
Prevention of cervical spondylosis

With the popularization of computer and the car, many office workers go to sit in front of the computer work, work when sitting in the car to go home. To reduce the amount of exercise a lot, resulting in neck and shoulder muscle fatigue, resulting in the occurrence of cervical spondylosis. The expert reminds, cervical vertebra disease can be prevented. So how to prevent cervical disease? Experts say; cervical vertebra disease is an acquired, should give priority to prevention, from the teens began to be paid enough attention to.

1.Always keep a positive and uplifting mood. To be open-minded, studies have shown that, repressed, always melancholy and moody people susceptible to neurasthenia, will affect the bone joints and muscles to rest, if things go on like this, the neck and shoulder pain easily.

2. Attention should be paid to maintain the correct posture of the head and neck in daily life, do not talk with people, Head Shoulders, read a book, operate the computer to look positive, maintain the integrity of the spine. The pillow is not too high or too low, with the height of 10 cm is appropriate. Don't read a book in bed, watch TV.

3.Strengthen physical exercise. As little as possible to sit still, walking to riding a bike, bike ride can not. Especially the car and desk staff, to bag manufacturer the neck and shoulder muscle exercise everyday, do a head and upper limb flexion, extension and rotation, mountain climbing, swimming is good for prevention of cervical spondylosis.

4.Computer embroidery, painting and workers should pay attention to dynamic, static binding. For each hour of work, should stand up and stretch and cervical spine, to eliminate fatigue of neck muscles and ligaments. If the occurrence of neck, shoulder, back soft tissue injury should be treated as soon as possible, to prevent the development of cervical spondylosis.

5.Do not drink. Alcohol will affect the calcium in bone deposition, absorption of nutrients, make people susceptible to osteoporosis, osteomalacia.

6.Usually pay attention to keep warm, prevent cold. Don't let the fan and air conditioning blows directly to the body, pay attention to the neck to protect the car or motion, avoid the sharp turn, brakes or suddenly turning neck, head and bag factory neck to avoid negative weight.

