
Wary Of Bad Sleep Habits

Sleep is essential life activities . Human life has a third of the time is spent in sleep. Sleep helps recovery from fatigue , protect the normal function of the brain cortical neurons regulate a variety of physiological functions , stable equilibrium of the nervous system , is an important part of life activities . A good night's sleep , the next day energetic , energetic , quick thinking . If the long-term insomnia will accelerate the aging and death of nerve cells .
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Sleep should pitch : Do not sleep face down , not face up stiffly . Tummy sleeping ( prone ) affect breathing , heartbeat, but also easy to nightmares ; upturned limb muscles can not relax you to sleep , fatigue, chest and hand easy to ride , but also easy to nightmares. Should be sideways right knee , the so-called " sleep kick tire , tire feel comfortable ." Sideways does not push the right heart . Of course, so you can transform sleeping position . In short up and down the body blood circulation , ease to stretch muscles while awake . Bedtime should not be excessive use of the brain : Night work and study habits , if any , should advance over the nerve-racking finish , before going to sleep then do something more relaxed , so that the brain to relax, so it is easy to fall asleep. Otherwise , the brain is in a state of excitement , even if it is difficult to fall asleep in bed , a long time , but also easy to sleep , and damage to the body will be greater than during the day . Bedtime should not eat : Bedtime should not satiation of hunger or drink lots of water and tea, coffee and other beverages. If you are hungry to sleep hungry , it is difficult to sleep. So , after a little food to eat before going to bed might rest for a little sleep ; later if the night lying in bed eating, the more detrimental to the body . Of course, due to the special circumstances caused bag manufacturer by hunger and eating , then again a different matter . But should not become a habit . Sleep should not sleep lying on the lights : In light of sleep, restlessness, neither sleep, nor even to sleep calm , shallow sleep period increased , easy to wake up , so you must turn off the lights before going to bed . Curtains to cool better. Housing area is limited, there is no dedicated bedroom who should be laying in bed in the dark corner of the room , separated by a wall or across the belt and the scope of activities . Sleep should not mouth : There are many disadvantages of mouth breathing , not only unsanitary but also unsightly, but also easy to make dust and cold air into the lung and stomach , causing lung irritation by air-conditioned , extremely detrimental to health . Some people not only sleep on the mouth , but also loud snoring , upsets the people around them are unable to sleep , so when practicing silent sleep. Sleep should not hide their faces : Some people like hooding and sleep. Hooded sleeping both easily lead to shortness of breath, inhale will own bag factory exhaled carbon dioxide , is extremely harmful to health .

