
Don't touch the food after the exercise

You eat more than anything else you eat every day. It sounds like a magic! After exercise, the body will lose a lot of water, trace elements...... At this point you have to add some moisture, protein, complex carbohydrates. After exercise, the best food can be gradually help the body to improve blood sugar. Following a look at exercise after the diet guidance:

High fat cheese is not suitable for eating after a large number of sports. The reason is that it contains a lot of saturated fat, salt or sugar. If you want to eat salty snacks, chewing a few small biscuits is a good way.

Processed meat products
A sausage sandwich after aerobic exercise. It sounds great. But processed meat is a product of high fat, and after exercise, they will have a negative effect on the digestive system. Sausage, bacon, sausage after exercise are not suitable for eating.

Fine grain food
Nowadays, people are encouraged to eat cereal, think it is very healthy. In fact, cereal food cannot lump together. Some cereal foods have added sugar, especially those that are packed with fine, fine grain, and it's hard to provide energy to the bag manufacturer body after exercise. After exercise, drink a cup of low sugar cereal, eat some nuts, but better.

Fruit juice beverage
Fruit juice drinks generally contain high sugar content, the correct approach is to let the blood sugar concentration gradually increased, in a short time to improve blood glucose concentration, will disrupt the body's metabolism rate, health.

Fried Eggs
Eggs are considered to be suitable for eating snacks, because eggs contain protein and choline, beneficial to heart. But some people think that the water is not the taste of boiled eggs, after sports like to eat fried eggs or fried eggs. This approach detriment to health, because scrambled eggs or fried eggs with high fat content, boiled eggs or steamed egg not bag factory only high quality protein without destruction, fat content is lower.

