
Color Affects Mood

Life now , people are increasingly influenced by the color of home design is very particular about the color and tone of the match. Someone asked : child's character formation is also affected by the color of the living environment , some colors will stimulate the appetite. Color really big impact on people 's psychological and emotional it? Why people of color will be affected ?
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Colors affect the nerves and emotions People's personal experience shows that color has an important impact on people's mental activity , in particular, and there is a very close emotional relationship . In various areas of our daily lives , cultural activities , military activities , and so have a variety of colors affect people's mental and emotional . All kinds of people : the ancient ruler , modern entrepreneurs , artists, advertisers , etc. are consciously or unconsciously use color to influence and control people's minds and emotions. People's food, clothing, shelter, but also embodies all the time on the application of color : blue lake wearing summer clothes will make people feel cool , people tune into the sauce of red meat will be more appetite. Color is able to influence people's mental state and mood , that color from the color of nature's innate . Psychologists believe that people 's first impression is visual , and the visual impact is greatest color . The reason why people's behavior affected the color , because human behavior is often dominated by emotions easily . Color is able to influence people's mental state and mood , that color from the color of the innate nature , blue sky , bright red blood , golden sun ...... see these colors with the innate nature the same color , will naturally think of these natural objects associated with the feeling of experience , this is the most original impact. It may also be in different regions , different countries and nationalities, different personalities of some of the common causes of color have a feeling experience. With the development of society, affecting people of color perception Lenovo substances , more and more people feel the colors are also more complex. For example, for green sensory experiences , experienced the " Cultural Revolution" and the experience bag manufacturer of people do not feel this is a not the same. Pink has a soothing effect of mood Pink symbolizes health , is an American common color , but also the women 's favorite color , has the effect of relaxing and soothing mood . There are reports that the Navy confinement in Seattle , San Bernardino , California City Youth House , Los Angeles Veterans Hospital psychiatric ward , the South Bronx asylum good schools for children with ADHD , etc. , are observed pink emotional stability obvious effect. For example, put a manic patients or criminals in solitary confinement in a pink walls of the room , had been jailed soon quiet down ; group of students in the inner wall of the classroom pink , heart rate and blood pressure decreased. Green can improve the effectiveness of fatigue In contrast with the red , green can improve people's hearing sensitivity is conducive to thinking focus , improve efficiency, reduce fatigue. Will make people slow down breathing , lower blood pressure , but in a mental hospital drab colors, especially dark green , easily lead to mental patients hallucinations and delusions . In addition, other colors such as orange, orange original painted gray or black better than the machines in the factory , you can make production efficiency , reduce the accident rate . The plant can no windows painted yellow walls , so you can eliminate or reduce bag factory the tedious manual labor to bring the depressed mood of workers .


Eat Vitamin Food Off Spring Bad Mood

Bad mood leads people asking this question. Likely , you will not encounter guess is unhappy thing ? In fact, you do not know is that in addition to innate character and external stimuli , the body lacks vitamin may also result in a bad mood is the culprit .
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Grumpy , moody - lack of vitamin B1 Vitamin B1 is known as spiritual vitamins, its our nerve tissue and mental state have a certain influence . If the body lacks vitamin B1, could make us grumpy , moody . So, usually do not always eat whole grains , eat swap with whole grains, such as oats , millet, buckwheat , whole wheat bread , etc. These foods are rich in vitamin B1 . Also, try to drink less , preferably not drink, can reduce the loss of vitamin B1 . Agitation, drowsiness impatience - Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 involved in tryptophan , sugar and estrogen metabolism, which , especially the role of its women . Especially before menstruation women taking oral contraceptives , should increase the intake of vitamin B6 , and if insufficient intake , it is easy agitation, drowsiness and impatient. But many people do not realize that not only these , but also because of various reasons to lose weight , and so give up the supplements of vitamin B6 . Want to improve the situation , then eat more grains and vegetables it, such as soybeans , peanuts, cabbage dishes. Meanwhile , do not be afraid to eat meat will destroy your body , because the lamb , beef, pork are natural vitamin B6 supplements. Unresponsive - Vitamin B12 B12 is responsible for the metabolism of nucleic acids and amino acids , while also managing the integrity of the human nervous system . Moreover, vitamin B12 deficiency may bag manufacturer make you feel brain wood , even a little unresponsive. You may wish to use food to feed your brain , like eat animal liver, red meat , eggs, milk and so on. This will provide sufficient energy to the brain , you do not have to wonder whether this brain problem. Fatigue, sleepiness , depression, anxiety - lack of vitamin C Vitamin C can improve the immune capacity with ease the tension effect. Workers living in modern society , vulnerable to depression, frustrated , fatigue , anxiety and other negative emotions distress , eat foods containing vitamin C can help improve mental state. Moreover , it is often stressed before the exam eat more vitamin C -rich fruits and vegetables, but also the truth . Generally , vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin C, such as fresh dates, grapefruit, broccoli , bell pepper and so on. If you do not eat fruit or partial eclipse , you can also choose to oral vitamin supplement bag factory to keep the amount of 100 mg per day can be .


Most Of These Foods Nourish Woman

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1.Red rice . Red rice is rich in starch and plant protein, can complement physical consumption and maintain normal body temperature. It is rich in many nutrients , of which the most abundant iron , so there is blood and prevent anemia effect. And it contains a wealth of phosphorus, vitamin A, B group , you can improve malnutrition, beriberi, night blindness and other illnesses ; can effectively relieve fatigue , lack of energy and insomnia . Contains pantothenic acid , vitamin E, glutathione Teng acid and other substances , there are inhibiting carcinogenic effect, especially in the prevention of colon cancer role is obvious. 2.Oranges. Among the fruits category to acidic fruits contain more vitamin C, today's nutrition, vitamin C has been unanimously praised as one of antioxidants. Its three main functions : hinder free radicals damage cells and reduce the aging process ; avoid preservatives sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite into carcinogenic nitrosamines . For cancer patients much protection, especially stomach and esophagus ; inhibiting the oxidation of bad cholesterol and protect the good cholesterol , maintaining healthy blood vessels and heart . Direct consumption or freshly squeezed orange juice can. 3.Carrots. Carrots contain a lot of material inside can promote gastrointestinal motility cellulose , B vitamins , potassium, magnesium , helps flush the body of waste , constipation and acne have a very good therapeutic effect. Carrots contain some saccharification enzymes to break down food starch , fat and other ingredients to make the decomposition of the body to fully absorb and use , so the carrot is a very good diet food . Carrots contain carotene in the skin may promote increased hemoglobin and improve the quality of blood and blood concentration , plays a significant role in the treatment of anemia . Radish also contains a lot of iron , helps blood. 4.Tomatoes. According to nutritionists determination: consumption of 50 grams per person per day -100 grams of fresh tomatoes, to meet the needs of the body of several vitamins and minerals. "Tomato element" containing tomatoes , inhibit bacterial action ; malic acid , citric acid and sugar , helps digestion function. Tomatoes are rich in nutrients , there are a variety of functions to be called magical fruit dishes . It is rich in vitamin A in the human body into vitamin A, can promote bone growth , prevent rickets, a good effect bag manufacturer dry eye syndrome , night blindness and certain skin diseases . 5.Salmon . A survey published last year, the World Health Organization , pointed out that the Japanese are in Asia the most long-lived group . Of course, thanks to this winning Japanese advocating low-fat diet, eat salmon and drink green tea habit. Salmon fats are Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial category. 6.Red wine . Drinking red wine is good for the skin reason : red wine extract, can control the aging of the skin - a strong anti- corruption often occur in the plant kingdom substances in red wine it contains . And there are more than 10 kinds of ingredients, especially the red pigment produced contain ingredients that can prevent damage to the active oxygen, the effect is obvious. Female body fat content will be greatly increased during pregnancy , postpartum drink some wine , which antioxidants can prevent the oxidation of fat bag factory accumulation on the body 's recovery is helpful .


Spawned A Good Mood

With the increasing pressure of life , many people 's happiness index getting low , so that makes a lot of people in a bad mood all day . In fact , to get rid of a bad mood is also very easy , as long as you always give yourself some positive psychological suggestion , and some conventional mental health care can be. Next , small details of some of the first to bring you good mood psychological implications .
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1.Express their feelings There is a psychology " introspection " is sobering to observe deep within yourself , then the results observed truthfully speak out. 2.As the failure of the last Everyone will not go well , I tried and failed when most unhappy to say to yourself : "This is most unfortunate , and there will be no more than this unfortunate thing happened ." Since most unfortunate things has happened, then there is nothing to be afraid of it ? 3.Avoid emotional downturn Everyone has their own "emotional cycle" , sometimes people will inevitably fall into inexplicable emotions downturn phase . Then you should first do some simple work, do not add to their heavy burden. 4.Do not know to cherish after losing The happiest people do not necessarily have the best of everything , they just fully cherish everything encountered in life . Therefore, there is the most valuable around , pay attention to these people and things , care and bag manufacturer attention to them , over time, you will get more "spiritual wealth ." 5.Adjust the mood You can use the "auto warm-up" approach to adjust their mood , like cars on the road should be carried out before the engine warm-up , in order to ensure the car as good driving condition . When you have just eaten lunch yet thoroughly freed from the lazy , the first having to rush to work . You can communicate with colleagues about the first , or first read about the morning's work logs, to their feelings after the " warm-up " , and then with a new look into working condition. 6.Do not emphasize the negative consequences Do not always give yourself some of these reminders , " I'm doing it wrong ," and " that is where I lost his wallet " and so on . More so, the heart will be more intense . Therefore, to avoid the failure of the old with the lesson to remind themselves, and should be bag factory more motivated to use some hints .


Four Colors Can Help Women Reduce Anxiety

Color can not only with the world, but also bring good mood to people. The proper use of color can help people feel just like a fish in water in communication, especially in the following 4 kind of colors, to create a relaxed environment, but also can relieve anxiety symptoms.
Blue Is the color of the sea and the sky, give a person calm, quiet, lofty feeling. Work in the blue environment can improve efficiency, therefore many desk baffle is blue. Blue can improve memory, soothe anxiety. If the child before the exam was too nervous, difficulty sleeping, might as well give him put on the blue sheet and quilt. Blue also represents loyalty, the interview wearing blue clothes are a good choice. Violet On behalf of rearing, can balance the heart, relax the soul. Some schools the Russian white bulbs into purple, to develop students' intelligence. Purple can stabilize the mood of the pregnant women, so pregnant women may choose a purple Home Furnishing suit, prevent antenatal depression. Pink A relaxation effect. Pink can reduce the secretion of adrenal hormones, let the angry man soon calm down. Lonely and depressed people may wish to choose pink sheets. Obstetric and pediatric nurses generally wear pink uniforms, to the newborn has soft, warm feeling, but also can reduce the hospitalized children robes instinctive fear. Like to wear bag manufacturer powder shirt male employees are generally more confident, more active interpersonal communication, good at regulating the atmosphere of the office, also pay more. Green Is the color of life, life giving vigorous feeling. Green environment can make skin temperature decreased by 1 - 2 degrees Celsius, heartbeat by 4 - 8 times / min, even breathing, benefit the recuperation rehabilitation. Irritability of the people should be treated with tender green bedspread. The walls and the medical staff uniforms operation room and intensive care unit are mostly shallow green, can reduce the fear of critically bag factory ill patients, but also on behalf of the tenacious vitality.F


What Should Be Done In The Morning Feeling Better?

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1 . The alarm clock is set to the sounds of nature . In ancient times, people have no alarm clock, but heard the cock birds will know to get up. Now many people are afraid to get up , used to be the world's best alarm clock is set to the music from that noisy alarm suddenly woke up feeling often brings feelings of irritability . Music can relax and feel good , like the sound of water , the gentle sounds of birds , etc., can make people feel, so that the tension can be eased. So you can set the alarm first sounds of nature so that they wake up from a state of relaxation . 2 full-length mirror placed in front of a confident posture. Specifically singled out 10 minutes every morning, time to dress themselves , to try different colors and mix in front of the mirror and then put a confident posture, to greet the new day . Bristol American psychologist , said people are confident in the mirror , with a good mood. First of all, standing straight before the mirror, smiling to myself , to see their positive and optimistic image. Then , think a few fun things to experience good feelings and spiritual dialogue. Then, three or four deep breaths , let this feeling pass through the body , and more assured of their own ability and determination. 3 eat hot breakfast . A nutritious breakfast should include four types of foods: grains ( bread , bread , corn, etc. ) ; meat and eggs ( protein-rich foods ) ; milk ( calcium ) ; vegetables and fruits . If these foods for breakfast every day can , in order to ensure nutritional balance. In addition, every morning should be left for 15-20 minutes at the table before dinner time , do not eat while walking , or buy some biscuits and other snacks as soon as possible, so easy to malnutrition. 4 . Watching TV for a while . Eat breakfast or drink in the gap , it may pick up the day's newspaper , browse news , or watch TV , it allows you to get the latest news , harvested like to read content and gain a good mood. If you need a long subway and other public transport , you can take a newspaper , while maintaining a bag manufacturer balanced state read, add some talk of the day's work . 5 to get up early to do chores . Get up early to do housework ? It sounds like some strange. Researcher Joel Huber said , those who get up at 7 am and fitness, doing chores or work , often more prominent than the people who work nights and have depression, psychological stress and obesity increases the chances are lower . " The early people healthier and happier , and healthier physical indicators ." Too late to pull out those long period of time for people who do morning exercises , doing housework not only make the home more tidy , but also play the role of physical exercise . To the balcony poured water the flowers , sweep the floor , etc. are all good choices . Through the above approach not only allows you to eat a nutritious breakfast in the morning rush , but also help you in a day's work , the study has a good mood. Not because it 's in the morning , irritability , resulting in bag factory negative emotions, thus affecting the work .


Spring Health Diet Principles

In Spring , the first most important thing is to start from the diet , but the diet is different according to the individual's constitution and choose , for we are not in favor of human health tonic lot of spring mainly light-based diet , Eat spicy , dry food ; frail people can amount to using ginseng, velvet , cordyceps and other supplements . We look in Spring diet should pay attention to the details.
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First,adequate intake of inorganic salts and vitamins : Spring eating foods rich in vitamin C to our body with anti- viral effect , these foods are cabbage , tomatoes , rape and other vegetables , as well as lemons , apples and other fresh fruit ; eating foods rich in vitamin A can protect suck suck on respiratory tract epithelial cells and enhanced features, such as amaranth ; eating foods rich in vitamin E can improve immunity , reduce the incidence of the disease, these foods such as sesame, cauliflower and so on. Second, choose to eat light food : Spring is the most prosperous period of anger , because we are missing the whole winter sports in the winter is a good tonic season , many people are eating a relatively up , so to pay special attention to the spring regimen Liver, Liver . Anger Wang words from the surface will affect the spleen, the spleen and stomach will cause illness , so the temperature of the spring diet suitable product selectivity , Eat sour foods ; diet should use light and delicious taste , Eat greasy and spicy food . Third, hepatitis patients can not eat the food : Egg yolk, anger patients fear most is heavier burden on the liver , and egg yolk contains a lot of cholesterol, these substances go through the liver metabolism, thus affecting liver function recovery. Fourth, by Gan less acid : Spring catharsis in liver function are at a most productive season, so we have to eat some food liver inhibit hair growth , such as some sour food , it has taken the role of income convergence , the inhibition of liver has a very good role . But if the liver yin crowd , because like Eat sour foods, excessive liver prevention . Taste mild spring should eat foods such as dates, not only to the spleen and stomach , but also the effect of Yin and blood , as well as yam also bag manufacturer share the spring diet regimen , it has the role of spleen qi, kidney Gujing . Five more porridge : You can eat some of Qi and blood , spleen and stomach , easily absorbed health porridge , usually eaten lunch and dinner . Also to be noted is that many of my friends at work do not eat breakfast habits that are harmful to health , and health eating breakfast porridge is not only a health effect , you can also make you refreshed. Such as chives rice porridge , rice porridge liver . Six , eat more vegetables : Spring is the high fat and skin stomatitis season, these are caused due to insufficient intake of trace elements diseases caused by malnutrition . Because in the spring, to eat some regular season , pollution-free vegetables , in-season vegetables Eat as much as possible , as well as those aspects of eating vegetables , the general should adopt fried or salad , so you can make the nutritional content of vegetables is not destroyed. Seven , eat more fruits : Fruit is not only rich with high nutritional value of plants, we can also enhance the body 's resistance. Spring is part of the rainy season , the weather is fickle , prone to flu season, eat some fruit , can help us keep fit, improve bag factory immunity. Such as: bananas , strawberries , apples, cherries , etc.


These Bad Habits Will Accelerate Your Aging

Age will be written on his face , when we look in the mirror in the wrinkles sigh " old old ", you may never pay attention to the little things in life , perhaps accelerated aging "catalyst ." Experts remind you of the following nine bad habits will accelerate the aging , in order to maintain youthful vigor , and they hastened to say goodbye !
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1.Do not eat fat Some people to lose weight, to reject all foods containing fat . However , seven nutrients the body needs , indispensable, some fat is to keep you look younger and youthful vigor necessary factor. Studies have shown that fish oil , walnuts and flaxseed are rich in omega-3 fatty acids , not only can promote heart health , but also to keep the skin soft, plump , flexible, regulate oil secretion, helps reduce wrinkles. Other studies show that more fish can protect the skin from UV damage , which will help protect the skin collagen , thereby helping to prevent sagging or drooping . Experts recommend not to lose weight do not eat fat , you can reduce animal offal , fat intake of high- fat foods , but to eat more eggs, nuts , fish as a supplement , it is best to eat fish twice a week guarantee . In addition, soy products are rich in vegetable protein , retard aging , should be appropriate to eat . 2.For a long time watching TV A sports medicine research on 11,000 Australians aged 25 and over found that watching TV one hour per adult life will be shortened 22 minutes , the average person watching TV six hours a day , less than the people who do not watch TV live five years. On the one hand , watching TV so that you reduce the activity , and when you sit more than 30 minutes , the body begins to store sugar into cells , the passage of time may make you overweight, physical decline, premature aging ; on the other hand , you may fall into the Television show the negative emotions, leading to sadness , depression , which affects sleep , looked old. In addition, the TV itself will bring some harm to the skin . Do not watch TV more than one hour a day , you can also do some simple when you watch TV sports , such as rejection of the arm , chest , hips, slapping the body and so on. 3.Tummy to sleep Many white-collar workers will lie on the desk lunch , this humble little habits , it may make wrinkles more quickly climb your face. There are two major reasons for this , one is not only oppressive tummy sleeping chest and respiratory system also affects the facial skin blood circulation, blood circulation and good human skin rosy, poor circulation easier to wrinkle ; two increase with age , after waking up face was pressed out of the fold will become increasingly difficult to rebound , and may even become permanent wrinkles. So, it's best to bag manufacturer sleep lying down lunch or backed chair , raise the legs a little sleep . 4.Long drink with a straw A lot of people used to drink with a straw , while more health, on the other hand to avoid dark drinks on tooth surfaces pigmentation. However , long-term repeat an action, relatively more prone to wrinkles, such as long-term use would increase the straw mouth wrinkles, squint to see what the long-term will increase eye wrinkles . Experts suggest that it is best not to use a straw to drink long drinks , you can drink the beverage into the cup . 5.Excessive pressure Some studies suggest that long-term stress can trigger the release of free radicals , resulting in the aging of cells responsible for controlling the destruction , thus speeding up the aging process. Pressure will result in excessive thinking , anxiety, depression and other negative emotions , resulting in poor quality of sleep, so hair loss , white hair, poor skin elasticity , wrinkles and premature aging , etc. Early performance . A study published in a British hospital also showed that stress is causing some people wrinkle , aging of the main reasons. Experts suggest that , try not to deal with many things at the same time , it is best to concentrate, to complete one thing to do the next thing , so not only can improve the efficiency , quality assurance , but also to resolve part of the pressure. Of course , learning science is critical to release the pressure , movement , singing, chatting, painting, music , etc. are all good " release valve ." Tired can bag factory also arrange a tour , to release physical and mental nature .


Spring Fitness Five Recipe

Languid body dormant for half the winter, hibernating also the end , do not do a rotten dead snake eel , wake up wake up D D awake D! Do not say we wake you up , do not exercise in spring , seasons, spirit to , because " at the spring ," spring fitness program may have to be some careful planning can not .
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The first party to warm up before exercise Spring workout must pay attention to science . Before entering the exercise question, the most basic is to be ready when the activities . In addition to the cold of winter brings us there is stiff : the body organs , such as organs, muscle function are at a low level , bones and ligaments is very stiff , bent low hastily body , high kick toes, and even hips, skipping, are likely to cause sports injuries. Especially those engaged in strenuous exercise before , " warm-up " is ultimately , this is to prevent muscle and bone damage suffered . Second party , go outside Woods , rivers, lake air, these places are rich in a kind of negative oxygen ions , which have cough , fatigue , regulate nerve , blood pressure , sedation and other effects. Site selection in outdoor sports , can improve breathing, blood circulation, metabolism and the state , the more practice the more spiritual , even " Chun Kun " kind of annoying things are difficult to close. Third party , the time and the weather is very critical We often have this misconception : Every morning exercise is best. However, studies show that many scientists , the evening is the best sport in the day time, especially outdoor sports . Research shows that one day , the content of human platelets is a certain variation in the afternoon and evening morning platelet volume about 20% lower than in blood viscosity reduced by 6 % in the morning is likely to cause poor blood circulation and heart attack , etc. problem, and then later in the afternoon to reduce the risk of many . And in the evening , the body has been through most of the day 's activities, the best response to the motion , the maximum oxygen uptake , exercise effect is more obvious. As in the morning between meals , are concentrated in the blood after meals to aid digestion and absorption of the digestive tract , the blood flow to the extremities Games hinder digestion effect , over time it is inevitable there will digestive diseases , the body will have weaker postprandial hypotension, syncope , etc., are not suitable bag manufacturer at this sport . Workout schedule in the evening , to avoid these possible. The fourth side , just enough to sweat If you feel cooler weather , such as physical exercise to be only a slight fever reduction clothing, so that the body is in a relatively good state of comfort . People always think that the more sweat , exercise better, it is not. Under appropriate circumstances temperatures , sweating definitely have a good training effect . But spring and summer temperatures relatively cool compared to , excessive sweating pores easy , cool and wet gas get inside the body, the body tends to be cold and catch a cold , and induce respiratory diseases, the consequences could be very serious. Therefore, the spring should not exercise excessive sweating , sweating almost immediately , and also immediately wipe sweat during a workout , put on clean clothes , to prevent cold. If you have a cold, or should not participate in physical exercise , but should get more rest , heal and then participate in the exercise to be cold to do . Persist as long as 30 minutes , three times a week , or twice a day, every 15 minutes aerobic exercise , such as walking , climbing, skipping, jogging, gymnastics, outdoor , spring is a good exercise. The fifth party , the exercise required "cold body" Corresponds to the pre- exercise "warm up" , after the motion to pay attention to the "cold body ." Exercise can accelerate blood circulation , if not with some simple rhythm slow motion , blood can not automatically adapt to sudden changes in the body , blood pressure suddenly drop , cardiac insufficiency , coma or even cause shock and death . Simple walking about 5 minutes , can effectively eliminate fatigue. When the pulse bag factory slows to 120 times less , your " cold body movement" to have served its purpose .


How To Maintain Competition In The Workplace Mental Health?

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First, we should have a correct understanding of the competition . The key is to properly deal with failure , have outdone the entrepreneurial spirit . Secondly, to have an objective assessment of their own just the right efforts to narrow the "ideal me" and the "real me" gap. When setting goals, neither ambitious nor belittle , make long-term goals and short-term goal of organic unity , down to earth step by step to start , so that it helps the "ideal me" eventually . Furthermore, in the competition to be able to assess the situation and weaknesses . If you pay attention to mining in combat , then , is likely to result in a new situation , " vista" . This can not only increase the chances of success and reduce frustration , and will lay a good foundation for further development and the win . Of course , of course, gratifying success , failure is also a clear conscience , if you realize from a lot of truth or knowledge learned in the competition , an increase of competence, then this failure may be more valuable , who said it was not successful tomorrow start it? There are tips to maintain emotional stability Do not make unrealistic goal of their own , should the plan be within the scope of their ability ; expectations of others, not too high , to avoid disappointment ; resolve anger , avoid gaffes and regret ; make the necessary compromises and concessions in order to avoid a fuss ; leave stimulus to avoid irritation develops ; find close friends , pour their hearts out to relieve mental depression ; do good for others , charity , so lonely ; period of time to concentrate on doing one thing only , to avoid excessive transaction to yourself causing mental stress ; do not compete with people everywhere , in order to avoid psychological stress ; expand interpersonal avoid ignorant ; entertain, to avoid trouble smoldering . Ebb into how to do the work ? Language era of information explosion , you find yourself getting mediocre, originally IQ make you proud I do not know where to go . Face enormous pressure to work to bring you mental fatigue during the day and at night tossing and turning , over time , his mind a bag manufacturer familiar idea brewing off - I do not want to work. Thought there would be out of the ivory tower and do not want to go to school idea, who knows the unexpected happened ; hand your work performance lack of creativity , lack of achievements, but on the other hand you have to spend a lot of time to deal with those make you hate your boss and colleagues described both embarrassed about . Faced with this dilemma , who could not help but make you full of pride and thousands of tired , so you had to escape the boredom of ideas . Ever since this idea, your emotions getting low, tough eight hours gradually devouring your happiness and smile. Looking at piles of work on hand , but could not get work ethic. Yipiao secretly glanced at the wall clock , hour, minute, as if at a snail move , then secretly glanced Yipiao colleagues on the table , mischievous and want others to like themselves bored . Caught in this kind of work waiting for the manager to find its ebb talk to you , it is better to take bag factory the initiative , get yourself out of a low ebb, to make a real career expert.


Exercise Diet Attention

If you want an effective fitness , then you need to select a different diet depending on the movement method, which is the scientific method , so that it can achieve a multiplier effect of fitness .
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Strength training more than make up a protein for strong muscles trained , some people often carry dumbbells , barbells and other strength training . Such a large amount of exercise workout , heavy load, need more protein , in order to ensure adequate energy intake per kilogram of body weight should be 1 to 1.5 grams of protein. Recommendations can eat beef, tendons , fish maw , tenderloin , clams, mussels, low-fat yogurt and other foods, because they are better able to help muscle tissue growth. Love to play more soup table tennis, badminton , tennis can train a person's reaction speed and flexibility , in addition to a normal diet , you can drink some soup, which is rich in calcium and some amino acids also help exercise. Because of these sports activities makes visual tension , should be given adequate vitamin A or carotenoids, the amount of cod liver oil can be taken when necessary . Learn to dance eat rice for people who want to stay in shape , gymnastics , dance sport should be preferred , but this movement does not consume a lot of fat . Thus , in the diet , intake of calories and fat should be bag manufacturer lower , mainly carbohydrates to provide energy. Rice is a carbohydrate supplement the best food , exercise can make you more energetic . With the movement of time and change , if appropriate to add some sugar healthy drinks such as milk, juice, milk and so sweet in the morning before exercise, exercise , you can eat fiber-rich crackers or bread , the best in the sport again after 30 minutes eat. If the exercise time in the afternoon or evening, choose food grains, fruits , starches , vegetables , exercise in a half-hour postprandial further . After exercise can add low-fat yogurt or a bag factory small piece of bread as needed , but do not eat too much.


Overcome The Psychological Anxiety Disorder?

Now, fast-paced life , so many people feel the psychological pressure, psychological problems have emerged . Anxiety disorders have become a common modern mental illness . Anxiety disorders adversely affect the mental and physical will . In addition to overcoming the psychological anxiety medication, but also through other tips.
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1.Relaxation methods. Anxiety disorders can lead people in palpitation, muscle tension, body trembling and other adverse reactions state. Relaxing the body can relieve the discomfort , let anxiety eased. Relaxing the body through deep breathing can help make sense of tension disappear, thereby overcoming the psychological anxiety . 2.Adaptation . Anxiety object to brave face , this is the best way to overcome anxiety and psychological . Anxiety grams to fear a situation down into several smaller goals, step by step, you can gradually adapt to this scenario , it is no longer the face of the future anxiety. 3.Pay attention to rest . You can easily rest the body and mind , reduce mental anxiety. So, always pay attention to ensure adequate sleep . Hot bath before going to bed for sleep quality more helpful. 4.Talk method . Easy is a good way to solve psychological anxiety can talk through our inner thoughts are expressed. Let those who are confided to become your bag manufacturer supporters to help you survive, stay away from anxiety. 5.Remain optimistic . Self-confident , let us face various difficulties can be overcome , thereby resolving the psychological anxiety. When you lack confidence , might be self-suggestion . 6.Divert attention . If you think the recent upset , you can divert attention by the body and mind relaxation , allowing you to temporarily ease the psychological pressure . Divert attention can listen to music, walking and other outdoor . A friend of psychological anxiety disorder patients to timely psychological adjustment , relaxed body and mind in order to ease the psychological anxiety bag factory to avoid aggravating mental illness .


BMW X4 Real Juzhao Exposure

Recently, foreign media exposure of a group of real Juzhao BMW X4, the new car will debut at the New York Auto Show in April. The car is also scheduled to be formally introduced to the country during the year.
BMW X4 had already released the official figure, X4 is the internal code F26, this spy car is being photographed in Munich, Germany, the car uses a deep blue paint, and equipped with a 18-inch multi-spoke wheels. As the Coupe version of the model BMW X3, X4 overall compact design, dynamic headlamps group connected with the grille, tail lights use LED light source.
Dynamic aspects, X4 will be equipped with a variety of petrol engines, including the maximum power of 184 hp 2.0T low-power engine (xDrive20i 0-100km / h acceleration time of 8.1 seconds), high power 245 hp 2.0T engine (xDrive28i 0-100km / h acceleration time of 6.4 seconds) and the 306-horsepower 3.0T engine (xDrive35i 0-100km / h acceleration time of 5.5 seconds). Gasoline engine is matched Seat Cover Factory with the 8-speed tiptronic gearbox.


How To Choose Healthy Cooking Oil?

"Oil should always change the eating ," has been known to most people , but few people know that the oil should choose according to their own eating habits.
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For healthy people, if you usually eat pork, beef, mutton , which get a lot of animal fat , stop eating animal oil as much as possible , and may be appropriate to eat rich in polyunsaturated fatty oils such as soybean oil, corn oil and sunflower seed oil , animal oil as a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. If the person is a vegetarian , diet, the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acid is too large, little saturated fat , monounsaturated fatty acids can be selected more tea seed oil , olive oil , etc., and a certain amount of saturated fatty acids , peanut oil, rice bran oil as cooking oil , fatty acid composition play a role in the balance . Not pursue a vegetarian , but eat much meat on weekdays healthy people , can also occasionally uses animal fat to cook dishes. Like home cooked chicken , stewed pork ribs above the oil , do not write it away, you can remove and let cool to cook with , cook bag manufacturer melon, cooked vegetables are a good choice . If you usually eat a lot of soy , soy bean oil substances from the already ingested polyunsaturated fatty acid intake is adequate , it is not necessary to use every day, soybean oil, sunflower oil , corn oil to cook , you can use olive oil , tea seed oil, peanut oil, rice bran oil fatty acid containing more monounsaturated fat to cook . If you usually eat peanuts and more, so you can properly when selecting edible oil peanut choose to look outside . In short, the goal is to promote the choice of edible fatty acid balance can not only consider the oil itself, but also take into account the content of their diet , comprehensive coordination. Another matter what kind of oil is selected , you should be aware that cooking oil daily limit is 25 to 30 grams. Then "healthy" oils are only good for preventing heart disease , in which the fat content is over 99% , and the energy bag factory contained in amazing , people will eat more fat .


How Conditioning Relationships?

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First,respect for others Self-esteem is that everyone has and it is very important for everyone 's inner feelings . Before human emotion is mutual, only learn to respect others , be possible to gain the respect of others . A person who know how to respect others , tend to get people's praise and recognition. So , be very , very good to survive in the workplace in the community continues, respect for others is bound to become the first major principles of interaction with others , based on fundamental workplace of becoming . The second valid expression People often say : not afraid of you knowledge , afraid you do not understand the expression . In the workplace among people engaged in almost any work is needed to communicate with other people collaborate together to complete. In this process, we encounter fear not those who have no experience , not those who are not highly educated people , nor those IQ mediocre people, we fear most is experiencing good at communication, can not express their own people . Some people just because they do not express themselves effectively resulting in delays in the work process , and even affect the smooth progress of work items . Originally paced modern workplace work quickly , so people are less willing to work with colleagues in expressing poor colleagues . If you happen to be one that people can not effectively express , then over time you will find that my colleagues are not willing to work with you up . So, in the workplace, working among the skills is the most important and effective expression . This requires that we have to exercise their ability to express accurately the actual intent ; hand requires us to communicate with people to spare between work and fully understand what they have to say is , what purpose is to be achieved , need bag manufacturer each other What support is given . The third good listener Today's workplace is open to the atmosphere Generally speaking , basically everyone has their own ideas and personality. Everyone loves to express their ideas , stand up for yourself . Yet this is what has led to many interpersonal conflicts among the workplace . People often only concerned with their own thoughts, their feelings , and rarely to listen to ideas and emotions of others. So , as long as you learn to listen to others , then you will get more people's recognition and goodwill, friendship and thus get more opportunities. The fourth question with an open mind In the past, the sub-points , will work hard to get the leadership , colleagues unanimously approved , and may even become a unit , the plant model workers . But in today's workplace , just by working hard is not enough. Only know that hard, but do not know to communicate with people , who do not understand the question is not open-minded team welcomes people . We can even say that there is no problem of staff not good employees. Humbly ask questions to understand not only the segment to achieve sustained progress. Each question is open-minded staff within the enterprise should have the basic quality. Question of the object can be colleagues , it can be higher , lower ...... In short, people know bag factory how to humbly question is who will work , they will be welcome people .


Health Sciences Drinking Water Elements

World Health Organization survey found that: The current drinking habits of the people to determine their health status 10 years later . Specific performance merits of the physiological and neurological , mental function , and whether prone to stones, gout , cancer and obesity . According to a national survey of the United States , some people ( especially infants , the elderly and athletes ) often do not feel thirsty , or can not fully express the feeling of thirst , so always in mildly dehydrated condition.
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Drinking also talk about balance To pay attention to the balance of water , too , too much , too little will have an impact on the body. For example, when the body of water accounted for 1% of body weight , you will feel thirsty , and it will affect thermoregulatory function ; accounted for 2% of the time , will produce a sense of depression , decreased appetite ; while accounting for more than 3% , may cause lack of concentration , headaches , irritability , and even fainting. Scientific drinking water elements Element 1 - active drinking The only reason a lot of people are feeling thirsty drinking water . However , the physiological reaction with water thirsty state of the body is not synchronized - "thirsty " lagging behind. When people feel thirsty, the body part of the cell is already in a state of dehydration . At this point , even if the drink, too late . So , we called passive drinking water when thirsty . If the long-term passive drinking water, the body will be in the long-term dry state , is not conducive to the normal metabolism of the human body. In order to avoid the body's long-term water shortage , we advocate active drinking water, so they do not appear thirst . Initiative is not only conducive to drinking water metabolism, but also play a role " in the wash" is conducive to improving endocrine and visceral functions , improve immunity . Element 2 - Quantitative drinking Different ages have different requirements for moisture . Elderly daily water intake can be controlled at about 1500 ml . In the case of sweating , all adults should be increased water intake , while the amount of added salt ( 1000 ml of water plus 2 grams of salt ) or fruits bag manufacturer to maintain body water and electrolyte balance. Element 3 - to formulate a timetable of drinking water Everyone should follow their daily life and work characteristics , develop their own drinking schedule and perseverance. Element 4 - develop proper drinking habits Do not disposable drink plenty of water ( more than 500 ml disposable drink ) . Drink plenty of water in a short time , not only easily affect the digestive function, perspiration can cause reflex hyperactivity, increase the burden on the heart and kidneys. Do not drink when thirsty two saliva trouble . Thirsty to drink water has a passive , if just casually drink two saliva trouble, it is difficult to alleviate water shortages in vivo state . The proper way of drinking water : a one-time full glass of water ( 200 ml ) was slowly drinking , so you can make the body effectively absorb. The elderly can be a cup of water 2 times ( each 100 ml ) was slowly drinking . Element 5 - early in the morning to drink a glass of water Every morning drink a glass of water , the water can be quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract , not only can effectively reduce blood viscosity , accelerate blood circulation , but also the expansion of blood vessels, increase blood vessel elasticity, and purify the blood , especially conducive to high blood pressure, cerebral embolism prevention and treatment of disease. Morning drinking can effectively prevent constipation . Therefore , it is recommended that people drink 250 ml of warm water in the morning every day . Element 6 - to control the temperature of the water The water temperature is too high or too low are not suitable for drinking. Hot water burns easily in the mouth, esophagus and gastric mucosa , has proven to be a physical factor leading to the upper gastrointestinal tract cancer , and ice is apt to cause gastrointestinal spasms . Suitable water temperature : boiling water for 3 minutes, to be cooled to 20 ~ 25 ℃. At this time , the gas in water is reduced, to increase the cohesion , enhanced affinity for human cells . Regular consumption bag factory of such water , the effect is best achieved .


How To Ease Your Mental Anxiety?

When faced with a major decision, you may appear heartbeat , chest depressed and so on. This indicates that you are now in a state of anxiety . In fact, anxiety is a normal psychological thing , just to ease everyone correctly , quickly restored. But how to properly mitigate these psychological anxiety it?
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1.Adequate sleep Lack of sleep can lead to serious consequences: not only affects our physical health , but also cause anxiety and tension throughout the day . Sometimes a vicious cycle, because the anxiety usually hinder sleep. Especially when you feel irritability , try to develop a seven - nine hours of sleep plan , belly full sleep a few nights to see daytime anxiety is not reduced. 2.Smile Let us work when depressed , the rapid adjustment under attitude, giggling a few times now . Studies have shown that laughter can relieve depression and anxiety , so you can find some funny scripts from the network to calm tense nerves. 3.Simplifying the brain Substance simplify = psychological simplified. If the place of work in chaos , it is difficult to relax and make the work even more messy cumbersome. So spend 15 minutes or so tidy room or desk , and develop a good habit to keep things clean . These can help us to think more rationally , there is no chance of anxiety. 4.The expression of gratitude Thanksgiving often read studies confirm helps reduce anxiety , especially when we rested after . So abandon tired mind, open your mind with bag manufacturer gratitude the way of gratitude it. 5.Eat food Anxiety makes our body whack : appetite will also change . In order to provide the necessary support to the body , should choose foods rich in vitamin B and Ω-3 and other nutrients , and with a healthy whole grain carbohydrates. Study confirmed vitamin B and a good mental state , whereas Ω-3 can reduce depression and anxiety disorders . Whole grain carbohydrates can help regulate the body serotonin - a way for us to " feel good" , and keep the peace of mind of neurotransmitter - levels. Note, however, eat a high sugar content and processed foods will increase anxiety symptoms. 6.Meditation Now we should all know that meditation is to relax , but scientists also found that meditation actually increases gray matter in the brain - may cause the body to reduce pressure on the material . Many professionals have emphasized the positive role of meditation for anxiety , mood and stress symptoms . In addition , meditation is also a way to observe the brain , let's figure out intriguing anxiety in the end is how to produce . And to understand the brain's thinking helps keep us away from those negative emotions. 7.Absolutely quiet Scheme for some time , let yourself completely isolated from the outside world . Start with a short time to start their own in order to continue, even if it is a short 5 minutes walk. Mean absolute quiet in the meantime you turn off the phone , turn off the TV , do not look at the mail , do not watch the news , do not look at all turned off . Let others during this time can not contact you, so that you can get away from worries. Excessive noise will increase the level of tension , it is in a noisy daily life for themselves leaving absolutely quiet moments it. 8.Plan ahead Methods advance to resist anxiety is prepared in advance . Try to develop a work plan or to-do lists , to develop good habits to improve work efficiency . So spend ten minutes every morning with its crazy looking for the keys , it would put the key into the home every day to develop the same place habit. The night before to find clothes to wear , installed sports bag and place it on the door, or in advance bag factory given lunch. Must be prepared in advance in order to avoid the anxiety generated .


How To Diet For Care Stomach?

Indigestion is a common phenomenon , for those indigestion friends, pay attention to proper diet is crucial very important, you often troubled upset stomach ? Xiaobian to recommend to you a few good care of gastrointestinal food , usually eat to help you solve some of indigestion .
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1.Barley and malt Vitamins (vitamin food ) A, B, E , and amylase, maltose , grape ( grape food ) , invert sugar enzyme , allantoin , protein ( protein food ) enzymes , fats and minerals. Barley allantoin can promote the healing of gastrointestinal ulcers . 2.Yogurt In addition to milk, yogurt contains all the nutrients , the prominent feature is rich in lactic acid , can break down lactose in milk into lactic acid . For lack of human gastrointestinal enzyme lactate or drinking fresh milk is easy to diarrhea , can be changed yogurt . Lactic acid can inhibit the in vivo growth of mold , can prevent the use of antibiotic drugs flora caused . Lactic acid bacteria can also prevent corruption arising from the accumulation of toxic proteins decompose , which have anti-cancer effects , the role of yogurt mild diarrhea to prevent elderly ( aged foods ) who constipation ( constipation food ) . 3.Apple ( Apple Food ) Apple not only diarrhea, but also catharsis. Which tannic acid , alkali and other organic substances contained in a convergence effect , which contain pectin can absorb toxins. Mild diarrhea for simple , single eating apples can stop diarrhea. Apple containing cellulose ( cellulose food ) can stimulate peristalsis and accelerate bag manufacturer defecation, so there laxative effect. 4.Tomatoes Rich in organic acids such as malic acid, citric acid , formic acid , protecting vitamin C, so as not to be destroyed during the cooking process , increase the utilization of vitamins. Tomatoes also contain a special ingredient - tomato pigment , helps digestion , diuretic , helps gastric digestion ( digested food ) fat, vegetarian tomato can inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi , treat angular cheilitis . 5.Orange peel Promote digestion cellulite mainly contains volatile oil (oil products ) have a stimulating effect on the digestive tract , increase the secretion of gastric juice , promote gastrointestinal peristalsis . 6.Tomatoes Tomato can significantly reduce the probability of suffering from pancreatic cancer , it is the best source of vitamin C . Lycopene in tomatoes can prevent cancer and prevention of cardiovascular disease, reduce the incidence of prostate cancer , without salt tomato juice is more beneficial for patients with hypertension and other bag factory cardiovascular diseases, health.


Bad Habit Of Living Accelerate Aging

Everyday bad habits can accelerate the aging process , in order to avoid too fast into the aging state , how should we do it?
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1.Try to eat unheated food: we all know that after cooking the food too , especially the appetite, especially fish and meat cooking over food , tasty especially attractive. However, excessive consumption of these proteins , sugars , and other foods high in fat , great harm to the body 's health . Therefore, nutritionists recommend , try to eat some food without cooking , such as vegetables and salads. 2.Not a long time in the sun : Although the sun can enhance the absorption of calcium , but for a long time in the sun , then the sun's ultraviolet rays will burn the skin , the facial skin pigmentation, wrinkles. Health, health experts recommend the best smear sunscreen when in the sun or sun glasses , etc. , to avoid exercise in the sun , that would accelerate human bag manufacturer aging process. 3.Good for the body to eat more than chew : When eating, chew each bite times the best meals in more than 30 times , this can delay the absorption time of food, to avoid blood glucose levels rise in the rate , if blood glucose levels rise faster, on will accelerate the aging process. 4.The amount of water before going to bed : the body of which 60% -80 % of the weight is made of water , and if the body were excessive water loss , it would cause cell inflammation, blood viscosity , poor blood circulation phenomenon . Health experts recommend that every day must be supplemented with 2 liters of water , especially drinking water before bed is especially important. Because people in the process of sleep , the body will lose a lot of water , if you do not replenish the water , there will be thirsty , myocardial infarction , stroke and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases . Therefore, the bag factory best supplement with water before going to bed elderly.


How To Maintain Competition In The Workplace Mental Health

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First, we should have a correct understanding of the competition . The key is to properly deal with failure , have outdone the entrepreneurial spirit . Secondly, to have an objective assessment of their own just the right efforts to narrow the "ideal me" and the "real me" gap. When setting goals, neither ambitious nor belittle , make long-term goals and short-term goal of organic unity , down to earth step by step to start , so that it helps the "ideal me" eventually . Furthermore, in the competition to be able to assess the situation and weaknesses . If you pay attention to mining in combat , then , is likely to result in a new situation , " vista" . This can not only increase the chances of success and reduce frustration , and will lay a good foundation for further development and the win . There are tips to maintain emotional stability Do not make unrealistic goal of their own , should the plan be within the scope of their ability ; expectations of others, not too high , to avoid disappointment ; resolve anger , avoid gaffes and regret ; make the necessary compromises and concessions in order to avoid a fuss ; leave stimulus to avoid irritation develops ; find close friends , pour their hearts out to relieve mental depression ; do good for others , charity , so lonely ; period of time to concentrate on doing one thing only , to avoid excessive transaction to yourself causing mental stress ; do not compete with people everywhere , in order to avoid psychological stress ; expand interpersonal bag manufacturer avoid ignorant ; entertain, to avoid trouble smoldering . Ebb into how to do the work ? Language era of information explosion , you find yourself getting mediocre, originally IQ make you proud I do not know where to go . Face enormous pressure to work to bring you mental fatigue during the day and at night tossing and turning , over time , his mind a familiar idea brewing off - I do not want to work. Thought there would be out of the ivory tower and do not want to go to school idea, who knows the unexpected happened ; hand your work performance lack of creativity , lack of achievements, but on the other hand you have to spend a lot of time to deal with those make you hate your boss and colleagues described both embarrassed about . Faced with this dilemma , who could not help but make you full of pride and thousands of tired , so you had to escape the boredom of ideas . Ever since this idea, your emotions getting low, tough eight hours gradually devouring your happiness and smile. Looking at piles of work on hand , but could not get work ethic. Yipiao secretly glanced at the wall clock , hour, minute, as if at a snail move , then secretly glanced Yipiao colleagues on the table , mischievous and want others to like themselves bored . The first N drink a cup of coffee today , no matter how much coffee you can stop working brain is useless . Ebb into this kind of work , who can not help you , instead of waiting for managers looking to talk to you , it is better to take the initiative , get yourself bag factory out of a low ebb, to make a real career expert.


The Seven Signal Lack Of Nutrition

What are the symptoms that your body has a lack of nutrition ?
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Anxiety . According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health data , more than 20 million American adults each year have emotional problems such as anxiety , severe susceptible to depression. This happens with a lack of B vitamins , calcium, iron and omega- 3 fatty acids concerned , should pay attention to the deep intake of whole grains and fish . Joint pain. Healthy bone is largely means a healthy body , if you have osteoporosis , arthritis and other bone problems means that you may lack vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin K, and trace elements copper, chromium , zinc, magnesium , molybdenum, should drink milk , eat carrots and other vegetables. Hair , nails and easy to crack. This is the body of B vitamins as well warn you enough protein intake recommended consciously eat meat, fish , eggs , beans and dairy products. Old and fatigue. Always feel physically heavy, listless , then there may be a lack of vitamin C the body, vitamin D and minerals iron, potassium , magnesium, may be bag manufacturer appropriate to eat potatoes, bananas are rich in magnesium, potassium food. Colds . Usually easy to get a cold or flu , might own immune system is poor and requires a conscious multi- vitamin from the diet A, C, D, E and the mineral magnesium, zinc to boost the immune system , such as eating green leafy vegetables, foods rich in vitamin C and kiwi , oranges and so on. Gastroptosis , constipation and other gastrointestinal problems. Description digestive function well, there must be conscious of vitamin B11, B8, B12, and the minerals zinc , will help enhance the protection of the gastrointestinal digestive function, improve digestion and absorption capacity . Zinc-rich foods are animal meat , liver , eggs and oysters . Sleep well. Insomnia often affects health , can cause severe diabetes, heart disease , high blood pressure . Sleep is not practical people should more bag factory vitamin B11, calcium , can promote sleep .


Healthy Dinner Four Should Not To Do

Dinner beauty who always regard as the enemy , his own gain weight attributed to it. It depends on who is busy lifesaver day nutrition depends on it . These two extreme ideas are unacceptable. Gain weight reasons and thousands of genes , lifestyle , exercise, diet has an impact .
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Nutrition relies on a balanced three meals a day to absorb , only one meal a meal effect , if not expect the body like a sponge , to absorb many nutrients it much , then the body will only let you down , you give it more than a can withstand the amount of these nutrients will not work , and sometimes trouble, make you sick . Dinner should not be late The best time to arrange dinner at around 18:00 , try not to exceed 20 o'clock . In general, it is best not to eat after 8:00 something , you can right amount of water. Eat dinner late, shortly after going to bed , potentially increasing the risk of urinary tract stones. Dinner should not eat As we all know , too full to eat dinner will gain weight , but few people know is too full to eat dinner, but it also reduces the quality of our sleep . The so-called " Stomach , lying restless ", if dinner eating too much food , will inevitably cause gastrointestinal burden, intense work continues its information to the brain , it will make us insomnia, long-term satiation dinner easily lead to diseases such as neurasthenia . Dinner bag manufacturer appropriate amount Qi Bafen , to feel hungry , do not overeat . Dinner should not be dirty Hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and dinner too rich intrinsically linked . Chicken, duck , fish, meat, eggs , though they are nutritious goodies , but not suitable to eat dinner , they will make the human body cholesterol levels increased , over time you will naturally induce atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Rich in dietary fiber , vitamins and carbohydrates are the best choice for dinner , whole grains , vegetables, dinner should be the protagonist . Yongnaoguodu day , you can choose light digestible fish food to help improve memory . Dinner should not be sweet Sweets bring us pleasure , will bring us fat and energy , coupled with a reduction after dinner, exercise , fat is more likely to accumulate in the body . Want to maintain a healthy slim body , it is , removed from the bag factory dessert dinner starting today .


Five Useful Method Of Self Pacified

At work and in life , there will inevitably conflict. In many cases , if not controlled, will affect the work intensified conflict and hurt feelings. So , have some self pacified psychological techniques , for everyone, especially young people , are very useful.
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1.Calm Reduce the sound , because the sound of their own feelings will act as a catalyst so that the performance has been more intense impulse up , causing undue consequences ; slow down because of personal feelings once incorporated , speed will follow faster , bringing the voices high , prone to impulsive ; chest to straighten as emotional tone of intense people usually dump chest , chest upright once , it will dilute the impulsive tension , and when the body when forward, will make his face close to each other , which would artificially speech gesture tensions , it will increase even more anger . These three points are insightful voice of experience. 2.Closed listen Difficult to win hearts and minds by arguing absolute , immediate way is to ingratiate themselves with each other , this is definitely not in a fight . When others think you can not agree , and sometimes when they feel it difficult to convince each other , silent listening, make each other aware , obedient people interested in his view , not only to suppress their " gas head " while conducive to weaken and avoid each other "gas head ." " Then the wind flat and calm , then clear water and calm , clear water and then a few fish ", to be " calm ", the reasoning again , to avoid hurt feelings of both large and often receive the desired results. 3.Divert attention Without leaving the scene , and shift his attention to listen to each other in order to avoid the fierce rhetoric , to prevent their further " intensify ." Psychology tells us: people in anger , are often intense excitement in the cerebral cortex , resulting in a time of " narrow sense " phenomenon , and this excitement will further spread of harmful upgrades , and even cause disastrous violent conflict consequences. Diversionary bag manufacturer role is sensibly transferred excitement , active cooling, to prevent deterioration of the conflict. 4.Switch roles In the opinion of the communication process between people , the psychological factors play an important role , people want only their own right , the other party must accept their opinions job. However, because different people within the organization and in life in which the role in dealing with problems , often due to different angles and positions to consider the views of each one . If both sides can not be sensibly insisted was already considering other opinion, can easily lead to conflict. If the parties in the exchange of ideas , it is possible to exchange roles and put yourself think , will understand each other's motives and objectives in the comparison , you will realize that their views are correct , the other side should be accepted , the two sides will be able to avoid large without anger . 5.Liters of rational When conflict occurs , a consequence of estimates in the heart , to think about their responsibilities, to sublimate themselves to be a sensible , open-minded tolerance bag factory of the people there , we will be able to control his mind, ease the tension.