
White-collar women's best five kinds of snacks

White-collar female office to eat snacks? Women like to eat snacks, while at work to eat what snacks need to be scientific.

Supply of energy for food: biscuits, chocolate. The main ingredient of the cookie is wheat, which provides the energy from its carbohydrate content. In the breakfast, the energy provided by the ordinary biscuits, butter cookies, or special breakfast biscuits can ensure that people are always full of energy. If you eat a fruit, an egg, drink a glass of milk, is a full and full of energy, to ensure that you are full of energy in the morning. Afternoon tea, eat a few biscuits chocolate and drink a cup of drink, you can make your work with full enthusiasm has continued to work in the afternoon.

Excellent energy supplement: dried fruit. Usually we after physical (hiking, playing tennis, etc.) and mental activities, often feel very tired, then you can chew in the mouth of some peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts and other nuts, a magical effect on the restoration of physical fitness, because they contain a large number of bag manufacturer rich in protein, vitamin B, vitamin E, calcium and iron, as well as vegetable fat, but it does not contain cholesterol. So we should often put some dried apricots, almonds or hazelnuts and other snacks in the bag, to prepare for possible period of want or need.

Essential food: milk products. Dairy products are usually the most common and the most easy to buy food, it can provide us with protein, vitamins and calcium, and will not contain too much fat. In addition, insomnia, every night before going to bed half an hour to drink a glass of warm milk can make people's body and mind more relaxed, help to sleep.

Add high protein foods: beans, meat. Proper eating high protein foods, such as tofu, pork, beef, mutton, poultry, fish and other, replenish the loss of body heat. Because of the excessive heat consumption can also make people tired, so the timely added heat can quickly eliminate fatigue.

Food: fruit, vegetable. Fatigue caused by the environment, eat more fruits and vegetables, such as alkaline foods can neutralize the acidic environment, reduce the acidity of the blood, increase the tolerance, eliminate fatigue. Normal brain work with a variety of vitamins. To maintain the growth of the human body and the nervous system of the bag factory essential vitamins, is conducive to improve learning ability and memory.

