
High-calorie drink freshly squeezed juice unhelpful

It is now widely pursuit of healthy living , what to eat , what to drink , how to eat, how to drink more nutritious, are the subject of attention . People generally believe that their daily drink freshly squeezed juices both delicious and nutritious , fresh fruit juice in the spirit of the so-called "no ice, no water ," the 100% fresh concept, with the fruit machine processed into fruit juice , drink up the feeling of drinking fruit. However, the regular consumption of fresh fruit juice will also bring some problems .
bag factory
Freshly squeezed juice high in calories , easy to make kids fat pier Because we only take fruit juice , fruit discarded residue, without adding water with no ice , so thirty-five fruit to squeeze a glass of fruit juice . Speaking of eating fruits, we will once may eat an orange , but if you drink orange juice , possibly within a few minutes , the two went into the stomach for Three Oranges . It can be said that the combination of a glass of juice and more servings of fruits made of sugar , according to the same weight to calculate the heat even more than juice soda calories , a glass of orange juice contains 112 calories, with 114 calories apple juice , grape juice containing 152 calories, while the same amount of Coca-Cola contains 97 calories, Pepsi-Cola contains 100 calories. You can see the heat was more than juice is widely believed high calorie soda. So concentrate more nutritious fruit juice, children often drink easily become chubby pier , but also to make children prefer sweets , increasing the risk of obesity in children . Freshly squeezed juices contain high fructose , adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular A lot of fructose in fruit juice is very easy by the liver into fat, University of California scientists Stanhope noted that large amounts of fructose intake may increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The researchers at the University of Denver in the American Society of Nephrology annual meeting reported that the study found that a daily intake of more than 74 grams of fructose , will greatly increase the risk of high blood pressure Freshly squeezed juice vitamin wastage , easy to make the elderly constipation Many people think , freshly squeezed fruit juice does not make the loss of nutrients , is very nutritious, but after a lot of studies have found that the process of freshly squeezed fruit of various nutrients will suffer , especially fruits rich in vitamins contained serious loss . Researchers fresh out of the cucumber juice , pear juice, watermelon juice, carrot juice were measured and found that there are varying degrees of loss of vitamins , even the most serious loss of 90 % of the vitamin , this result is very surprising ! And after fresh fruit cell wall is damaged, the vitamin C will be exposed to oxidation in air takes place . Many elderly due to poor dental mouth , in order to supplement the vitamins in fruits will often drink some fruit juice instead of eating fruit , but because fresh during a huge loss of vitamin C , dietary fiber coupled with varying degrees of damage, if long-term drinking, can easily lead to constipation problems. If you liked very much juice , you can also choose to fruits such as apples, pears and other skin pressed together , or can be used instead of fresh juicer mixer , so you can restore some of the vitamin C and dietary fiber. But the best eating fruit or return to the times , to maximize the absorption of nutrients in fruits . If you consider dental mouth problems, you can cut bag factory the fruit to make a delicious fruit salad.

