture, can clean intestinal. But don't drink more water before breakfast. 2.Soybean Milk Soybean Milk in protein and selenium, molybdenum have cancer and cancer inhibition ability is very strong, especially on the effects of gastric cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer. According to probability survey does not drink Soybean Milk people of cancer should be increased 50% than often drink Soybean Milk people. So, how to drink Soybean Milk both nutrition also can reduce weight? Liandou drinking together slag! According to the scientists found, bean dregs are rich in protein and fiber, and contains a lot of calcium, per 100 grams of soybean residue contains approximately 100 mg of calcium. The fat content of soybean residue is very low, regular consumption can prevent obesity. In addition, anti-cancer substances "bean dregs also contains more isoflavones", often eat bean dregs, also can reduce the incidence of some cancer. 3.Milk Milk contains calcium, vitamin, lactoferrin and conjugated linoleic acid and other anticancer factor, has anti-cancer, anti-cancer effect. Calcium in milk can strengthen bones and teeth, to reduce the incidence of bone atrophy; the pure milk protein content is high, often drink milk can be beauty; milk rich in vitamin A, can prevent dry skin and dark, make skin white, shiny. In addition, a large number of B2 in milk, can promote skin The new supersedes the old. Milk whey have to eliminate the role of the melanin, can prevent and cure various pigmentation caused by scar. 4.Egg The egg is USA a magazine as "the world's most nutritious breakfast". According to the Journal reported, egg not only contains a variety of nutrients known, and it contains two kinds of amino acids -- tryptophan and tyrosine, these two acids can help the body antioxidant. The antioxidant content of an egg yolk is equivalent to an apple. Moreover, many egg contains vitamin B2, can be carcinogenic substances decomposed and oxidized in the human body. Trace elements in egg, such as selenium, zinc have anti-cancer effects. According to the analysis of the world of human cancer mortality, people found that the mortality of cancer and selenium intake is inversely proportional to. 5.The whole wheat bread Many people are used to choose bread for breakfast, but preferred the whole wheat bread is the most healthy bread. Most other bread containing yeast, easily lead to hyperacidity, stomach is not good people lose everything and gain nothing. And whole grain cereal bread contains vitamins, cellulose and minerals large, coarse bag manufacturer grains are beneficial to human body health and stomach, eat not fat, it can promote the body endotoxin eduction, more conducive to good health. 6.Yogurt The morning time is always very urgent, could not do too rich. All of a sudden want nutrition greatly enhanced, might as well in the adequate intake of carbohydrates, and drink a cup of yogurt. Because the yogurt is made from pure fermented milk, in addition to retain all the nutrients of fresh milk, lactic acid bacteria in the fermentation process can also produce a variety of vitamins necessary for human nutrition, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 etc.. It has a regulating immunity, prevention of intestinal infection diseases, improving gastrointestinal function, but also can promote intestinal peristalsis, conducive to defecation. 7.Strawberry Strawberry nutrition is rich, contain fructose, sucrose, citric acid, malic acid, salicylic acid, amino acid and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. In addition, it also contains a variety of vitamins, especially vitamin C content is very rich, each 100 grams of strawberry contains vitamin C60 mg, can activate cells, have nourishing to the role of the stomach. Strawberry contained in the carotene is an important material for the synthesis of vitamin A, with eyesight Yanggan effect. Strawberry also contains pectin and rich in dietary fiber, can help digestion, smooth stool. 8.Cooked meat As everyone knows, carnivorous can provide high quality protein and fat and high energy, of which there are certain vitamins and minerals, these are inseparable and our healthy growth, intelligence, physical strength and durability. Moreover, when the meat will be dissolved out some into the taste substance in the cooking process, such as taste substance is extract, the substance can promote appetite and increase the secretion of digestive juice, conducive to gastrointestinal digestion bag factory and absorption of ingested material.


Four methods to help women in the detoxification of the body.

Female friends, lack of exercise, diet, sleep is not the law is not law will cause the body of toxins can not be discharged, and then affects the other health problems, such as facial macular, acne skin, constipation, stool and so on, are due to the body toxins caused, therefore, timely discharge toxins in the body is very important for female friends speaking.
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1.Eat more green food detoxification In all the vegetables, green vegetables are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, the immune system can make the body maintain sufficient vitality, in addition, rich in dietary fiber contains green vegetables, can help women friends defecation, to ensure the smooth discharge toxins. Therefore, green vegetables, very suitable for female friends to eat, like spinach, lettuce, lettuce and beet. 2.Wash bath shower To rid the body of waste and toxins, the simplest method is the most expensive is to wash a bath shower. In warm water, add two cup of salt, can also be appropriate to add a few drops of essential oil, put some relaxing music, comfortable and enjoy 20 minutes of bath in the water. Warm water can help women friends open pores, make blood capillary opening, salt bath can take away the body of toxins, however, such a bath method is only suitable for young female friends, if suffering from hypertension and heart bag manufacturer disease in older women are not suitable for use in this method. 3.Do absolutely sweaty exercise Regular exercise and exercise can make our body more healthy, however, training must make their own sweat, sweat will help women friends away excess body toxins and wastes, and to maintain the continuity, exercise, the best every day to adhere to half an hour of sweating exercise effective detoxification, helps the body. 4.Eat less fried food In general, fried foods are high calorie, fatty foods, these foods will seriously hinder the body The new supersedes the old., and difficult to digest, will be in the food waste accumulation in vivo, one can imagine the consequences. Therefore, women should not eat too much fried food, drink plenty of water, eat less greasy, can let the bag factory body relaxed and free of toxins.


The man before going to bed to do moderate aerobic exercise

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1.Massage Yongquan point When you lie on the bed to sleep, can massage Yongquan point: a foot arch on the other foot big toe rub, do the action, until the arch fever, change another one foot. This alternate, your brain attention is on foot, for a long time, people also tired, feel sleepy, want to sleep. If the long-term adherence, can also play a role in health care. 2.Hair relax Before going to bed hair is conducive to the blood vessels, can enhance brain cell nutrition supply, delay the aging of the brain. And before going to bed hair, can improve sleep, improve sleep quality. After a day of intense work, comb a comb the head, can make the nerve relaxation, eliminate fatigue, make cerebrum gets a good rest. Hair comb should as far as possible the use of horn comb, comb, comb comb jade, not too sharp and dense; combing force should be moderate, not too light and not too heavy; carding speed, not too fast nor slow. Every time when combing should be moderate pace, measurable, comb to aware. To comb the whole head, best every day early, middle and late 3 times, every time 10 minutes. 3.Moderate aerobic exercise Proper motion is refers to the movement happy without the exercise fatigue. 30 minutes of aerobic exercise for 6 hours before going to bed, be careful not to bag manufacturer exercise before bedtime. The best for a brisk walk for 30 minutes, then walk home, and then hot water foot bath (dipped in the dorsum of foot), can help sleep. The poor health of people, suitable for Tai Chi, qigong, walking and other moderate exercise. Good physique person can jog, bike ride slowly low exercise aerobic exercise, give life to the body. 4.Hot water foot bath before going to bed Bedtime with a hot foot bath, foot can promote the expansion of blood vessels, speed up blood circulation. Foot points more, hot water stimulation can play a very good health care effect, especially those suffering from insomnia and foot varices. Suggest feet for 15-30 minutes, the water temperature should be 30 degrees -40 degrees. If there are conditions, every night before going to bed 30 minutes wash a hot bath. Foot therapy: magnets, chrysanthemum, Radix Scutellariae, Caulis Polygoni Multiflori, decocting 2 times, to slag juice, into the tub, hot dip bag factory double foot 15-30 minutes, every night 1.


Health food garbage removal of heart

Now because of the worsening environmental pollution, a lot of waste into the body, the heart will be forever the junk clogging, thus affecting the body function. So how to clear the garbage in the heart?
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Fish Than most meat contains fat and saturated fatty acids are low, especially in fish, the Omega -3 fatty acid content is high, can increase the blood "good" cholesterol, assist to remove the "bad" cholesterol. Research shows that, these fatty acids can also reduce the risk of stroke, it is also one of the causes of eating fish and more countries and nations with low incidence of stroke. Steamed fish is best, so you can maximize nutrients to protect them from damage. Black sesame Rich in vitamin E, elastic effect to the maintenance of vascular wall great. In addition, which is rich in alpha linolenic acid, can also play a role in lowering blood pressure, prevent the formation of thrombus. The nutritional components of the black sesame seeds hidden in. Therefore, we must break the shell to eat to be effective. Suggest to fry, which burst open, or will eat black sesame grinding into a powder. Oat Rich in linoleic acid and vitamin B, can prevent the formation of atherosclerosis plaque. In addition, because contain a lot of water soluble cellulose oats, can reduce the cholesterol content in the blood, therefore, often eat oats, can balance diet, balanced nutrition, prevention of hypertension and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Oats can be water or milk to cook, can also add nuts or fresh fruit, delicious and nutritious. In addition, the consumption of whole wheat bread have the same effect. Spinach and carrot Spinach is rich in folic acid. Research has shown that, taking folic acid can reduce the risk of heart disease 25%. While the carrot in carotenoids can be converted into vitamin A, maintaining vascular flow in order to prevent stroke. Spinach contains bag manufacturer large amounts of oxalic acid, will hinder the absorption of calcium, preferably water boiled before consumption. You need to use Youchao carrot carotene, can make truly absorbed by the body. Green Tea Extremely rich in nutrients, the most noteworthy is the tea polyphenols. The study found that, tea polyphenols can reduce blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, with the prevention of arteriosclerosis, reduce blood pressure and blood fat, prevent thrombosis and so on. The tea polyphenol is not resistant to high temperature, not available in boiling water, warm water brewing can play its health care function. In fact, in addition to Green Tea, others such as Black Tea, scented tea, oolong tea (Oolong Tea), white tea, yellow tea and black tea (tea Pu'er Tea), have reduced the role of serum cholesterol and triglyceride. Nuts Amino acids in almond, peanuts and other nuts are rich in heart healthy and unsaturated fatty acids, can reduce the risk of heart disease. Researchers at the Harvard University School of public health survey was conducted on a group of survivors after a heart attack. The latest survey report found, every day to eat 1/3 cup dried probability beans can reduce heart attack 38%. Almonds, pecans and peanuts all help protect the heart, but every day to eat bag factory as long as 1 (about 42 grams), can not eat.


Errors to make fitness failure

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1.Don't do the warm-up and stretching exercises The tendons, muscles and joints, weightlifting is a very intense exercise, so be sure to do some proper warm-up in weightlifting before exercise, let the body fully open, so as not to cause physical harm. Warm up first with the weight of the heat the lighter in weightlifting before, or stretch, otherwise it will be on your body caused very serious injury or damage, light muscle strain, joint. Not to do preparatory activities will have an impact also on your entire exercise, that is, reducing the efficiency of. In the previous exercise warm-up before driving to the car like preheating, is an important step to achieve the most ideal effect. 2.Do not write the exercise diary Some people are very serious about fitness, training is very hard, but after the training tired what all don't want to do, not to mention the mind training diary. People often ask me: write write diary? To tell you the truth, I train every day, write down and never, but I feel that in mind. But you have to remember, the worst notebook than the smart brain memory stronger. According to the experience, some people may interrupt the exercise diary. But the best is still to maintain coherence, try to do some training records, the type and weight and exercise intensity to remember every practice time, the use of equipment down, this habit can let you know the score of his progress, eventually you will achieve the best effect. 3.Never change fitness Fitness have often not practice today, this, tomorrow be prompted by a sudden impulse to practice that, should develop a training plan, once decided to comply with the plan to exercise, but, this is not to say that once the plan is immutable and frozen. Some people a year down the execution of the same program without changing, this is wrong. If you want to have a lasting effect, then it should be every two months like change the training plan, otherwise, no diversity training could not achieve satisfactory results. Change your training is not to say that every exercise to change each parts of the body, if an exercise effect is very good, also suitable for you, you might as well use it, simply change the angle, strength or the length of time, it might make you feel more interesting, the effect will be better. 4.The excessive use of strap and belt When lifting, straps and belts are a good tool, but not often used, otherwise it will have the opposite effect, make your muscles can't balance bag manufacturer the development risk, in addition, excessive use will cause serious harm, so there must be used sparingly. Is it right? Often happen? That's appearance is worse and worse, sleep is getting worse, more and more is also the ideal training effect. Just watch you have not committed the following error. 5.Diet mistakes Diet mistakes include no rules, picky eating, nutrition is not balanced, the diet of the error is the main reason one cannot achieve their pursuit of the effects of exercise. Protein is the main nutritional components in muscle increased, in addition, if you want to have and maintain a healthy physique, but also the supplement of carbohydrate and other nutrients essential. Also consider other issues such as nutrition, daily intake of sufficient heat, drink plenty of water. Because of this topic is very important for the health and fitness, so to see more nutrition related often make mistakes of the article. 6.Ignore parts of the body To create a well proportioned and health through exercise, then the whole body exercise is very important. Don't just pay attention to a certain parts of the exercise while ignoring the other part of the exercise, if so you will be very difficult to have a perfect body. For example the leg, leg muscles for the 40% muscles, but people often neglect to leg exercise, which is why some people have the upper body fitness and two legs are like a pair of chopsticks to support the same physical reasons. 7.Lack of rest If the lack of rest, then you will find your physical strength drops, the effect also not too ideal. Ensure high quality sleep 8 hours every night, this to ensure that your body can self recovery is very important. In addition, to every part of a balanced exercise, don't let any part of excessive fatigue. Avoid exercising the bag factory same part of the body in 24 to 48 hours.


Let a person feel happy food

Melancholy this annoying things, light is like a deflated balloon, all day long not angry; while in a All thoughts are blasted., even on the off road. Get rid of depression has a lot of pipeline, today Amy editor will focus from the food to start, have a look how we can put the melancholy "".
The person's mood is very susceptible to the influence of the external environment, the weather is not good, my friends are in bad mood, these seemingly unrelated to their own things seem to adversely affect the mood, and then become melancholy. Depression plagued the people live and work, to refuse depression, can eat happy food, to relieve their negative emotions, positive energy supplement. 1.Low fat milk The study found, let the PMS women insist on eating 1000 milligrams a day of calcium, three months later, 75% of the people are more likely to feel happy, not nervous, irritable or anxious. And in daily life, the best source of calcium milk, yogurt and cheese, especially low-fat or skim milk calcium content in the highest. 2.Deep sea fish The study found, all over the world live in the sea are relatively happy. This is not only because of the sea people refreshed, but because people who live in the sea often eat fish. Harvard University researchers pointed out, fish in the OMEGA-3 fatty acids and commonly used antidepressant drugs such as lithium carbonate have similar efficacy, can block the nerve conduction path, increase the secretion of serotonin. 3.Bananas Banana contains substances called alkaloids, can boost the spirit and improve confidence, and banana is a source of tryptophan and vitamin B6, can help the brain to create serotonin. 4.Cherry Cherry Western doctors as a natural aspirin Asif. There is a cherry substance called anthocyanin, can make happy. American University of Michigan scientists think, people in a bad mood when eating 20 cherries eat any medication. 5.More than carbohydrate food Sugar through serotonin to relieve stress and improve your mood, but the monosaccharide absorption too fast, go too fast, if the carbohydrate intake as much as possible using high sugar diet is better, because they are digested more slowly, increases serotonin process more smoothly, and is an ideal food. 6.Protein food Many have direct relationship with emotional stability and protein, amino acids are manufacturing sentiment hormone amine raw bag manufacturer materials, such as tryptophan can form serotonin and melatonin, white amino acid can produce growth hormone, thyroxine, and things, are necessary for human body composition, such as bananas, milk products, Turkey and so on, is containing the tryptophan food, depression can fully intake. 7.Fat food Excess cholesterol is a risk factor of cardiovascular disease and stroke, but excessive low cholesterol concentration is depression and chronic fatigue syndrome, and is one of the causes of mental disorders, so attention must be paid to maintain cholesterol intake of normal. In addition, fish oil is unsaturated fatty acid food, medicine has confirmed the health care effect on heart disease, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal cancer, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis. Prospective studies in recent years show, more intake of fish oil can improve the depressive and anxiety. In addition, vegetable oil for propylene flax oleic acid containing high volume (GLA), is effective in the treatment of depression. 8.Vitamin and mineral food The vitamin is essential for all biological processes in the human body, including vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, carotene, folic acid and so on, everything is equally important, in addition, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, also cannot be overlooked. Women in the intake of calcium, phosphorus, iron and other proportion, to prevent future bag factory postmenopausal osteoporosis and Menopause Depression.


Male nutritional supplement new knowledge

Pay attention to reduce the intake of fat, cholesterol, increase the intake of protein, not all male nutritional supplement. Then the male nutritional supplement should pay attention to what?
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One, not in the iron on the brains Men really iron deficiency of less than 1%, so don't bother to iron supplementation. First, iron supplementation may mask the visceral hemorrhage is transferred to the people's disease information. Most men if appear iron deficiency anemia, the body may have hidden visceral chronic hemorrhage or hematopoietic disorder patients risks. If you do not find the cause blind iron and iron, will delay the timing of treatment. Second, compared with women, men cannot afford to supply iron overload. When the body of the iron in the "full" state, women can relieve excess iron load through menstruation, and men have no such advantage, easy to iron overflowing. If at the same time with hemochromatosis, excess iron may be deposited in tissues, pose a threat to health. Two, should increase the intake of antioxidants Antioxidants (especially vitamin E), prevent free radicals donate to donate donated vessel wall injury, so as to prevent cholesterol clogging, help protect against coronary heart disease. Whole grains, nuts, vegetable oil in almost all contain vitamin E. Therefore, the men to bag manufacturer eat eat this kind of food. Three, add two kinds of vitamin, vitamin B6, folic acid Homocysteine is a risk factor for stroke, heart disease in recent years is understanding, and help to change danger into safety decomposition of homocysteine which is vitamin B6 in chicken, fish, whole grains and legumes and cereals. Four, protein should not overdo sth. For the pursuit of muscular, eat a high protein containing foods is more common in males. In fact, in addition to engage in exercise, most men do not need to add too much protein, meat, poultry, fish, soy products daily moderate, and low-fat dairy adequate enough. Five, pay attention to the forgotten zinc Zinc, is the active ingredient in a variety of enzymes in the body, to adjust the immune system function, promote the growth and development is very important. But according to the latest survey conducted American government, men who had more than 2/3 of zinc deficiency. Therefore, men should pay attention to intake of bag factory seafood, meat, whole grains and legumes.


Excessive use of eyes, most in need of nutrition

Can say, the eye is one of the most affected organs of the human body, its volume is small, but its precision and the nutrients, oxygen, blood needs not inferior than any organ. Therefore, to protect the eyes, but also emphasizes scientific diet. Then, eyes really like what nutrients?
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1.Prevention of cataracts: anthocyanins. Anthocyanin can accelerate the formation of microvascular stable rhodopsin eyes, eye, and enhanced microvascular circulation. In addition, anthocyanin is a powerful antioxidant, can reduce the harm to the eyes of free radicals, help in the prevention of cataract. The anthocyanin rich foods are blueberries, Blackberry, cherry, eggplant, red pomegranate, purple. 2.Block of harmful light: lutein and zeaxanthin. In the carotenoid family, only the zeaxanthin and lutein in the retina of the eye, and the two are equivalent, they can help ward off harm to the eyes of blue, the macular from harm, maintain visual sensitivity and clear. In addition, other studies have found that, if the increase in zeaxanthin and lutein intake, can reduce the occurrence of cataract. Rich in lutein food cauliflower, onions, spinach, amaranth, asparagus, rape etc.. Rich in zeaxanthin foods are corn, pumpkin, spinach, oranges, Gai Lan etc.. 3 p 3.Prevent nyctalopia: beta carotene. Beta carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the body. Therefore, containing beta carotene vegetables are good sources of vitamin A. Vitamin A is an important raw material for eye photosensitive material, vitamin A sufficient, increase the cornea of the finish, so that bright eyes of god. On the contrary, may cause corneal epithelial cell shedding, thickening, horny, so that the original clear and transparent cornea becomes like frosted glass, even lead to night blindness, eye diseases such as cataract. Rich in beta carotene food: carrots, spinach, pumpkin, sweet potato, cauliflower, mango etc.. 4.Let the visual clarity: DHA. Eye's retina and optic nerve rich in DHA, however, we are not synthesized by the body of this fatty acid. Supplementation of DHA will allow greater visual acuity, let vision more clearly. In addition, an important bag manufacturer component of DHA is brain neurons. Foods rich in DHA: deep sea fish, such as salmon, salmon and so. Vegetarians can eat flax seed, perilla seed or algae. 5.Preventing macular degeneration: zinc. A study found, Zn deficiency has a close relation with maculopathy. If there is not enough zinc, will lead to decreased visual acuity, under the weak light blurred vision. Zinc rich foods: shellfish and molluscs, seafood, meat, black sesame seeds, hazelnut, walnut and so. 6.Delay aging eyes: vitamin E. Vitamin E has a strong antioxidant, it can reduce eye of free radicals, postponing aging eyes. Foods rich in vitamin E: almonds, sunflower seeds and so. 7.Promote eye health: vitamin C. Vitamin C can prevent retinal damage, prevent lens by ultraviolet aging eyes, increased microvascular toughness, repair the cells, helping to promote eye health. Foods rich in bag factory vitamin C: kiwi fruit, jujube, grapefruit, green pepper, strawberry.


Black food health beauty

Mulberry character slightly cold, women can eat to avoid the menstrual period. It can strengthen the immunity, promote the blood red cell growth, prevent human arterial and skeletal sclerosis of the joint, promote The new supersedes the old. functions. Often eat mulberry can improve human immunity, can delay aging, beauty beauty, nourishing yin and blood, Runchang laxative effect.
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Black grapes contain rich minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B, vitamin C, also contains many essential amino acids, in addition to having good health and beauty effect, often eat the black grapes on neurasthenia, excessive fatigue, be of great advantage. Grape skin contains antioxidant "resveratrol", to soften the blood vessels, skin care is very helpful, so eat grapes will be the best skin eats together. Black currant is rich in various nutrients, is of great benefit to human health, it is rich in vitamin C, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, anthocyanins, phenolics are aging, Tongluo detoxification efficacy. Research proves, black currant can effectively prevent gout, anemia, edema, arthritis, rheumatism, oral and throat diseases, cough etc.. Amino acid trace elements beneficial to human body, black beans are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus and other. Has the effect of removing the abscess Sida, swelling and pain, and is beneficial to the prevention and treatment of hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease. And black beans on female beauty be of great advantage, and black beans can also regulate menstruation, and the fetus, pregnant women bag manufacturer often eat, can benefit the body strong. Black rice contains rich trace elements, amino acids, protein and calcium, iron, zinc and manganese. There are appetizers beneficial, spleen warm liver, improving eyesight blood circulation, sliding astringent to complement the fine effect, health care products are good, its efficacy is warm liver and spleen, blood and Qi. Because the black rice with vitamins and iron is 7 times that of ordinary rice. Especially in the winter consumption of great help to the trace element supplement the human body. Black fungus with Qingfei Qi, activating blood and stomach, nourishing Runzao physical effect. It is a soluble dietary fiber, can enrich the blood, high blood lipids, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction patients with multiple food to thrombolysis, reduce platelet count, and edible fungus Shangpin, eat with the blood, promoting blood circulation, anti platelet aggregation, prevent thrombosis and other blood coagulation effects, can bag factory prevent coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis.