
Five Kinds Of Food Can Promote Metabolism

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Citrus fruit Oranges, grapefruit , lemons and limes contain vitamin C helps speed up the metabolic rate of fat, good for weight loss. Human daily need only 60 milligrams of vitamin C will be able to meet their basic needs, but if the daily intake of vitamin C to 500 milligrams , can make you fat burning during exercise on the potential increase of 39 %. Researchers at Scripps Clinic in California found that: participants ate half a grapefruit at each meal time , 12 weeks after their average weight loss of 1.63 kg . Note that if you are taking medication , you need to consult a doctor ; Because grapefruit while taking the drug may be some side effects. Berry Berry contains large amounts of dietary fiber. The body can not digest fiber, but will try in the process of burning calories to digest them . Cup raspberries containing up to 8 grams of dietary fiber , and heat is only 60 kcal. Strawberries, blackberries and blueberries are also a good source of dietary fiber. Another benefit is that the dietary fiber : it comes from the diet of fat and calories to soak , to " disappear" , prevent them from being absorbed in the digestive tract . High fiber cereals Published in the " Journal of the American Dietetic Association ," the results of a study on the display : Compared with other breakfast foods to eat women , women eating breakfast cereals likelihood of overweight 30% lower than the former . High-fiber cereals can not only speed up the metabolic rate , but also to slow down the rate of digestion , makes prolonged satiety , physical more abundant. Meanwhile, the dietary fiber content helps to maintain the stability of insulin , prevent fat storage. Lean protein Lean beef , chicken and turkey help speed up the metabolic rate and burn more fat , because the body to fully digest them requires a lot of energy. Studies have shown that : comply with high protein content of the diet than those who comply with the high carbohydrate content of the diet of many people burn bag manufacturer twice the calories. In addition , consumption of protein helps maintain muscle mass in the weight loss phase , keeping the metabolism running at full speed . 85 parts by weight of a peeling, boneless turkey breasts lean meat contains about 120 kcal , to provide 26 g of protein and anorectic 1 g of fat , saturated fat and no . Studies have shown that : the dietary fiber and protein food with them to extend satiety , providing fewer calories while promoting metabolism . Garlic This nutritious food has a range of health benefits , including enhancing immunity, resist aging and disease . Add garlic in the diet , even if you can not detect the quantity , but also can play a role to help lose weight . Published in the " Journal of Nutrition " is displayed on the results of a study : Garlic can increase the people in their daily activities, calories bag factory consumed , while reducing the amount of fat produced by the body .

