
Four kinds of food quickly eliminate fatigue

1.Food high protein foods: beans, meat and dairy products
Appropriate to eat high protein foods, such as tofu, beef, dairy products, fish, etc., can replenish the body heat loss. Because of the excessive heat consumption can also make people tired, eat high protein food can help people quickly eliminate fatigue.
2.To eat food that can provide energy: wheat bread, chocolate
The energy of wheat bread comes from the contents of its carbohydrate. Eat a few slices of wheat bread at breakfast, can help you eliminate fatigue. If you eat an egg, drink a glass of milk, it is a full and full of energy for breakfast. Afternoon tea, also can bag manufacturer eat some chocolate and drink a cup of juice, eliminate fatigue.

3.Eat foods rich in vitamins: fruits and vegetables
Vitamin for the maintenance of human growth and development of nervous system and the operation of the important role, eat more vitamin rich food is conducive to improve learning ability and memory. The contents of folic acid in green leafy vegetables and strawberries were the highest. Vitamin C content of fruit with lemon, orange, pomegranate, kiwi, strawberry, etc.. The latest research shows that every day to eat 1 to 2 fruits and about 500 grams of vegetables, can effectively relieve fatigue.

4.Eat snacks: nuts to recover
Working people spend mental activities, every four or five in the afternoon, often feel very tired, then you can eat some peanuts, almonds, cashews, etc., have a magical effect on the restoration of physical fitness. Because they are rich in protein, vitamin B, calcium, iron, and vegetable fats. So in daily life can put some almonds or hazelnuts and bag factory other snacks in the bag, to prepare for possible period of want or need.

