
Bike: the sport of burning fat

In many countries, riding a bike tour is a very common way to go out to play, both physical exercise, but also to enjoy the scenery on both sides of the road. In recent years, with the increase of people's awareness of environmental protection, the choice of burning fat instead of burning gasoline is the general trend of travel. Travel by bike enthusiasts organized by the planners, cycling traveled, find their own healthy life.

The advantage of bicycle exercise is not limited time, unlimited speed. Riding a bicycle can not only lose weight, but also to make the body well. As a result of the movement of a large amount of oxygen is required to exercise, it can bag manufacturer also strengthen the heart function. At the same time, it can prevent hypertension, sometimes more effective than drugs. To step on a bicycle to compress blood vessels, so that blood circulation acceleration, the brain to consume more oxygen, coupled with a large number of fresh air, will feel more clear. Riding in the car, you will feel very free and very fun. It is no longer just a means of transport, it is pleasant spiritual way.

Sports experts pointed out that due to the special requirements of the bike, arm and trunk for static work, the legs more for the work, the blood redistribution, lower limb blood supply more, the change of heart rate is also based on the speed and the speed of the terrain and the terrain. The body needs to replenish nutrients and discharge waste, so the heart rate is often increased by 2 times than usual - 3 times. So repeated practice, can make the heart muscle developed, heart become big, myocardial contraction, the elasticity of the blood vessel wall. So as to increase the volume of lung ventilation, vital capacity, respiratory function of the lung.

Experts suggest that the amount of exercise to moderate. Only pay attention to ride the bike ride bike is not enough, the resistance encountered in can keep your good figure. Ride at least 30 minutes, but not more than 60 minutes. When you ride a bike to relax, to avoid causing the shoulder and neck pain; do not put too much bag factory pressure on the body, otherwise it will limit abdominal breathing.

