
How To Repair Sun Skin?

After the skin after sun exposure if not repaired in time , it would be easy to black, long spot . Severe sunburn may thus cause a variety of skin problems. So sun repair is very important.
Mineral spray Aid Sun repair , spa spray is a good choice . After cooling the skin , etc. , can be soothing mineral water spray . The spray evenly sprayed on the face, a moment later with a paper towel wipe excess water can be repeated many times. But remember to wait for the skin to cool. Because skin temperature is too high , if once its cool , but it will make much difference in temperature has caused skin irritation to the skin caused secondary damage . Iced lotion attaining The iced after the lotion on cotton , so cotton all wet, and then apply to the face twelve minutes until the lotion to kill later, repeat . Remember not to let the cotton stuck in his face for too long, otherwise it will suck moisture . With the same spray , iced lotion and other skin cool before attaining should do . Homemade sun repair mask Sun for several hours , you can use natural mask to repair . For example, cucumber mask , watermelon mask, aloe vera facial mask . Cucumber mask use: cucumber slices evenly deposited on the face ; watermelon mask use: keep eating watermelon rind , cut, with the side that has flesh and gently wipe the skin , attention should be light so as not to damage the skin Road ; Aloe Mask : Aloe crust removed , then smashed directly apply to the face . If you suspect trouble homemade mask , you can use the repair sheet soothing mask . Whitening Moisturizing Mask Skin drying off , pay attention to their whitening and moisturizing . You can use the next day or after-sun moisturizing whitening mask . After Sun Precautions Sun does not wash with hot water. Because the sun 's skin temperature is relatively high , but also more fragile, so sun prohibit the use of hot water wash, warm water is the best choice . In addition, the sun can not use harsh skin care bag factory products , it is best not to use skin care products with high nutrients .

