
Which occupations most damage our skin?

Skin is the first face, in a large extent, your skin conditions determine the people's first impression of you, which also makes skin care products in recent years to occupy a larger market. But in fact, a lot of skin problems are long-term, and can not simply rely on skin care products to be improved. Skin problems not only with people's living habits, but also with people engaged in the occupation of a certain degree of correlation, different occupations have different degrees of damage to the skin. So, what occupation most harm our skin?

First of all, the work of the firefighters will have a greater harm to the skin. This is because as firefighters, due to the work of the reasons, their skin is often exposed to toxic fumes, which is not conducive to the skin health, if not pay attention to the long time there may cause skin cancer. Therefore, firefighters must pay attention to the work on the field will be able to wash away as soon as possible, as for the use of equipment in the course of the work must be in the end of serious cleaning, the best use of things and things in daily life used in the daily life, in order to prevent unnecessary trouble.

Second, a part of the workers' working environment will have a more serious damage to human skin, such as the farmers and oil refinery workers. This is due to the nature of the work, the two types of people's labor intensity is larger, generally easy to sweat, will cause more damage to the skin. And sweat will improve photosensitivity of bag manufacturer people, more likely to cause sunburn. Therefore, they should take the necessary protective measures. Farmers can do a good job in the outside of the sun protection measures, sunscreen, sunscreen is a good choice; and oil refinery workers in addition to the attention of the sun, but also should pay attention to do a good job cleaning work.

Third, the driver is also a more dangerous occupation. This is because the sun's ultraviolet rays can penetrate the window, that is, they are almost exposed to work in ultraviolet light, which can be imagined for skin damage. Therefore, for the long time in the work of the drivers, should pay attention to do a good job in the work of the sun, should choose a high index of sunscreen, especially in the back of the hand, which can effectively prevent skin damage, reduce the probability of suffering from skin cancer.

Fourth, long-term exposure to the sun on the skin will have a more serious damage, but not the sun will cause some damage to the skin in a long time. Therefore, people who sit in the office for a long time should also pay attention to the prevention of skin diseases. Sitting in the office for a long time, people can not accept the UVA ray irradiation, which will inevitably lead to the lack of vitamin D, making the increase in the probability of melanoma, is not conducive to the health of the skin. But it should be noted that those who have the aid of the weekend more than the sun's office workers should pay attention to the sun too much bag factory sun will cause more serious damage to the skin.

