
Never Do This Things When Angry

There are too many books to tell you how to deal with anger , the negative energy into positive energy , even so, but few people told us in anger when it is best not to do it?
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First, do not " sleep in the past ." Neurobiology journal pointed out that if people go to bed angry when exacerbate negative emotions hoarding, because running during sleep will enhance the brain's memory systems , particularly in the emotional memory system factors . Experts Allen said: " Under normal circumstances, we know that sleep can help us deal with memory and information stored in the awake state , so immediately after a heated argument choose to sleep will exacerbate the intense emotions accumulate , in general, a dispute after 8 Where to stay awake hours to digest the negative energy would be beneficial . " Second, do not " drive ." To know that the human brain is not a computer, the computer has the wrong time , not to mention the state of the brain in a rage . Research shows that people become angry when a relatively narrow field of view , there tubular vision ( peripheral vision can not see ) , and therefore , the probability of an accident angry drivers will be higher . Experts suggest that if I had to drive in anger , then the best wide-eyed , alert, looking around the visible range . Third, do not " unbridled violence to vent ." Do not have a problem simmering , what words would spread out we are advocating is the best way to settle things , but this does not mean that encourage us to freely vent when angry , even to express their negative emotions by means of violence. Research shows that if we hit the pillow release emotions angry, just let our actions become more violent , and increase the likelihood of future violence . Fourth , do not " binge eating ." Say good things can instantaneously heal people's emotions, to eat their favorite things to eat for any "angry patrons " is undoubtedly more than any of the methods to be effective. Experts pointed out: " It is generally the case in the anger will make the wrong food choices , in other words , they will tend to be psychological comfort junk food , high- calorie high-calorie foods will make people feel good to get a short time , however, in fact , people in a bad mood after a few days will always be predictable, high-calorie bag manufacturer foods also give us the unnecessary fat . " Fifth , do not "sustained and robust debate ." Xiashou angry situation should be cool to do , force yourself quiet for a few seconds , and then speak. "Impulse is the devil ," is the truth , because the wrong words poured out like water , once say they can not go back . Expert analysis : "People say in the case of anger , then their future will regret the chances will be particularly high , it is best to give yourself 10 minutes or even 10 days to think clearly tell yourself what you really think those hurtful words ." Sixth, do not " mail ." Angry at work when the most taboo reply mail , remember that when you press the " send" button when everything late , and says the wrong thing wounding situation is different, pay attention to the evidence in the era of everything , " black and white " the e-mail will let you jump into the Yellow River are wash clear . Seventh, do not " alcoholism ." Say drink cheer , but experts found that the effects of alcohol makes anger to maximize the effectiveness of , and under the influence of chemical effects of hard for you to do to control their emotions . Experts say : "The next state of anger Chiba drinking would dampen the brain , and thus will not help you to make bag factory the move permanent damage ."

