
Summer sweat to help the body detoxification

Sweating is the body's normal metabolic response, is a way to keep the body warm, the summer as the temperature rise in the body of the heat generated by the increase in the content of the. Normal sweating can help the body's metabolism, but also detoxification regimen.

1.Detoxification element. Movement of the human body a lot of sweat, in the process of accelerated the body's blood circulation, accelerate the metabolism of the body. Sweating at the same time will also be in vivo accumulation of toxins, these toxins in lactic acid, urea, also as the discharge to the role of physical fitness.

2.Control blood pressure. In the process of active sweating, capillary dilation, accelerated blood circulation, increase the elasticity of the vascular wall, but also can play a very good role in lowering blood pressure.

3.Promote intestinal digestion. In the process of sweating, can promote gastrointestinal motility, accelerate the digestion of food, so that the stomach to reach the best state, can effectively help cure gastrointestinal diseases.

4.Skin beauty beauty. Body always don't sweat the skin metabolism slows down, the toxin in the body is difficult to discharge, causing the bag manufacturer oxidation of the skin, the skin to accelerate senescence; active sweating can help the pores of dirt discharge, promote skin metabolism, play a very good skin care and beautifying effect, so beauty people must take the initiative to sweat.

5.Body slimming. When exercise more than 30 minutes after the body starts burning fat, fat burning is converted to heat, and excreted through sweat, in such a process body weight loss.

So how do we make the initiative to sweat it? How to make the initiative to sweat and keep healthy?

1.Drink hot water before exercise. Sweating can cause the body is in a state of water shortage, so before exercise to drink the right amount of hot water, to prevent the body dry. Drinking water can also help the body pores open, and the role of sports let sweat out thoroughly; but after exercise should not be immediately wash cold water bath or is facing the air conditioning blowing straight.

2. At their feet with hot water. At night to use 40 degrees Celsius hot water to soak the foot, so that not only can promote blood bag factory circulation, but also effectively alleviate physical fatigue.

