
Eliminate fatigue to keep the spirit

All night without sleep, you are always a strong desire to make a cup of coffee to hold. But you also know that there are other more healthy method can play a refreshing effect? In fact, some food can be anti fatigue.

1.Drink plenty of water to maintain adequate water, can be refreshing
2/3 of the human body is composed of water, the basic function of many human depend smoothly on such a simple matter to. Therefore said "fatigue is the highest dehydration signal" is not surprising.
Drink a glass of water in the morning, not only helps to keep the body of water, but also can promote metabolism. If you think the white water is difficult under the mouth, can try modulation to suit your taste and flavored water, or in the juice add some orange juice, lemon juice, a refreshing water.

2.The intake of foods rich in magnesium, maintain energy
To produce magnesium minerals sector unsung heroes of energy is very important. Magnesium deficiency rarely happens, but a little more intake of magnesium, can achieve the effect you want to refresh.
Nuts and seeds, sugar beet and spinach and other green leafy vegetables are rich in minerals. Don't ignore bag manufacturer the tofu, tofu is rich in magnesium.

3.Choose whole grain foods, helps to maintain emotional stability
Carbohydrate is the energy source for the brain, but the brain gray matter in carbohydrates provide energy for at the same time, it will be slow to consume energy.
By keeping blood sugar levels, these carbohydrates helps to maintain emotional stability, and help to sleep after. Sweet potatoes and oats and other whole grains are also contain carbohydrates.
Miss a meal to eat will make people have no energy, do not want to fatigue, replenish nutrition is very important. So be sure to eat breakfast! Eat a bowl of oatmeal, to provide the energy for the brain and body.

4.The lean protein more healthy and effective antidepressant
Hamburgers, high fat food can make you feel full, but the energy loss, the digestion of such food need lots of energy. Choose lean protein, abandon the foods that are high in saturated fat.
Protein is the basic component of muscle, but also contains amino acid on nerve conduction material have a significant effect, helps to maintain the sensitivity. Eating a diet rich in OMEGA -3 fish to intake of lean protein.
The essential fatty acids can be anti depression, depression can consumption of light energy. Too tired to bag factory add two nutrition, try curry sauce steamed salmon.

