
Nutrition vegetable autumn indispensable

Vegetables are indispensable nutrient elements of our daily diet, not only can add vitamins needed by human body, can also be beauty beauty, each season has vegetables are good to eat, then eat vegetables fall what good?
bag factory
1.Cauliflower Cauliflower are rich in vitamins substances, per 200 grams of fresh broccoli for adults above a day of vitamin A 75%. The vitamin C content is more prominent, hectogram up to 80 mg, than common cabbage, yellow bean sprouts content to high 3-4 times, 2 times more than the content of citrus. Traditional Chinese medicine has always been a "white lung" said. Autumn is the season of multiple respiratory tract infection disease, white cauliflower is a timely health care vegetables. 2.Spinach Spinach is a very high nutritional value of vegetables. The tip of leaf petiole thin, long blade root stout, sugar component; spinach pork thick film. Spinach in carotenoids content is much higher than other vegetables, ascorbic acid is lower than the chili is higher than that of tomatoes, spinach has the hemostatic effect of vitamin K is contained in the highest leaf. Rich riboflavin, and preventing mouth ulcer, cheilitis, glossitis, dermatitis in mice. 3.Carrot Sweet Ping, Shizhibu spleen and stomach. Carrots to stew the best cook good. Stew can keep more than 93% of carotene, fried food can be maintained more than 80% of carotene, and eating raw, cold, the human body can only absorb 10%. 4.Lettuce Lettuce, tender meat, cooked stir fried dishes are affordable. Eat lettuce can enhance the secretion of gastric juice and digestive juice secretion, increase bile. Lettuce sodium potassium is 27 times, help to promote urination, maintain water balance, to hypertension and heart disease patients have much good. Fluorine contained in the form of lettuce, can participate in the enamel and dentin, participate in bone growth. High iodine content in lettuce, development which based on the human body metabolism and physical, it will exert a great influence. Leaf lettuce bag manufacturer nutrition is much higher than that of lettuce stem, leaf than in their stems contain carotene is 72 times higher than 2 times, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 is 5 times, vitamin C4 is 3 times, so do not eat lettuce leaves discarded, is really a pity. In addition, fall in love with a cough, eat lettuce leaves can also Ping cough. 5.Bean sprouts Soybeans, mung bean contains protein, fat and carbohydrates, and the essential elements of sodium, iron, phosphorus, calcium and so on the human body, bud can not only keep the original material, but also increase the content of vitamin B1, B2, B12 and C Bean sprouts in the chlorophyll can prevent cancer, including water rich in aspartic acid, the body can greatly reduce lactic acid accumulation, which is conducive to the elimination of fatigue. Traditional Chinese medicine thinks, bean sprouts taste spinach carrot cold, with Qingrejiedu, Lishi through inferior role. 6.Celery Celery of cool, sweet Xin non-toxic, calming the liver and stomach, rich in protein, carbohydrate, carotene, vitamin C, amino acid, it can be excited central nervous, promote gastric secretion, increase appetite, and has cured the bag factory taste of action. Celery can be dried, shredded meat fried food, are bright in color, flavor and fragrance.

